• Christine McVee

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 01/12/2022 at 00:20

    Club members I just learned that Fleetwood Mac’s sweet voice and song writer and keyboard player Christine McVee has passed away. So sad to hear this, with all the star power that Fleetwood Mac had in their line up, I always felt Christine was the rock of that group. Her voice is so sweet and smoothing and her song writing was super. God Bless this sweet angel and her famiy. So many wonderful songs she wrote and sang and my favorite is Over My Head from 1975, when I first heard that song I said wow what a sweet and lovely voice. So lets all say a few prayers for Christine….

    God bless you Christine and thank you for your voice and music. You will be missed.


    Daryl Jones replied 1 year, 9 months ago 9 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • David

    01/12/2022 at 05:09

    Hi Bill. Yes, very sad news. I absolutely agree with your assessment. In a way, she was the Paul McCartney of Fleetwood Mac at its heyday: steady, relatable, and imminently listenable. But today I’m thinking back to this beautiful, sad performance from before her days with Fleetwood Mac, when she was, appropriately, Christine Perfect.


  • Len Upton

    01/12/2022 at 05:11

    …..and did we not all forget, as we sometimes do, another tune, from the Rumours album, Songbird. Christine had a long, and illustrious career, stretching way back before Fleetwood Mac, to the 60’s english folk and blues era. Two fine songs with the same title; that can’t be bad.

  • Walter Music

    01/12/2022 at 12:40

    When I learned of this incredible song writer, performer and singer, passing it took me back to the mid 70’s when I first saw Fleetwood. She was the one that was so down to earth and her ability to write Music and Lyrics was second to none!!! She will be missed by millions because she was one in a million!!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/12/2022 at 14:06

    Yes, I heard yesterday… I’ve always liked both her and Stevie in FM, I got introduced to FM music courtesy of my 2nd oldest brother as he had their ” Rumours ” album and I liked what I heard . May her legacy of music continue on …

  • Michael Rife

    01/12/2022 at 15:13

    So sad to hear that Christine passed away. We would listen to Rumors over and over every Friday night after some time at a local establishment while I was in grad school. Mike.

  • Bill Isenberg

    01/12/2022 at 16:05

    David thanks for sharing that song I’d Rather Go Blind, I never knew she did that song, I remember Rod Stewart doing it on his solo album in 1972. Also Len and Walt, Jacki and Michael thanks for your input too. She just had that voice and talent that captured me, Yes Stevie Nicks is super but Christine captured me more so, as you said down to earth, briliant song writer and yes Songbird from Rumors was a lovely song and I always loved that song, that album came out when I was a senior in High School and I made sure I played that song. So sad she is gone from us but her music will live on forever in my heart.

  • Dana Hart

    01/12/2022 at 18:58

    She had such a wonderful voice. She will live on in her music. RIP sweet lady.

  • Thomas Randall

    01/12/2022 at 23:13

    So very sad, what a great unique voice too. I always really liked her songs. RIP Christine…

    • Daryl Jones

      02/12/2022 at 17:57

      Such a very sad day when Christine passed. She had quite the musical history before the Fleetwood Mac days, but once she joined up with them, she was the driving force in the writing and development of the majority of their 70’s and later music success and popularity. Almost all the hit singles and a good portion of their albums were predominantly her creative juices at work. Buckingham aided in the transition post Green and Welch, but still it was Christine mostly. I always loved her voice, and her talent on the keys was simply outstanding. Songbird will always be her signature for me, but so many other songs she sang the leads on were just so very solid. Stevie Nicks may have been more popular with the fans, but Stevie was brash and testy, Christine was the soft and gentle nudge; their vocal disparity was a complimentary partnership rather than a detrimental tug of war. Christine was the heart and soul of Fleetwood Mac for me.

      Rest well pretty lady.

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