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  • Questionable application form

    Posted by Tim Arnold on 10/05/2023 at 17:24

    I’ve always been a little curious about the application form that was used in the Questionable video. There was some discussion in the club a while back as to it being an authentic application. It sure looks like it and knowing the Twins attention to details it probably is. I was thinking it would be fun to post a copy in the club and maybe let members fill it out and submit it back just for fun and of course the Twins reactions to our answers. What does everyone think?

    Tim Arnold replied 1 year, 3 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    10/05/2023 at 18:23

    I’m not sure I want to know how often people change their underwear, if it isn’t daily. LOL

    • Johnnypee Parker

      10/05/2023 at 19:16

      Nor those that change more than once a day. 😱

    • Daryl Jones

      15/06/2023 at 15:43

      And some that go “commando”. Em, I don’t mean me…😄

    • Tim Arnold

      15/06/2023 at 16:52

      Lol, you just leave that line blank. Or enter NA, not applicable.

    • Michael Rife

      11/05/2023 at 15:06

      Well, some could lie on the application form and say ‘just once a day’.

  • David Herrick

    10/05/2023 at 19:00

    I had assumed that they had created the form themselves, as a fun project that would later serve as an inspiration for lyrics for the song. It might be a good question for the next Q&A video: is the form real?

    • Tim Arnold

      11/05/2023 at 00:29

      I’m pretty sure they made it themselves. I would just like to see what’s actually printed on the form. If it is a legit questionnaire I just think we would get some funny responses. Of course I would probably lie through my teeth to try to get selected. Lol

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