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  • Air Quality/Wildfires Chrcking In of MLT Clubbers Affected

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 08/06/2023 at 22:01

    Hiya, besides myself, Jung, others from here from across Canada and all those in USA whom have been affected by Wildfires effects, whether directly, Air Quality wise….

    Just wanted to check in , hope all are safe, doing okay … Ottawa had the worst Air Quality going on tge last few days from Wildfires in Quebec, and locally about an hour and bit from me and of course from across Canada..

    Today, the Air Quality for Ottawa is decent for a change but could become poor again ….

    Again , just wanted to checkin with all affected/impacted by the Wildfires in some format…. 🤘🏻☮️🫶

    David Herrick replied 1 year, 2 months ago 13 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    09/06/2023 at 01:49

    Hi Jacki

    Doing OK here in Vancouver, thanks. It looks like the smoke is pretty bad out your way in eastern Canada and along the eastern seaboard of the US. Stay indoors and safe, and hope things clear up more in the coming days. Smelled some smoke a few days ago here, but cleared up. I guess we’ve been lucky compared to the rest of Canada so far. Hope Daryl in Northern Alberta and others are doing OK. I know the wildfires hit early and hard in Alberta this year.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    09/06/2023 at 01:55

    We are amazed at how that smoke traveled all the way over here. Yesterday it was very noticeable and we were advised to stay inside. We had some rain showers today which helped, although, it was already clearing this morning. Quite a few outdoor events have been postponed. Mother Nature likes to remind us just how powerful she is once in a while. Glad to hear our friends from the north are OK. Stay safe!

    Marlo & JP

  • Mike Dresen

    09/06/2023 at 14:13

    Hello all.

    The people on the east coast are getting the worst of it, here in central lower Michigan, we also had several hazy days . Then to boot we also had a wildfire in northern Michigan that burned several thousand acres. They are calling for rain over the weekend, lets all hope!. All this smoke has lead to some very colorful and beautiful sunsets, but at great expense to wildlife and Mother Nature.

    PLEASE! Be carefull and don’t burn for now. Above all stay safe.


  • Claire Alasio

    09/06/2023 at 15:31

    I live in NJ, along the coast. Air quality was so bad on Wednesday that I was sent home early from work and we worked remotely. Most of it is coming from Canada, but there is also a forest fire 20 minutes due west of us that has burned 200 acres and is still smoldering. I just stepped outside and today seems so much better. I hope our neighbors to the north can say the same. I hate to think about all the trees and wildlife that have been destroyed. Stay safe everyone.

  • Phil Whitley

    09/06/2023 at 16:42

    Hi Jacki, I saw on the news this morning that, here in Alabama, we even got a taste of the smoke from Canada. I didn’t notice it but it could have been in north Alabama. Funny how the wind blows. Y’all stay safe up there!🙏👍

  • Tim Arnold

    09/06/2023 at 17:42

    Hi Jacki, The air quality here in Wisconsin doesn’t seem to be as bad as Canada and Eastern US but I know some people with breathing issues that are having a difficult time. It was quite hazy here last week. I hope and pray for rain to put out those fires. We could use a lot of rain also, been a very dry spring. Take care.

  • Michael Rife

    10/06/2023 at 17:58

    In one of the mid-Atlantic states. The worst days were Wednesday/Thursday. I had to turn lights on in the house around 4 PM each day. Yesterday the AQI was in the moderate zone which showed some clearing and today It has cleared out. Mike

  • Thomas Randall

    11/06/2023 at 00:44

    Hi Jacki!

    It was REALLY bad where I am for 2 days in the Mid Hudson valley of N.Y. (about 65 miles north of NYC), not quite as bad as NYC but it was very smokey and you could really smell the smoke in the air. Sunrises and sunsets were deep red in color and the noontime Sun was orange!

    I hope they get those fires under control for our Canadian friends up there. Over 430 different fires from what I’ve heard. Stay safe!

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/06/2023 at 01:10

    Thankyou to All here who have replied…I feel more at ease knowing All are safe and okay…. the last few days, it’s been clear, with some intermittent showers that has helped in maintaining the clear /clean air….though I’m not a fan of rain usually but in this case , with Air Quality stuff, it’s been a Welcomed Sight/Blessing …Do Take All who are still experiencing the ugly smog, etc, know it Will Go Away eventually and clean air quality will be restored .. 🤘🏻👍🏻👌

  • Chris Weber

    12/06/2023 at 15:02

    I drove from Detroit area to north of NYC for my niece’s wedding at Lyndhurst Mansion on Friday, wore my N95 mask most of the way, and still have a sore throat. Feels like I smoked 2 packs a day. Going into the city for lunch today, so we’ll see how that goes.

    Glad everyone’s ok

    • Tom Fones

      12/06/2023 at 18:20

      Those N95 masks should help some.

      Everyone stay safe.

      No-one mentioned the sunsets.

      We have stunning red sunsets when there is enough smoke out here

    • Jacki Hopper

      12/06/2023 at 19:06

      Heyya Tom, of course, that is the one Positive thing that can be said out of all this air quality stuff , Wildfire effects, the sunsets are indeed stunning, and I’ve been taking many a photos on my phone of them, as I waited to venture outdoors around suppertime when it wasn’t as humid, and the air wasn”t quite as thick with crap … to do my grocery shopping and TeaWalk intentionally to capture the sunsets, the moon before I headed back home for the night …lol …

    • Jacki Hopper

      12/06/2023 at 19:17

      Hiya Chris…. I’m still into wearing a mask , most of the time still, got used to doing so, not an N-95 one, ( not sure why that particular one is special compared to other normal masks, besides it’s design } ….Over the last few days, here in Ottawa, Air Quality much better and having on?off rain spells have certainly helped …. also having tad cooler temps of no hot with humidity factor has helped as well …

  • Chris Weber

    13/06/2023 at 03:14


    One reason the weather got a little cooler is all the sunlight getting reflected back into space off the smoke particles.

    In the future some aliens looking at earth might wonder why it shown a little brighter for a while.

    When we were driving into New York city around 11:30 this morning I took this pic of the skyline. Yes, it’s there, you just have to expand the photo until it’s really big and you can see the shadowy skyscrapers.

    • Jacki Hopper

      13/06/2023 at 04:12

      Cool stuff…..I miss seeing the Trademark Twin Towers….. it’s still strange to not see them, even after all these yrs, Thankyou for sharing photo, I enjoyed it

    • Chris Weber

      20/06/2023 at 01:53


    • Chris Weber

      28/06/2023 at 00:48


    • Tom Fones

      28/06/2023 at 00:56

      Very brave humor Chris.

      <div> take it easy outside.</div><div>



    • Chris Weber

      28/06/2023 at 01:01

      thanks, and then I decided it was too dark so I deleted it. Hope everyone’s doing ok today.

  • David Herrick

    28/06/2023 at 23:15

    As long as we’re on the topic of extreme weather conditions, here’s hoping our club members (and everyone else) in the south-central U.S. are finding ways to keep cool under the persistent “heat dome”. Temperatures in Dallas today were expected to reach 115 F (46 C) !

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/06/2023 at 03:04

    And….Smoke Smog Centeal – Bad Air Quality looms over my area for an unwelcome return ……Canada Day on July 1st may be rainy and/or Smoky-Smogged/Humidity….depending where in Fanada…It’s suppose to be forecasting muggy/rain for my area on Canada Day with potential once more ongoing return of SmokySmoggy ….Perhaps there might not be any fireworks …. Take Care All who are affected , besides myself …. 🤘🏻☮️

  • Daryl Jones

    29/06/2023 at 18:39

    We’ve had our share of the smoke and bad air since a month ago. At times I was unable to see across the bay from my front deck (less than 1/2 mile vis) but thankfully it’s much better of late. The heavy rains helped immensely, but that brought flooding of disastrous proportions to some regions that were also evacuated from the fires only to be chased out again by high raging waters. Most everyone has managed to return home in those places but still the fires lurk, and the flood damage will take a long time to repair as well. Near as I know, no loss of life, so there’s that.
    Now it’s grasshoppers raising Cain. First fire, then flood, now plague of insects…😲
    But sounds like most are safe across the land. Pleasant thoughts all.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    01/07/2023 at 02:03

    Hey Saskatchewan, you got smoke in my Catskills

    It’s getting hazy around here, again.

    • David Herrick

      01/07/2023 at 03:40

      What a memorable ad campaign that was! As a kid, I assumed that when I got older I’d understand why someone might be walking down the street eating peanut butter straight out of the jar. Still waiting to be enlightened on that one.

      Have you seen the one with Donny Most and Robby Benson?

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