MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion What other songwriters go against the tyrannical narratives of our times?


  • What other songwriters go against the tyrannical narratives of our times?

    Posted by Tobias Kaiser on 21/12/2022 at 16:11

    Reason I joined this club was because I was blown away by the quality and the bold outspokenness in some of the songs of “WHY”. I believe artists who wont sell their soul and have their heart in the right place – like MLT – deserve support!

    Do you guys know anyone else who falls in this category?

    I’ve always been aware of Eric Clapton (sort of in the peripheral), but never really paid attention to his music…. until he started speaking up against the Covid cult! His new songs “This Has Gotta Stop” and “Pompous Fool” really hit home for me!… and that’s also what got me into his older music.

    Another great artist that came to my attention thanks to the crazy world we live in is “Five Times August”. He’s an american indie-artist who’s also just come out with a brand new album (“Silent War”) packed with critical, well done songs! I highly suggest you guys check him out!

    Someone who kind of disappointing me – as a German speaker – (maybe because he’s old and wants his peace) is Reinhard Mey, who back in his days didn’t mince words pointing out the corruption in politics (see: “Narrenschiff”).

    What about you guys? Are there any other songwriters out there who dare to stick it up to the man?

    Tobias Kaiser replied 1 year, 7 months ago 18 Members · 80 Replies
  • 80 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    21/12/2022 at 17:13

    Well, obviously Bob Dylan and Pete Seeger top the list. Another more recent example is Midnight Oil. There are a lot of artists that have had a song or two along those lines even if that wasn’t part of their identity. One favorite that comes to mind is “Signs” by the Five Man Electrical Band” (yet another Canadian nod).

    • Christopher

      31/01/2023 at 01:40

      Sign said long haired freaky people need not apply.

  • Michael Rife

    21/12/2022 at 17:29

    I believe today too many artists are afraid to write such songs because they do not want to alienate around half of their fan base. The world is divided almost evenly, and very few artists wants to tackle any issue in song today. I was just thinking today while the news was on……..”Where are the protest songs like we had in the 1960s???” And, I believe I answered that in the first few sentences of this writing. Mike.

  • Jung Roe

    22/12/2022 at 04:54

    I can’t think of any current artists other than MLT, but great artists from the past that stand out would be Beethoven, John Lennon/Beatles, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, CSNY… If you have the God gifted talent to move people and touch people, why wouldn’t you use it to help stop the injustice and corruption in the world to make the world a better place.

    • Tom Fones

      01/01/2023 at 16:48

      Hi Jung et al.

      I agree whoheartedly.

      But please let’s not forget Phil Ochs.

      The Van Morrison selection by Tomas is special.

      Happy New Year All.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    22/12/2022 at 05:49

    Hi Tobias,

    I have stayed away from politics for decades, but I have been disappointed at how few artists have pushed back against the government overreach. I keep thinking, what happened to the hippie movement?

    There are a few like Van Morrison <b style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”><yt-formatted-string force-default-style=””>What’s It Gonna Take? </yt-formatted-string>

    and he also recorded with Clapton recently.

    <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>There’s also Tom MacDonald, though I don’t like his type of music (rap -nor his face </font>tattoos), but the lyrics are good<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>. </font>


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by  Tomás F. Calvo. Reason: edited for formatting issues

    • Tom Fones

      01/01/2023 at 16:45

      Van Morrison. Great choice Tomas.

  • Tobias Kaiser

    29/12/2022 at 17:48

    Too bad there isn’t a like-button to acknowledged all the responses.

    I was aware of Van Morris working with Clapton, but I didn’t know Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, and Midnight Oil came out with critical stuff as well… will have to check that out!

    Right now I’m going back and forth between listening to “Why” and “Silent War”. My GF is already sick of it because I play it so much LOL.

    • Maureen

      11/01/2023 at 15:37

      Hi Tobias. I agree that “Five Times August” is another artist worth listening to for those who dare to question the events of the last 34 months! His videos are even more hard hitting than the songs alone. Like you, I’m playing MLT and Five Times August to the exclusion of anyone else just now. Here’s hoping their words reach the ostriches. 👍😊

  • Dave Johnston

    29/12/2022 at 20:54

    I am a big fan of Clapton was but dissapointed in his views on vaccines. As this is, I believe, is not suppose to be a political forum I will keep that remark just as it is with nothing additional added.

    Dylan is my all-time favorite when it comes to speaking his mind. Pete Seeger and many of the Folk music groups of the 60’s didn’t hesitate to state their feelings about Big Business and Big Government. Zappa did as well but sometimes a bit pompously. The Kinks and the Zombies always had something to say as well. As for present day music I am not really tuned into it so I am not able to add current musicians.

    As I grow older the value of not letting others rent space out in my brain that leads to bad feelings gets much stronger. Artist and the people do need to stand and express their feelings (on all sides of the discussion). I just don’t need to let myself get emotionally wrapped up in the madness. Somehow we need as a global people to become more open to compromise. As Why? so elequently states “That it’s never been something between you and me”!!

    • Tobias Kaiser

      07/01/2023 at 00:40

      That’s right. It was never between you and me. But we have been pitted against one another by a globally operating network of powerful people (hence: “I bought myself a politician”) and by the media complex, that instigated hatred against all those who stood up for maintaining bodily autonomy, medical freedom, and privacy! It was never about vaccine efficacy, but serfdom and compliance. Here in Canada that was pushed to an extreme, which is why I’m so incredibly thankful that artists such as MLT have the gull to speak up against the madness!

      And whilst I agree that this isn’t a political platform, I do still hope that in the context of MLT’s songs these subjects can be touched on here… of course in a civil and respectful manner!

    • Dave Johnston

      07/01/2023 at 01:05

      Thx for the reply. Not sure they were referring to vaccines in their music but lyrics can be interpreted in different ways by different folk. I do love the fact that the girls take on issues that are relevant and that their songs usually have excellent lyrics. There isn’t much music out there today that accomplishes what theirs does. Artistry/Soul/Happiness/Thought provoking/Slapstick and just good clean fun. They have something to say, aren’t afraid to say it but don’t have to be profane to make a point. I’m not a prude by any measure but I do get tired of what people have to sing/say when it’s peppered with profanity. Their latest song has a tremondous amount to say but leaves it to the listener to decide what that is.

    • Tobias Kaiser

      07/01/2023 at 14:56

      Thanks for replying back… I can’t disagree with you there! 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    01/01/2023 at 04:57

    Probably one of the greatest of them all who used their art and talent to better the world is John Lennon and one of the greatest rock/pop songs of all time “Imagine”. While criticized by some as a song that stands for anti-religion and communism, that couldn’t furthest from the truth. In John’s brilliance as a song writer, the lyrics hit close to the heart for the average person, by highlighting religion and possessions, but it’s really about ideological intolerance and greed, that is being played out even today In Afghanistan with the injustice against women, and the greed of one man that has started a senseless war and caused hundreds of thousands of lives in Ukraine.

    It takes artists of the same caliber as John Lennon to recognize what a great piece of musical art Imagine is. I’m so proud of Mona and Lisa for being inspired artists they are and their new masterpiece album WHY? expressing the issues affecting our world. “It’s never been something between you and me”.

  • Jung Roe

    01/01/2023 at 04:59

    John Lennon is still a friend of mine.

    Great minds think alike, MLT in honour of a great artist.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      08/01/2023 at 06:04

      Jung, yes! great minds do think alike. John asked HOW?

      How can I go forward when I don’t know which way I’m facing?

      and the Twins ask WHY?

      Still falling prey to lies and wolves in disguise

      Also, Still a Friend of Mine reminds me of the Carl Perkins song “My Old Friend” which he wrote for Paul in Monserrat without knowing John’s last words to Paul. I’m sure this was part of the inspiration for the lyrics.

    • Jung Roe

      09/01/2023 at 02:01

      Hi Tomas

      John Lennon’s last word to Paul McCartney was “…still a friend of mine”? That is very interesting, and makes sense perhaps that was the inspiration behind MLT naming the song of the same expression, Still A Friend of Mine.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      09/01/2023 at 05:21

      From what I’ve read, the last words of John to Paul were: “Think about me every now and then, my old friend.”

      In 1981, just months after John’s assassination, Paul was recording Tug of War in Monserrat and invited Carl Perkins over. On the last day, Carl wanted to thank Paul and thought that it would be better to do it with a song. So he wrote “My Old Friend” that night. When he played it for Paul, Paul left the room in tears. Part of the lyrics were:

      If we never meet again
      This side of life
      In a little while
      Over yonder
      Where it’s peace and quiet
      My old friend
      Won’t you think about me
      Every now and then.

      Carl thought he had done something wrong, but Linda hugged Carl and explained the situation and John’s last words to Paul. Certainly a goosebumps inducing experience, as Carl did not know this.

      I’ve interpreted the title “Still a Friend of Mine” as an extension of the words “Think about me every now and then, my old friend.” Meaning that despite that you’re gone -John-, you are still my friend, we still think of you.

    • Jung Roe

      09/01/2023 at 12:44

      Thanks Tomas for that explanation and really heart warming story about the deep friendship between Paul and John. That is one aspect of the Beatles that is so special, the Fab 4 were not only fabulous singer/songwriter/musician/artists, they were fabulous friends, not just fair weather friends that so many people who say friends are, but really deep friends forever. Even after the break up, and occasional spats, you can tell in different conversations, they loved each other like family. Perhaps that’s why their music is so special, they are good people.

    • Tobias Kaiser

      01/02/2023 at 23:11
  • Jürgen

    07/01/2023 at 15:52

    Hallo Tobias,

    politically committed musicians have had very hard time in recent years. No, they have not disappeared, they have been disappeared. If you say or think the wrong thing as a musician or artist at the moment, your career will suddenly end very quickly. In our society there is no longer discussion but strife and defamation. Freedom of expression and fundamental rights have suffered greatly. The society is divided. It makes me very sad to see this.

    U2 have always been a politically engaged band. Also the Simple Minds and Bob Geldof. Some Depeche Mode songs are also thought provoking, as is Eddie Grant in the tradition of Bob Marley. I never saw Reinhard Mey as particularly political. But you could be right, some of his lyrics are quite socially critical.

    It is true that musical lyrics can be interpreted in different ways. And that’s the nice thing about it: everyone can pull the part out of it that gives him courage. It stimulates discussion. To talk to each other and not against each other.

    • Tobias Kaiser

      07/01/2023 at 17:16

      Hi Jürgen!

      Thanks for your comment!

      Yea, U2 and Co have used their influence politically, but only ever for “causes” that really just supported the globalist’s narrative or are known to be tolerated. Perhaps Gedorf was a bit of an exception, but nothing much came from him throughout the last 3 years either.

      I guess it is – to a large degree – a matter of how independent a musician truly is. Most of the ones we hear on the radio are signed on to record labels. Within the confines of their contract they are committed to certain boundaries, which is an unfortunate reality. I guess you can’t really blame them. But I am really disappointed of artists who are no longer subject to a label’s mercy (eg. Paul McCartney or as I said before Reinhard Mey). They can’t be destroyed, yet they rather went for the kool-aid and and became a tag-along of the current narrative, which is quite sad and pathetic frankly (as if they didn’t have the time and resources to back-check and think independently, or are to scared to stick their heads out).

      Then there are truly creative artists like MLT! In order to maintain their independence, they are utilising many available resources of the internet, including the idea of this amazing platform which deserves all the support in the world! Grass-root based strategies are the way to and hopefully the stepping stone for a hugely successful career! Most importantly, they keep the artist free to express their opinions, which is incredibly important!

      Liebe Grüße in die Heimat! 🙂

    • Tom Fones

      07/01/2023 at 19:47

      I couldn’t agree more guys.
      Liebe Grüße in die Heimat!
      Live free in the homeland. Jah ?

  • Jürgen

    08/01/2023 at 10:05

    Ja, sehr gut Tom 🙂

    A question can be the starting point for an interesting journey. But much more exciting are the many insights you gain along the way. Sometimes, if you are very lucky, you also arrive at the destination where the answer is waiting for you. Perhaps you won’t always like it but you can’t undo the question. Maybe that’s why many people don’t even start this journey: it’s tedious, it’s uncomfortable and they don’t really want to know the answer. They prefer to sit at home on the sofa, waiting for Sexy Sadie to whisper something in their ear.

    • Tom Fones

      08/01/2023 at 14:49

      Jung, Tomas, Juergen

      all words of wisdom there.

      Wish me good luck that i don’t float out to sea.

      I think we are recoverying from 10 years of drought this winter.


  • Jung Roe

    09/01/2023 at 12:58

    I think freedom, and individual rights, and especially the right over ones body is the most important and sacred right and freedom of all. In a society there is also a responsibility to look after one another, “social responsibility”. Without that, in a society we don’t really have freedom.

    When everyone prioritizes their own freedom and rights over the well being of others and no one obeys rules in society that are there to protect and preserve the freedom and rights of fellow citizens, we don’t really have freedom, but rather chaos. Imagine trying to drive across town, when everyone only cares about asserting their own rights and freedoms over common sense and the well being of others, no one obeys speed limits, and traffic signs that are there based on science to reduce accidents and protect people. It becomes like an animal kingdom, or post apocalyptic disintegration of law and order and society.

    Without getting political, that’s my 2 cents.

  • Dave Johnston

    09/01/2023 at 18:38

    Jung…agreed on your last post. We need to be free as individuals but not purely in just self interest. Otherwise there is chaos. We need to care for the welfare of the entire group. Obviously this gets tricky and problematic as we all have our own opinions. But sometimes, as a group, we need to make unilateral decisions that are for the best of the group, not necessarily for what an individual thinks. Where to draw the line can be extremely hard sometimes but in my opinion must be done.

    • David Herrick

      09/01/2023 at 20:50

      Jung and Dave,

      What an interesting turn this conversation has taken! I’m generally guided by the Star Trek quote, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” I also think there’s a lot of wisdom in the old adage, “Your right to swing your fist ends where my face begins,” although I can imagine scenarios where the fist/face boundary gets a little fuzzy.

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/01/2023 at 01:06

    My fave Canadian band , Glass Tiger & the solo works of their lead singer comes to mind here for my 2 cents worth , in particular, ” Diamond Sun ” from their “Diamond Sun” Album , which has other songs from that album, that for me says something, by Glass Tiger and a few of their edgier albums –” Simple Mission” and songs from that album ( ” Simple Mission ” ) and songs off Alan Frew’s solo stuff from both his “Wonderland ” & , darn it , his 2nd Solo album ‘s name escapes just now, with stuff that says something …

    Then there’s The Tragically Hip stuff too that says stuff…another great Canadian Band …

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
    • Tobias Kaiser

      10/01/2023 at 01:26

      Yea, but none of none of them addressing our current sociopolitical climate in the Western World, are they. I know the singer of The Tragically Hip has been dead before the Covaids.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Tobias Kaiser.
  • Tim Arnold

    10/01/2023 at 02:36

    There is a podcast I just found on YouTube called Behind The Song where the host Janda Lane goes over the lyrics of popular songs to explain the lyrics. One of the first ones I watched was the song Barracuda by Heart. I thought it was written about a devious acquaintance or lover when in reality it was written about the heartless people in the music industry and in particular their first record company. Very interesting stuff. is the link to this episode and you may find some other interesting looks at some of our favorite songs.

    • Tobias Kaiser

      12/01/2023 at 14:52

      Haha… now that’s a kind of song MLT will not need to write! 🙂

  • Tobias Kaiser

    11/01/2023 at 17:00

    Jung, Dave, and David,

    I’ve been sitting on this for a couple of days, pondering whether or not I should respond. I bet you probably hesitated with your statement for the same reason, Jung 🙂
    I chose to respond, because I think it’s important to address what you said, which btw I believe is pure-hearted and kindness-driven, which is very honourable!

    Here’s what I think and please don’t take it personally:

    Your statements are precisely what to expect in a world of mainstream-mono-culture, censorship, and $cience! And I don’t at all blame you for it. This is the information war the twins are singing about in several of their songs!

    As someone who despises violence and believes in voluntary interaction between grown human beings, I already had a major problem with the general idea of governance pre-2020, for it is toothless and ultimately cannot work without resorting to violence! I’ve always found that extremely archaic and despicable!

    Regarding your statements: I’d like to ask you, who is it that determines what’s in the best interest of “the greater good” and how far do they get to push their version thereof against creation itself? Is it Bill Gates, Antony Fauci, or Klaus Schwab? I’m asking this rhetorical questions, because most leaders in the western world have done what they demeaned!

    In a “normal” pre-2020 world, “the greater good” would have been determined by our representatives voting in parliament. However, what happened since (at least here in Canada) were decisions made by decree (so called “mandates”, NOT laws), which is something you might find in a dictatorship, but not in a parliamentary democracy!

    EVERYTHING was based on fear, and opposite to what most people intuitively know to be true. Dissenting voices were not allowed. Churches were shut town and pastors imprisoned for crying out loud! Death numbers were purposely manipulated to appear higher than they actually were! YES, that has happened! Couldn’t find the original tweet by the City of Toronto, but a picture of it ->

    Established scientific facts were thrown overboard, eg. that the PCR test is not suited for diagnostical purposes or that a vaccine should never be introduced in the middle of a pandemic!

    Meanwhile, suicides, drug overdoses, AND vaccine related deaths have gone through the roof, whilst 100 of thousands of small Canadian businesses/existences have been destroyed, and everybody is still getting the *MySheronaCyrus* (as former lawyer and YouTube legend Viva Frei called it in his videos to avoid censorship)!

    Is that truly in the interest of the greater good? Could it be, that perhaps if we had treated this like any other flu (like Sweden did), we would overall be a much healthier society? A society knowing that the human immune system, NEEDS more social mingling and fresh air, more exercise and healthy foods, much less fear, and most definitely less control over a PLURALISTIC flow of information in media AND science (which is no longer science when the input of thousands of scientists and doctors is being prevented)?!

    I truly don’t mean this maliciously, but it is about time to have a look past the edge of your plates!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Tobias Kaiser.
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