• Charles

    24/03/2023 at 21:01

    Hi Roger, What emails are you expecting? Are you talking about the email from MLT on Fridays letting us know the post is ready for review?


  • Rudolf Wagner

    24/03/2023 at 21:20

    I’ll have a look.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    24/03/2023 at 21:38

    Hi Roger,

    You need to set your email notification preferences for comments.
    We have set the default to un-checked because it might be too many unexpected emails for new users and look a little spammy. So please just check the boxes from emails you like to receive and it should work.

    You can go there by Notifications > Settings in your profile.

    • Roger Penn

      25/03/2023 at 20:32

      OK, thanks! I didn’t realize we had all those options now. But that makes me wonder what exactly does the “subscribe” button do if all those settings are in effect regardless?

    • Rudolf Wagner

      30/03/2023 at 02:34

      If you check „New comment on subscribed post“ above either as on-screen notifications on the site or email notifications you get notifications but only on subscribed posts. If unchecked you are subscribed to the post but will not get any notifications. You can however still see the posts you are subscribed to in your profile under Comments > Subscriptions and track them manually if you want to.

    • Phil Whitley

      13/06/2023 at 23:39

      I just saw your and Rogers posts today. I clicked on the Notifications in the drop down from my photo, but there isn’t a settings button next to the other two buttons “Read” and “Unread”. I also clicked on the Notification bell and got the same results. Am I missing a step or something? I am going to do some more investigating to see if I can find these check boxes.

    • Phil Whitley

      13/06/2023 at 23:50

      I watched the Notifications video in Help and found that I can go to “Account>Notifications” and set them up there. I don’t understand why I don’t have the “Settings” button though.

    • Charles

      14/06/2023 at 21:02

      Hi Phil, I’ve been having the same issue for over a month now. No notifications if someone gave me an upvote or a reply. I do not have a settings button in notifications either. Today I received two emails from MLT about your issues and I logged on and noticed 2 notifications on the “bell” at the top of the page. So, I’m not sure what’s going on with the site. They may be in the process of making upgrades or changes. CW

    • Phil Whitley

      15/06/2023 at 04:18

      Same thing here. I had a notification on the bell but no email. I checked for spam and nothing in that folder. My internet has been down all day and just recently was restored.

  • Jacki Hopper

    14/06/2023 at 22:51

    I’ve received notifications on/off in my email as well as in my profile on here under the Bell symbol for notifications….perhaps it us an upgrade thing or a glitch …

    There is a different setup/layout of MLT website/MLT Club site when one is using a desktop laptop/computer , Android phone/tablet or an iPhone phone/tablet , as all of these are not setup the same but have their own unique layout formats or perhaps it’s an issue with devices … also it’s good to check in your Spam/Junk Folder in your email, in case notifications got sent there….hoping this helps figure things out …hoping it can get sorted .

    • Daryl Jones

      15/06/2023 at 15:40

      I’ve noticed a big difference in the site interface between the PC and my Android phone. TBH, I don’t often use my phone because of the difference in accessibility to certain sections on the site. But I’m also not really big on using my phone for that type of thing, much prefer the PC anyway. Tad frustrating when I’m not at home and then have to use the phone though. But I haven’t keeled over and died yet either so.🤣

  • Johnnypee Parker

    14/06/2023 at 23:16

    Hey Jacki, get out of my head. I was going to say the same thing. There is a little difference in functionality between my iPhone, iPad, and PC. Good call.

    • Jacki Hopper

      15/06/2023 at 02:22

      Lol…sorry.. I crept into your head ….we’re on same mind thinking path….lol… Telepathic #MLTLuvBuzzGroovified-Ness going on , EH ….lol…too funny

  • Dennis Grover

    15/06/2023 at 03:36

    I have received no notification emails and no notifications in the bell symbol as of about a week ago – something changed. (???)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Dennis Grover.
  • Dennis Grover

    15/06/2023 at 16:56

    I only use a PC. It seems to be working now for me. The site was down sometime before last Friday’s “Alone” session, and when it came back my notifications and emails had stopped. I did get any notifications for comments on “Alone”. I checked my account settings and everything looked good, but I noticed a set of boxes I hadn’t noticed before (new?): “Choose which notifications to receive across all your devices” with Web or Email as choices. I checked the Email box but it didn’t seem to help, but this morning I was notified about Daryl Jones’s post. Perhaps all is OK now?

    • Phil Whitley

      15/06/2023 at 20:21

      I only use my desktop (actually, it’s on the bottom so it’s a deskbottom, lol) and after I went to the Notification Settings under my account, I have been receiving emails about all of the latest discussions.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Phil Whitley.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Phil Whitley.
  • Chris Weber

    20/06/2023 at 05:28

    I may have some overlap of issues that I’m seeing with what’s posted above.

    I have 3 issues with the site to report, please.

    1. I no longer get Notifications for Upvotes. It had been working previously on the web, but, for example, I got 2 Upvotes in the last week for a comment I made regarding the Alone video, but they don’t show in Notifications. I don’t think I’ve had any Notifs for Upvotes at all for at least a month. Although I’ve seen Notifs for Upvotes before on the web, there are none showing now, not in Read or Unread. The only Notifs I see now are for Replies that have been Read. I also just checked my email, and it doesn’t look like I’ve ever received Upvote Notifs via email. I do see some errors in Dev Tools; see screenshots below.

    2. When I click on the bell icon to look at Notifications, there is no Settings button showing on the page, for either Read or Unread. I have tried this with all browsers that I have, Chrome, Brave, Firefox,and Edge on Windows, and on Android I checked Chrome, and the issue is the same for all of them. I am able to see Notifications settings by clicking on my Name > Account Settings > Notifications Settings, and all those boxes for both Web and Email are checked. I see OneSignalSDKWorker.js blocked when I look at Dev Tools.

    3. I am not able to start a Discussion thread. When I click on the New Discussion button, the screen greys out. If I can provide any more information, please let me know. Thanks for your help.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Chris Weber.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Chris Weber.
  • Rudolf Wagner

    24/06/2023 at 00:50

    Sorry guys,
    Unfortunately the plugin that is responsible for notifications about comment activity had to be disabled because it caused a critical error that brought the whole site down. The developer is notified about it and can hopefully fix it asap.

    • Chris Weber

      24/06/2023 at 00:58

      Okay, thanks for the headsup.

  • Dennis Grover

    24/06/2023 at 02:05

    Thanks Rudi. Years ago I developed and ran a simple web server. I learned very quickly how tough the job can be.

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