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  • Peace On Earth, can it be?…

    Posted by Jung Roe on 13/11/2022 at 20:45

    No music consistently raise goosebumps in me as much as Mona and Lisa’s music.

    When I listen to this, it makes me believe in angels and a heaven through the gifted talent of Mona and Lisa’s amazing and sublime singing and harmonies. When you can feel so much amazing beauty exists, it makes you believe in something greater. There is nothing more beautiful as when Mona and Lisa harmonize, here Lisa’s angelic highs caressed by Mona’s sublime lows, together evokes such beautiful emotions. I feel so much gratitude to MLT for letting me experience that magic Christmas beauty I once felt as a child.

    The harshness of life as you get older and things happen can sap that joy away, but MLT through their beautiful music bring back that magic and wonder for life you once had as a child, as does the brilliant album WHY? that makes me feel so alive and passionate!!!!

    Jung Roe replied 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Daryl Jones

    14/11/2022 at 18:06

    What a beautiful job of mixing the tracks! Thanks for posting Jung.

    But of course, the biggest thanks are to Mona and Lisa, and I assume Rudi with the compilation /recording skills.

    • Jung Roe

      15/11/2022 at 07:12

      Hey thanks Daryl! Yeah, when MLT released this gem a few years back before Christmas, it’s beauty just blew me away! And I continued listening after Christmas throughout the year. Moments of absolute beauty, and love how they used no instruments, other than the drum, relying on just their vocals. Brilliant singing, brilliant mixing of the tracks, brilliant video, just a shining gem. I always loved The Little Drummer Boy, and they made this all their own. I never heard the David Bowie version before this, but MLT version is it for me.

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