• The 9th and the 11th

    Posted by Jung Roe on 06/02/2023 at 07:53

    I was listening to my dad’s vinyl of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony today, and the way my classical geeky mind works, I couldn’t help but feel some similar moments of joy that I experience from Mona and Lisa’s 11th album “WHY?”.

    In the 9th Symphony 2nd Movement, when the string section beat and pulsate in powerful unison, it is just like the pulsating guitar sounds in “I Bought Myself A Politician”. My whole body just rocks to that squeeze box like magnificent sound. I Bought Myself A Politician is genius!

    When I first heard the magnificent vocal choir like sounds of Mona and Lisa in the song “WHY?”, accompanied by those wonderful strings/cello sounds, it had the same moving effect as when I hear Beethoven’s Ode To Joy Choral part in the 4th Movement of the 9th Symphony. When the angelic choir sings Ode To Joy and your heart rises to the sky, the vocals in WHY? are just as amazing as that.

    The MonaLisa Twins 11th album WHY? is a brilliant symphonic emotional rock and roll musical adventure much like Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in classical form, two masterpieces 250 years apart. Mona and Lisa aren’t into classical music, so obviously there is no intentional influence from the Symphony when they wrote the album WHY?, but their genius and mind set is in the same realm as the great composers. That is the brilliant level of music Mona, Lisa, and Papa Rudi are at. I love Mona and Lisa’s music, you rock ladies!


    Tom Fones replied 1 year, 7 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    06/02/2023 at 15:26

    <div>Beethoven’s 9th Symphony 2nd Movement with the Berlin Philharmonic and Herbert Von Karajan conducting, from my dad’s vinyl. </div>


    • Daryl Jones

      06/02/2023 at 18:16

      That is a very masterful performance. Not only brilliantly conducted, but the careful attention to the conductor’s subtle changes in nuance and timing by the players is uncanny. The extraordinary vision that these musicians must have to be able to still read the pages and yet both see and feel the timing and leadership of the conductor is a skill of exceptional heights. Not that they need to actually read the music (it’s deeply engrained in their brains, fingers and limbs) but they do follow both sheet and baton simultaneously.

      It’s been a very long time since my days of concert band, but I do remember our bandleader feeling it when we were in sync with his emotionally charged control; or often more-so when we didn’t haha. Obviously I would never be so bold as to compare us in high-school with a Philharmonic of any level, but I do remember the chills I felt when we go it right.

    • Jung Roe

      07/02/2023 at 00:47

      Hi Daryl

      That must have felt so good to play in the band and when together as a group you knock of a sharp performance to be proud of. In my very limited experience, I remember how good it felt to sing along in a choir at school, feeling this amazing comradery of creating a beautiful moment together.

      I am amazed at the precision with which all the musicians played the symphony. This is by far one of the most stellar symphony performances I’ve seen, by none other than the Berlin Philharmonic conducted by Herbert Von Karajan. I saw a lot of albums in my dad’s record collection where Herbert Von Karajan conducted. I can see why my dad was a big fan of Karajan.

      I can imagine how good and proud Mona and Lisa, and the other two band mates must have felt with those incredible tight and superb performances they did in the 2016 Cavern Club concert.

      This is in honour of amazing musicianship.

  • Tom Fones

    14/02/2023 at 15:49

    Thanks Jung,

    i hope to make time for this soon.


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