• WHY? the MLT Club

    Posted by Jung Roe on 03/04/2023 at 04:55

    I’ve never belonged to a club or membership in something that has interested me so much, that I look forward to every day, and brings me so much enjoyment and fulfillment . The beautiful music, the weekly creative, engaging, and fun surprises are a constant source of joy and inspiration. When life takes me away and I can’t go to the MLT Club for any length of time, I begin to miss it so much. I can’t imagine a world without MLT.

    Over the years Mona and Lisa have demonstrated so much thoughtfulness and care for their fans. They put so much love and passion into their music and this club, it has a profound positive impact on me, and all the fans I’m sure.

    The incredible music, this amazing Club, and the wonderful people Mona, Lisa, Michaela, and Rudolf are bring endless joy, inspiration, and healing. For example, through Covid the MLT Club was a shining beacon of hope and light, a refuge where Mona and Lisa brightened our lives every day with the beauty and passion of their craft and love they’ve shown in everything they did. They kept the dark away.

    I just wanted to express how amazing Mona and Lisa and the MLT Club is, a rare precious gem, we are all so fortunate to have found!

    Feel free to share your thoughts.

    Dave Johnston replied 1 year, 2 months ago 9 Members · 41 Replies
  • 41 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    03/04/2023 at 05:17

    The next best Fan Club I’ve belonged to , previous MLT Club , was The Official Glass Tiger FC ( long before Internet, etc was around ), and having joined some other Fan Clubs for country singers whom I still enjoy music by, many eons ago too, when I was still a member of GT one back in the day… I see many parallels, between GT /MLT in terms , of the fan following, how they respect their fan base. I mean, what bands can you honestly say , reached out personally and call you on the phone, to Thankyou forvvufts sent to FC, offer condolences when a loved one passes, you get introduced to their family , give you shout-outs at their concerts, etc… a few times, offer awesome merch, give aways, etc with MLT, offer prizes of a Zoom Chat , etc…. Th MLT & GT FC’s are for me the best 2 , that I’m happy to have joined for/with ( GT eventually went just with social media public version, as in Facebook, shop from their official website, etc, But MLT goes a top notch higher on their Club Offerings, for the members …

    I can vouch when I say, hardly , if at all, anyone else in a band/solo does the extra mile like GT/MLT do for their Fan Community ….. Goid Topic Jung … 😊🤘

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
  • David Herrick

    03/04/2023 at 05:30

    You’ve absolutely nailed it, Jung!

    I’m basically a loner and definitely not a club joiner. But after discovering MLT I was so overwhelmed with intense feelings of joy that I had to commune with similarly afflicted people as a form of therapy, because honestly I was so constantly giddy that it was hard to focus on my day-to-day life.

    As you stated, Mona and Lisa keep supplying the joy on a regular and frequent basis, and remarkably always make the time to communicate with us individually. It’s just mind-blowing to have such a special relationship with people that we may never meet in person (fingers crossed, though).

    The club members are a huge part of the experience too. I’ve learned so much and shared so much over the last four years with a fun and diverse group of people that otherwise would not have been a part of my life, and now I can’t imagine not having all you folks to exchange ideas with.

    I plan to stay on top of this wave and ride it all the way to the shore, which I hope remains far off on the horizon for a long time to come.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    05/04/2023 at 03:37

    I think the first MLT original I checked out was Once Upon A Time. Who are these girls? They sound amazing. After that I dove down every MLT rabbit hole I could. After a couple of dead ends, I soon discovered there were more treasures to be revealed in the club. Here we listened and learned all about them. And then we listened some more.

    As we got to know more of the MLT story it was only natural to start participating in the club. I truly believe that the charm of our hosts attracts the grooviest fans. Trickle down grooviness if you will. Lisa and Mona’s interaction with us is just amazing. We always feel like like we are sitting across the room from them during the Friday videos. And the Advent Calendar videos are almost addictive. Once it begins it becomes part of the daily routine. When it ends…withdrawl. But that is quickly replaced by new music, early access, new duo sessions, new introductions to old music, and all kinds of adventures from Skydiving, running marathons, to wildlife rescues.

    We’ve been a little AWK lately, but we are checking in. As Mona has said, they have created a very unique community here of some very special fans. We enjoy checking in to see what everyone is up to. Oh ya, I gotta show you guys something.

  • Jung Roe

    21/05/2023 at 23:02

    Thanks so much Jacki, David, and JP for sharing your thoughts and experience in the MLT Club. I have to say I totally agree with everything you all said. Just echoing your sentiments, even though I’ve never met Mona and Lisa in person (hope to one day too!), they are like real good friends for me when I think of them. I mean I’ve shared so many things about myself and some of my deepest feelings with them in the MLT Club, and MLT Clubbers as well, in the many posts, and some of the Advent Calendars, that I haven’t shared with family and close friends. Mona and Lisa have created a very special place of their beautiful music, and friendship through the MLT Club that is so special.

    I was a little bummed a couple of weeks ago it looked like the membership would cross the 700 threshold and then dropped below 680. I know there will be valleys, but it will continue to grow.

    To other new members here who joined to see what it’s like, I say stay on a while longer, you’ve found a gem that keeps on giving here at the MLT Club. It’s not about just the music they post, although their music is why we came, but there is so much more. In the recent Q and A, Mona said they are not the fastest song writers but take their time and hope to create music that means something, that can touch us. Like all great artists, it’s not about quantity but quality, and that is what MLT is about, songs that can touch us deeply and move us like nothing else can. You don’t get that by cranking out new music videos every week and new albums every few months just to satisfy the crowds. I will cite another Beethoven example (I can’t help it, I know Beethoven), but in the grand scheme compared to other composers, Beethoven’s composition output is very small. For example he wrote only 9 Symphonies compared to Mozart’s 50+, and Bach’s 90+. He took his time, and his work eclipses all others as the greatest of all time. Quality over quantity, and that is what I see in MLT. They took a few years to make WHY?, but wow, what an amazing masterpiece.

    Back to my point, MLT Club is about amazing music created with care, patience, and utmost quality, and becoming a part of a like minded community that loves truly inspired music, and Mona and Lisa’s friendship through everything they share with us like vlogs, photo albums, Q and A’s, What’s On the Table, Reactions and so much more. They share who they are as people to us on top of their music. They take the time to know us each by name, of course the more someone participates in the club the better they will remember, but the point is there is a genuine personal touch and appreciation for the fans. It is a real music journey together with them, sharing this experience together with every new song, video and album they create with the utmost care and quality.

  • Jung Roe

    03/07/2023 at 03:02

    I’ve always been surprised there wasn’t more participation in the MLT Club forum from members at the Intergalactic Fan Club who are also MLT Club members. Jacki and a few others span both spaces and brings the party over from the Intergalactic Fan Club here, but I thought there would be more adoption of the MLT Club forum discussion by intergalactic Fan Club members who are members of both. I’ve always tended to focus my time here given it is an MLT sanctioned space and that MLT might find more desirable to have more participation here. Just something I observed since the MLT Club launched, thought I’d mention it to see what others thought.

    • David Herrick

      03/07/2023 at 04:25

      Just speculating here, Jung, but maybe it’s a matter of people not wanting to juggle two completely separate sets of conversations and try to keep track of what they’ve said where.

  • Jung Roe

    03/07/2023 at 10:40

    Thanks David for the input.

    If it’s a choice between having one conversation instead of juggling between two, I think more conversations in the MLT Club forum would make it more engaging and fun for everyone who subscribes to the MLT Club, and ultimately better for the MLT Club, that is how I’ve always seen it.

    MLT Club forum is a space created by Team MLT to share all things MLT and express enthusiasm and appreciation for their music, art, and community, their incredible music journey. For fans who choose not to join the MLT Club they have the Intergalactic Fan Club. Both can work together to further MLTs music journey, but it feels more weighted to the Intergalactic Fan Club even with MLT Clubbers which I think is unfortunate. It’s great the MLT Clubbers participate in the weekly MLT posts, but the forum is another platform/resource for MLT Clubbers to share the MLT joy and fun, that seems to be going under utilized.

    One bigger party at MLTs house for the Clubbers is far better than a smaller party here, and a bigger party outside. Just my 2 cents.

    • David Herrick

      03/07/2023 at 12:45

      I agree, Jung. Maybe it’s a matter of inertia. The Intergalactic club was around for several years before the MLT club, so I can understand how the early adopters may have found a home there that they didn’t really want to abandon, while still enjoying having access to MLT club content and being able to communicate with Mona and Lisa here.

    • Jung Roe

      03/07/2023 at 19:32

      Hi David

      Good point, this seems to be what has happened. I had hoped more would have come over and joined the ongoing conversations and helped fuel the interaction and engagement with new MLT Clubbers here that would make it that much more fun, interesting and enjoyable for all at the Club. That all helps to attract and retain new MLT Club members in the long run.

    • Chris Weber

      03/07/2023 at 21:40

      Jung, when you say there are Club members who participate in the Intergalactic Club but not much here, do you have an idea of how many people that is? I saw that club a while back on Facebook, but never checked it out. I’m also kind of wondering if you mean actively posting there and not here, or what you meant by that. Sorry if I am just misunderstanding you.

      When I joined in February, one thing I noticed early on was that I could see how many members there were, and at that time, there were 699, iirc. So it seems like membership here is pretty steady in the last 6 months. The other thing I checked back then, was how many of those 699 had been active in the past month. I looked at that since membership is month to month.

      The answer was 54%.

      I just checked again, and in the past month, there are 55% active here.

      Stability is a good thing, sometimes. And in this case I suspect it is.

      Or, maybe Mona, Lisa and Michaela should just have birthdays every month…

    • Chris Weber

      03/07/2023 at 21:58

      Okay, if I didn’t put you to sleep with that last post, here are a few more thoughts.

      You’ve probably heard of the Pareto rule, aka the 80/20 rule. Below is a Wikipedia entry talking about how that might apply to the web. And for the web, the # being offered is that 1% of users on a web message board produce content, 99% are lurkers. Or thereabouts. Obviously it varies by board.

      One thing that occurs to me, which maybe you veterans could weigh in on, but during the Advent Calendar days, I’m guessing the participation rate seriously jumps. I know I’ll be there daily.

      I also have no doubt it jumps on my favorite day of the week, too — Friday. This site is about Twins.


    • Chris Weber

      03/07/2023 at 22:11

      And, 3rd time’s the charm, I thought of one more thing to mention.

      For the first few months after I joined the Club, I did not try to start a new thread in the Forum. You know, that old terra incognita thing.

      But then I tried and found that I am not able to start a new thread; the page just greys out. I reported this not long ago in the Support area and Papa Rudi replied saying he was having a developer look at issues mentioned in that thread.

      Maybe that slowed recent participation rates too? Idk.

    • Jung Roe

      04/07/2023 at 16:10

      Hi Chris

      That 1% rule is quite interesting, and appears to be true. I kind of feel honoured to consider myself in the 1%! 👍😊 Maybe at the MLT Club we can be the exception and increase that %.

  • Jung Roe

    03/07/2023 at 23:33

    Hi Chris

    Thanks for all the feedback.

    Yeah definitely during the Advent and Club Giveaways or new music posting there is a surge of activity from members that normally don’t post other times, and MLT always said the forum is for those who want to post and they have never posed an obligation to post or participate beyond what people feel comfortable doing. Where I am coming from are the MLT Clubbers who are active at the Intergalactic Fan Club and social media, about a dozen or so roughly without getting too specific, I always felt if the energy and time posting there if it were were also harnessed here would perhaps benefit the MLT Club more directly. After all, Team MLT created the forum as a feature of the Club to enable fan interaction and sharing of ideas and love for all things MLT.

  • Jung Roe

    03/07/2023 at 23:37

    In regards to the problem posting a new thread in the forum, it seemed OK up to a couple weeks ago because I created a new post then without problem, but recently I have not been able to post a new thread getting a white screen. Hopefully Papa Rudi can have the developer correct the problem soon.

  • David Herrick

    04/07/2023 at 00:20

    I recall that when I joined this club four years ago, probably about 80% of all the posts in the general discussion forum were submitted by a total of four people (including me). A lot more folks have chimed in regularly since then, so at least we’ve had a substantial increase in participants over the long term.

  • Tim Arnold

    04/07/2023 at 01:01

    This is an interesting conversation Jung, I been reading all the comments and really kind of wondering why I joined the MLT Club. I didn’t know it at the time but I think I was looking for something very special. I am subscribed to Amy Slattery’s YouTube channel and if you have never listened to her you should check out her channel. She is by no means in the same league as MLT but her Dad is a big Beatles fan and Amy records all the singing and instruments herself and uses the correct “Beatle” instruments. Her and her Dad duo on some of them. Well Amy has a couple videos where she was at the Cavern Club and singing and playing bass with the MonaLisa Twins. I watched these videos a few times and some of the Twins videos started popping up so I started watching them and it’s been kind of like a tidal wave ever since. According to the receipts I bought my first CD “Live at the Cavern Club” Oct. 2 2022. By December I had 6 CD’s and had watched probably hundreds of videos. They were playing in my car, On my PC, on my phone, I couldn’t get enough. I was also watching all of their Q and As and interviews on YouTube and just fell in love with them. When I watched the advent calendar reaction video of their first concert and earlier videos I wanted to join the club just to see the rest of the reaction videos and the Christmas Livestream which was so much fun. Needless to say I am still falling. Something about the whole experience that keeps me coming back and while I look forward to each Friday, I like to come in and see what you all are talking about and maybe chiming in. It’s funny because sometimes it has nothing to do with Mona and Lisa but most of the time it does. I like looking at all the pictures and reading all the comments and even doing a puzzle or two and listen to the Jukebox. All of this typing and I still haven’t said WHY?, why I joined the MLT Club. Maybe it’s because I was missing something. September 2014 I lost my two closest sisters and my wife all in one month. In 2020 I lost a very close older sister and my closest brother. I’ve always enjoyed life, and still do but I think I just needed something special to be a part of that makes me feel good and this club certainly does that. I love everything about it and hope to be an active part of it until I die. I’m thinking of taking a stereo and some CDs with me when I go so I can listen to Mona and Lisa in Heaven, I wonder if they are wired for 110 volts or 220? hmm.

  • Tim Arnold

    04/07/2023 at 01:30

    I did join the Intergalactic Club only a couple days ago. One of their posts popped up in my Facebook feed and when I seen it was started Jacki Hopper I had to check it out. Seems like fun and hey, it’s more MLT stuff. But I too find it curious and actually, a little disappointing that there are like 2,000 people in that club and only around 700 here. Why?. Is paying $13 a month enough to keep people away? Hell, I find that much change in my pants pocket every month. I used to spend $16 dollars a day on cigarettes until I finally gave up that filthy habit after 40 years. I know a lot of people need to save every penny these days but man, that is such a small price to pay for all the content and just the warm feelings and smiles and even a little bit of pride in helping these amazing artists continue their beautiful journey.

    • Jacki Hopper

      04/07/2023 at 02:41

      Hi Tim…. I created that FB MLT Group , eons ago …. and to be fair, I think most members there are MLT certified fans, while others are “sort of fans “…. it was kind of the predecessor to the MLT Club here ( I had just wanted a FB MLT Fan Gathering Hub back in the day and had inquired to Team MLT first about the idea at the time…. had never thought it would Transpire at it had…. it’s meant as a fun, not Official group…That is to say… The only reserved , the Official status is truly Bestowed Upon this Official Verified MLT Club is this one here… — To which am Grateful it was created and is recognized/acknowledged proper as being Officially The Official MLT FAN Club), not mine…My MLT FB Group is UnOfficial… it was meant to gather just for fun, informal etc…. to just come and drop in for MLT Related Stuff and to say Hi…

      I hope that better clarifies things for you 😊🤘🏻☮️

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
    • Tim Arnold

      04/07/2023 at 03:26

      Thanks Jacki, I totally understand that your group was started for fun as a fan club for The Twins. When that popped up on my FB feed I was like, oh Jacki Hopper started a fan club I’m gonna check it out. When I read the description I seen how it’s been a club for a long time and there were around 2,000 members. That’s awesome, good for you. I did see a lot of MLT Club members involved in the Intergalactic group too so I know it’s going to be fun being in that club as well. I’ve never joined a fan club before, wait I did join the KISS Army back in the day but that Club was just a way for Gene Simmons to squeeze more money out of the kids. Lol, I was pretty young (and dumb). I’m still dumb but not so young. I hope Ottawa is nice this time of year and I hope you have a wonderful summer.

  • Jung Roe

    04/07/2023 at 02:09

    Hi Tim

    Thanks for chiming in, and wow, well said, I couldn’t agree more. Ideally it would be so awesome if all the 2000 or more Intergalactic members joined the MLT Club and the party could happen in one place here in the MLT Club, more the merrier. A single round trip commuter train ride from my place to work is $14.50 per day, so $13 a month is really nothing at all for all the amazing content at the MLT Club and the weekly videos/music MLT do. The price of admission to the best place on the internet is one outstanding value that can’t be beat.

    Sorry for the loss of your wife and close siblings, my condolences. 2016 and 2017 were tough years for me too with personal losses and discovering MLT has been a Godsend.

    In the short time you’ve been here Tim, your presence and enthusiasm has really been felt, and I am sure Mona and Lisa really appreciate you too. We’re all so glad you are here and looking forward to enjoying this amazing MLT music journey ride with you and all the MLT Club members.

    • Jacki Hopper

      04/07/2023 at 03:00

      Thankyou Jung for your commentary and agree with the sentiments both you and Tim have sated… it too, baffles me as to why there aren’t 1000K + more members on here by now….but then…. IT will occur….just a matter of folks interested in links to join here…. as I say, my MLT Group, just a mainly Drop By with a MLT Hi and etc….Nothing more…This here , is the Real Deal, #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Bonafide… , Just away back when, I wanted to create (with blessing from Team MLT , firstly I, wanted to have a GoTo Kinda MLT Club idea concept of sorts where True MLT Fans at the time could gather amongst other like minded true MLT fans could visit with each other …. wasn’t expecting it to grow like it has, and am Thankful Team MLT made an Official Verified Club here, when they did , Best Thing To Occur .. #1 Club ….🤘🏻👍🏻👌😊

    • Jung Roe

      04/07/2023 at 04:57

      👍😊 Thanks Jacki for all you do in the MLT community.

    • Tim Arnold

      04/07/2023 at 05:05

      Thanks for the kind words Jung, I guess when you are blessed to live this long you end up losing a lot of the people you love. It leaves a big hole that’s hard to fill. Maybe you answered my question as to why I joined the MLT club. It might be a little replacement for the people I’ve lost. I can come here and talk about music and life with like-minded people. I really enjoy being here and respect the ones like you and Jackie that have been here a while. I wished I had found the Twins sooner but I can’t change that so I’ll just look forward to what these girls do next. Peace and Love to all the members of the MLT Club and the Intergalactic Fan Club.

    • Jung Roe

      04/07/2023 at 16:15

      Thanks Tim! It is true isn’t it, the longer we are blessed with living we end up losing a lot of the people we love. That sentiment reminds me of the closing quote in MLT’s Neve video. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” One of the lessons of love is being able to let go.

  • Jung Roe

    04/07/2023 at 04:56

    Hey Jacki

    You created one impressive fan club on facebook for MLT, 2000 subscribers, that is awesome, and much to be proud of. My main point is, it would be nice to see more Intergalactic Fan Club participation in the MLT Club forum for the reasons I mentioned. You certainly have been spreading the joy here at the forum since the very beginning, sometimes keeping us members in line when discussions got too passionate, thank you. 😊

  • Johnnypee Parker

    04/07/2023 at 14:21

    Good morning. I am enjoying this thread as a one-percenter. You’re all displaying one of the reasons why? we are here. I was trying to come up with a Star Wars analogy, but I am only on my first cup. Something like those from the Blue Side must come over to the Orange Side, but that may create a disturbance in the force. Like I said, I’m on my first cup and this really isn’t coming off like my caffeine free mind first envisioned it.

    It’s great how we all feel so comfortable here, and on Jacki’s page, to come celebrate music and express our opinions without the fear of being criticized. The absence of negativity here is quite endearing, along with the unending support of fellow club members. Whether it be the joy of alternate musicians, discovery, loss, excitement, or perhaps just a bad day, it is great how we all rally together to lighten the mood, or share opinions.

    The fact that MLT is preoccupied with producing new videos is quite exciting. They really seem to raise the bar with each new project. I can only imagine what they will do next. Their videos are the best I have seen. We get this eighties video channel on our TV that is a great source for background noise. It’s funny how terrible most of those videos seem now. A lot of the popular artists were incredibly cheesy. To alleviate that I switch over here and play any MLT video. They look so kool on our big screen and sound fantastic.

    So, which song do you think will be accompany the next video? Where will it be filmed? Didn’t they mention an upcoming trip? Ok, I think the coffee is kicking in. Will Joe reach his destination in the summer rain? It is questionable whether that pretty little thing will jump ship to make show. If only he could raise his head like any other day and ask the paid for politicians why?(did I leave any out)

    JP ☕️

    • Jung Roe

      04/07/2023 at 15:43

      Hi JP

      Thanks for your feedback. Yeah the MLT Club is such a wonderful environment without the negativity you find on the internet and public social media platforms for like minded passion filled MLT fans to come together and share experiences and love of music and all things MLT. Love the lively and engaging discussions we have here some times, as MLT described as a party.

      Yeah it sounds like MLT are busy these days on new projects, videos/music, and mention of travel. Looking forward to the new projects they are working on. Hey I think you were on a roll there “Pretty Little Thing will Jump Ship to Make Show…” HAHAHA 😁

    • Steve Kirk

      04/07/2023 at 17:39

      I joined end of last year and really feel at home here. What is nice is that you can say or express an opinion and not feel as you are going to be attacked or made to feel small as seems to be the case these days. Basically every one is nice and respectful and that is lovely. As for being a 1% I hope I am, as being ‘a Lurker’ doesn’t sound very nice! Thank you all

    • Jung Roe

      05/07/2023 at 02:12

      Hi Steve

      LOL, you are right, a lurker just doesn’t sound nice. There is that Simon and Garfunkle song, I’d rather be a hammer than a nail, in the same vain, I’d rather be a producer than a lurker! 😜 Kidding aside, there is nothing wrong with just reading and exploring the forum posts. One of the fulfilling aspects of posting in the MLT forum, is also having an audience who might appreciate what you post.

      And indeed, MLT Club and forum is like a retreat amongst friends, with much respect and kindness to share our passion for MLT.

    • Chris Weber

      04/07/2023 at 17:35

      Johnnypee, since you asked about the next video,

      Janitor Joe, filmed in outer space, courtesy of a hole in the roof of a school.

      And I think JJ will have one of those trademark red balloons too.

      I mean, I’m sitting here watching the Nothing is in Vain vid, with its cameo of the Hubble telescope, interplanetary fish, etc., so why not?

    • Tim Arnold

      05/07/2023 at 04:14

      Johnnypee and Chris, As hard as these four work on creating fantastic music and amazing videos as well as running every aspect of the whole business and do it all in such high quality, I am astonished that they can put out as much content as they do. I asked the question in the recent Q&A about how long it took to produce the WHY? album. The answer was around 5 years and Mona said they are not the fastest writers which I think is fantastic. You can not get the quality of songs they do by rushing things. Hence my comment on that question about not being pressured by a record company showing up in the quality of their work. With their comments about having other songs that didn’t make it on WHY? hopefully it won’t take another 5 years but if it does I am fine with that. If the next album is anywhere close to WHY? or even Orange it will be well worth the wait. I don’t think a new Duo Sessions album is too far off as well as a new Beatles and More. Some great things are coming I believe.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    05/07/2023 at 00:30

    Hi Chris,

    I love Nothing Is In Vain. Have you watched the making of video for this? It’s amazes me that they did all of that in their grandparent’s backyard, thus proving nothing is in vain. Every new video surprises me. I think we all have ideas for each song’s video. Their writing can create such vivid imagery, that one can’t help but imagine what the video will be like. Rest assured we will be amazed.

    I kinda thought Songbird would be a nice accompaniment for an animated video. I love that they went to such high altitudes to film their vision. Did you see the BTS for Songbird? Michaela commented that she felt like she was on top of the world listening to Lisa and Mona sing. It’s so generous of them to share these moments with us.


    • Chris Weber

      05/07/2023 at 03:28

      I love Nothing is in Vain too.

      I am familiar with the BTS vid for Nothing is in Vain. I own a DVD player, but I think I only own one DVD. Fortunately, I can use that DVD to watch that BTS vid any time I want. Yes!

      But I had never seen the Songbird BTS video until just now. I just watched it. Thanks for mentioning it. It’s great. I love those BTS videos, they definitely feed my interest in learning how things are done, plus at the same time, my interest in all things MLT.

      I always feel like I’m on top of the world too when I’m listening to Lisa and Mona.

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