• Why? Cover

    Posted by Steve Kirk on 24/03/2023 at 11:41

    I’ve just received my vinyl ‘Why’ album today. The artwork in this 12′ format can be seen in it’s full glory. It is a stunning and thought provoking piece of work. I’m an old timer from the vinyl days where album sleeves, lyrics meant something and were pored over.

    The obvious theme to me is of watching the human race walk blindly through the manipulators of technology to it’s fate (maybe I’m wrong?). The chap holding the balloon instead of a phone is the only one who seems aware of what is happening and is out of step with the rest. There are lots of other scenarios I think I see but I would be really interested to hear what other members think. We probably all see different things.

    I am new to this group so I apologise in advance if this topic has been discussed before, but I would still like to hear anyone’s thoughts as I believe there has been a lot of thought put into this by the artist based on the lyrics on the album

    Best wishes,


    Steve Kirk replied 1 year, 5 months ago 8 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    24/03/2023 at 14:55

    It’s brilliant. If you haven’t watched it yet, make sure to check out the making of video: https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/why-album-cover-making-of/

    WHY? Album Cover – Making Of

    • Steve Kirk

      24/03/2023 at 15:07

      Thank you Roger. Much appreciated. I am looking for peoples individual take on the album cover and thoughts. I’m sure we all see things differently. Best wishes and thanks again. Steve

  • Jürgen

    24/03/2023 at 22:19

    Hello Steve,

    an interesting idea and an even more exciting question: What ideas or imaginations does such an LP cover trigger in the viewer? Looking at the art cover of “Why”, I had more dystopian associations going through my head. I felt like reading the novel “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells. Just a quick reminder: the protagonist travels through time to meet late descendants of humans. They call themselves Eloi and live a rather carefree life on the surface of the earth. They don’t have to worry or think about anything else. Like the people on the album cover, they follow the herd instinct. We can only guess what awaits the figures on the record cover in the glass dome: maybe a carefree, comfortable life. Just like the Eloi. As we know, the good life for some Eloi comes to an abrupt end towards evening: a frightening gong sounds and a gate to the underworld opens. The Eloi follow this signal without will and blindly run through the gate until it closes again. Beyond that gate, deep underground, wait the Morlocks for them. Also human descendants who put an end to the life of the Eloi. The Morlocks care for the Eloi and then take their lives: they build their world, provide sufficient food and wealth, and the Eloi live a short carefree life. A high price to pay for a little comfort and peace of mind. But back to the LP cover: After the people stayed in the dome, they return underground as ghostly figures. Still nice in rank and file. A shadow of themselves. Stripped of their identity and vital energy. Like the Eloi in Wells’ novel. Although Wells’s idea referred to 19th century Victorian society, it still seems to be a topical issue today (at least in my imagination): A small powerful caste rules the welfare and destiny of many people. This works as long as you walk through the world blindly and thoughtlessly and never ask yourself the question “Why?”. But the LP cover also seems to convey hope: the person with the red balloon does not stare straight ahead, but looks to the right and the left. He is looking for new paths and will perhaps leave the way that the controlled masses have chosen. Where did he get the red balloon from? Maybe he just asked himself the question “Why?” often enough.

  • Steve Kirk

    25/03/2023 at 07:25

    Thank you so much Jurgen for your thoughts. That is so interesting. I do agree with you. There are so many things happening in this picture of note. The right hand half of the city on the scorched earth side seems to be burning whereas the other side isn’t? The red balloon is a symbol of love I think? The man seems to be looking towards the side where the city is burning? The ‘Jumped Ship’? It is a wonderful thought provoking piece of work!

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    25/03/2023 at 21:46

    All very interesting. I would love to know what Lisa and Mona were thinking when they designed the cover of “Why.”

    First thing I thought about when I saw the red balloon was the song “99 Luft Balloons” by the band “Nena.” Love that song.

    Anyway, I think I am mainly in line with your thoughts on it, Steve. 🤔

  • Jung Roe

    26/03/2023 at 05:47

    Hi Steve

    I think some great observations and perspective on the album cover there.

    For me when I see the cover, it resonates of the songs WHY? and Jump Ship, my two most favourite songs on that album, and my #1 alternates between WHY and Jump Ship almost daily, both songs are addictive, absolutely two of my all time favourite rock/pop songs ever.

    In the album cover art work, I see what the world will lead to in the not too distant future if we don’t ask WHY? when we see the world around us and see the corruption and injustice and remain status quo and just bury our head passively in the sand like it’s a “safe nice ship”. You see here a line of people walking like zombies drinking the Kool Aid. “We are meant to follow Egomaniacal dreams, some Kool-Aid to swallow”. “We live in a sea of deception and war” where there is a “pact between the devil and the priest”. But, “If You Raise Your Head” you would see what is really happening, and “…look behind the masquerade”. “It feels so nice and warm on deck, but truth is, staying here wont save your neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    In the distance, I also see the barren landscape of Lanzarote. I think perhaps that amazing landscape certainly had an impact on Lisa and served some inspiration when creating that amazing work of art album cover.

    I love that little alien creature here that appeared in the “Nothing Is In Vain” video. So sneaky!😜 HAHAHA. It’s like that white ghost they had appear on different MLT posts a while back.

  • Steve Kirk

    26/03/2023 at 10:44

    Thank you so much Francis & Jung for your your thoughts. So very interesting.

    Sadly I am old enough to remember “99 Red Balloons” by Nena 🙂 It’s a great song and had a peace theme I believe. Must check the lyrics out. Also Lisa has one in ‘Songbird’. Wonder if there is anything in this?

    Totally agree with every word of what you say Jung. It was interesting about the Lanzarote inspired landscape. I hadn’t thought about that. Also the alien which being reasonably new I didn’t know about! I will check this out too

    A section of the cover that is puzzling me is the section with the aforementioned alien in, the section below the earth. Maybe it’s obvious but any thoughts?

    As a last thought, I wondered if the picture was of hope or certain fate? The man with the red balloon is certainly in the minority

    Best wishes

  • Sara Pattern

    26/03/2023 at 11:14

    The cover is open to any interpretations and what is great about it is all of them are right. The key to me is that i think it is important that sometimes we must at some point stop ……… take a breath and ask Why?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
  • Jung Roe

    27/03/2023 at 06:49

    Hi Steve,

    I come away from the album feeling much hope. There is mystery, danger, concern, as well as brightness, beauty, and hope. The album takes you through a full spectrum of emotions like all great art does, and ultimately lands on triumph and hope. I feel “a lucky fluke” about it all. I love how the album ends with Pretty Little Thing, that reminds what is really important.

    In the underlying image of the album art work, you see the stream of people going in the other direction, perhaps that has some meaning. For me the balloon symbolizes the human spirit or our humanity, and perhaps if some of us raise our heads and ask WHY? , things can change and a dystopian future doesn’t have to be.

    I saw a thing about Bach’s music a while ago, and it talked about how in much of Bach’s music there is a conversation going on, where a longing question (why?) is asked, with a resolving response, and this back and forth goes on, that evokes much emotion and beauty. I feel this kind of longing “why?” in WHY? too. Perhaps between the vocals asking why, and the cello and orchestra responding. There is an amazing build up with the vocals asking more and more questions, and then there is this big chord that strikes with a response providing a huge sense of release. It’s all so beautiful and fulfilling.

    Thanks for the thought provoking post!

  • Steve Kirk

    27/03/2023 at 12:34

    Thank you Sara. I totally agree. Art and words are interpreted differently whoever you are and there is no right or wrong. That is why this work is so good it is open to opinion. In fact if Lisa and Mona just came out and told us their thoughts that would spoil it! 🙂

    I’ve always been interested in lyrics/cover art and trying to understand where the artist is coming from. It seems as you and I Jung share this. Thank you for your thoughts. They are very interesting and I’m sure you are right that if enough people raise their heads and ask Why? the Dystopian vision of the future staring at us on the sleeve need not happen. I like the idea of the people going in the opposite direction as maybe having meaning but it’s not clear to me yet. Thanks again

    Best wishes

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/03/2023 at 16:37

    It’s definitely intriguing and open for interpretation , whatever one sees it through their own eyes ….no right or wrong here…..just however one wishes to interpret …

    Also it reminds me of either a STYX or NAZARETH album cover artwork that had fairy like children scattered climbing on stones, etc, had an alien/cosmic vibe to it …. it was an album that my 2nd oldest bro has that I recall as a kid I was more fascinated by that album cover art than with the songs …lol

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
  • Tim Arnold

    27/03/2023 at 17:49

    Hi Steve. Just wanted to say I haven’t got my vinyl copy of WHY? yet but I have the CD. While the cover art on the CD is the same as the vinyl, the size makes a lot of difference. I recently purchased a CD version of The Rolling Stones “Exile On Main Street” an album I cherished in my youth. While the music sounded great the CD cover, although the same artwork, just doesn’t have the appeal of the 12×12 gatefold presentation that the vinyl cover gave. Then my copy of the “Orange” vinyl came and I was totally blown away by how beautiful that huge glossy cover was and then sliding out that gorgeous orange and white vinyl. I had forgotten how beautiful a vinyl album presentation could be. Just beautiful opening up the cover to reveal the message “Stay Groovy” and big beautiful signatures. I am glad I spent the extra money to get the original version. Now I can’t wait to see that 12×12 WHY? album cover. I’ll share my feelings about it then. Take care my friends.

    • Steve Kirk

      28/03/2023 at 16:13

      Thanks Tim. There’s nothing quite like the vinyl album sleeve I agree. You won’t be disappointed for sure! I look forward to your thoughts

      Best wishes

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