• Posted by Peter White on 27/03/2023 at 22:56

    I’m sure you are sent lots and lots of ideas of songs which people think you might like to cover! So…..here’s another! I came across this on YT while looking for something else: Leonard Cohen’s ‘If It Be Your Will’ as performed with him on tour by the Webb Sisters on Celtic Harp and guitar. It is almost a prayer. I think the ‘Wagner Sisters’ would do a fabulous job with the song’s beautiful harmonies. I have taken the liberty of posting the Webb Sisters’ rendition here. The first 1 min 10 sec are Leonard speaking the words of his poem/song. At that point the singers begin. As soon as I heard those voices I thought of the MonaLisa Twins. Much love–Pete


    Roger Penn replied 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Roger Penn

    28/03/2023 at 02:25

    That’s always been my favorite Cohen song, but as renditions go, it might be hard to top this one.

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