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  • Distant Cousins of Original MLT Songs

    Posted by Tobias Kaiser on 13/02/2023 at 04:54

    As with so many songs, certain songs may sometimes remind us of different songs that have similar sound to them (or maybe just a similar chorus). One of the distant cousins of an MLT song I thought of is “Super Trouper” by Abba (being a distant cousin of “Questionable”). They don’t have a whole lot in common, but I think there are parts that overlap!

    Are any of you able to come up with another distant cousin to an MLT original? 😀

    John Hitz replied 1 year, 7 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • David Herrick

    13/02/2023 at 17:25

    MLT have an amazing ability to capture the essence of an era or genre in a very non-specific way that can’t be traced (at least by me) to any particular song. The only time I’ve ever been able to draw a direct comparison is with This Boy Is Mine, which stimulates the same happy places in my brain as Can’t Buy Me Love. Not to say it’s not an original composition, just that I feel a kindred musical spirit.

  • John Hitz

    14/02/2023 at 15:31

    Artistic influences aside, I wonder when Mona and Lisa first heard the Beatles at the BBC recordings. I have the old two-cassette issue that came with a little booklet and all the track information. They once recorded 16 tracks at the BBC in one day! Many people who have Beatles albums have never heard these recordings, and to anyone who has missed them, especially John Lennon fans, look them up! I would love to have them on vinyl, but my cassettes still play fine. There are no pauses between tracks, in the spirit of Beatlemania.😎🎸

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