MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Possible to download your music on a external drive to listen

  • David

    07/12/2022 at 16:08

    Hi Roger, I’ve used the “download all albums” button in the “Club Music” section and then moved the folders of MP3 files to a usb drive. I have an AV receiver that accepts usb input. It works fine to interpret the files. It’s worth a try to see if you can just download everything to the USB drive. Maybe try with one album and see how it goes, then cut back to just the MP3s if your playback device gets hung up or is reading files twice or something.

    • Roger J Sky

      07/12/2022 at 22:35

      Thanks for the info

  • Sara Pattern

    07/12/2022 at 20:01

    I found it a little tricker to download to I tunes but after realising I could only do it one song at a time it worked fine. If downloading onto other platforms they download easily

    • Roger J Sky

      07/12/2022 at 22:38

      A bit trickier I’ll keep at it


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