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  • Musicians and Photography

    Posted by Jung Roe on 18/07/2023 at 07:30

    Here is a charming video recently featured on CBS about Paul McCartney and a side of him I didn’t know. Apparently he enjoyed photography and from his photos it looks like he had a keen eye for composition from what I can see. In the recent MLT Northern Scotland trip photos, I was admiring Lisa’s keen photography eye and brilliant compositions of scenery, so seeing this about Paul McCartney and his interest in photography caught my eye. Another of many links between the Beatles and MLT. I know both Mona and Lisa were taught photography by their Grandpa who is a remarkable photographer, and over the years, they always impressed me with their photography skills. Is there a link between brilliant song composers and photography? In this video Paul talks about the camera he bought before their USA Invasion and took a ton of photos that are now being exhibited in London. He also talks about his little Brother Michael, whom MLT have met, and how Paul got him started as a professional photographer. He also talks a bit about the upcoming new Beatles song to be released as well.

    Jürgen replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jürgen

    18/07/2023 at 08:41

    Hi Jung,

    thanks for sending the interview. Ringo also had a certain interest in photography. Or at least had fun with it. Whether he was a good photographer I cannot judge. I have already posted the following video clip elsewhere, but it fits the topic very well, so again 😀

    • Jung Roe

      18/07/2023 at 15:14

      Hi Jurgen

      Thanks for posting that, it’s a real touching video and song. I looked up the song and it looks like Ringo co-wrote it with George Harrison. It would be interesting to see some photos Ringo took, whether taken intentionally for artistic value or not, they certainly capture the moment in a very special way, and become priceless treasures of ones you love. In Paul’s video, he expresses that sentiment too.

  • Jürgen

    19/07/2023 at 04:49

    Yes Jung, the song clearly bears George’s musical signature.

    Speaking of Photographer and Musicians: Why not visit a virtual exhibition together? Even if the members of the MLT Club are scattered all over the world, we can meet at least once in a virtual place and say: I was there too.

    60 years ago, the young graphics student Klaus Voormann met the Beatles in the Kaiserkeller on Hamburg’s Reeperbahn. It was to be the beginning of an unprecedented career – as a graphic designer and as a musician. The rest is well known history.

    In his honor there was a small exhibition in Lüneburg that dealt with his life’s work as an artist and photographer (I hope the virtual tour works)

    • Jung Roe

      20/07/2023 at 05:40

      Jurgen, nice virtual tour and great photos and sketches, thanks for posting it. I see where the album cover for Revolver came from. He certainly captured some intriguing moments with the Beatles in the photos. I recall Mona and Lisa met Klaus Voormann, there is a photo of them with him in the archives here.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    20/07/2023 at 02:40

    Hi Juergen.

    Thank for posting Photograph. I’ve never seen that before. Now I see where Mona’s smiley tambourine came from for Lola. Those are some great pictures.

    While I am here I want to suggest a listen for you. A group called The Buddha Lounge Ensemble

    Animals 2001 Presented by Out of Phase

    I don’t know if you are familiar with Pink Floyd’s Animals, but if you are you might enjoy this version. It’s a little bit techno with some sampling thrown in. A couple of tracks have female vocalists which is quite nice. They do take the tracks in a little different direction, but it still carries all of the ambiance of the original. I have a bunch of these oddities that I have collected over the years and have since forgotten about. This one popped up on my phone the other day while I was mowing the lawn. I put my phone on shuffle sometimes to see what kind of deep tracks appear.

    If you are very familiar with the original album, it can be fun comparing their differences. Here is Dogs from this album. It is a little slower, and easier to understand the lyrics. I am trying to find a full streaming version. I actually have the CD.

    • Jung Roe

      20/07/2023 at 05:44

      Hi JP

      Nice track, I like it. They do capture the feel of Pink Floyd, it’s almost meditative and nice lyrics. Some great drumming in there too. I’ve come to really enjoy and appreciate Pink Floyd over the years, it all started with the Wish You Were Here album. Thanks for posting it.

    • Jürgen

      21/07/2023 at 09:13

      Hi JP,

      thank you for thinking of me. Maybe you should mow the lawn more often and see what treasures your phone still has in store for you. 😀 I bought the Animals album after we were talking about it the other day, I was too curious. My Pink Floyd collection now includes „The Piper at the Gates of Dawn“ (my very first Pink Floyd album), „The Wall“ (of course…), „Animals“, „The Dark Side of the Moon“ and “The Endless River”. Not much, but at least a beginning. Thanks for sending the Coverversion of the song Dogs by the Band „Out of phase“. I like the cover version of Dogs a lot. As you said, a little more electronic and much more ambiente music. The guitar part sounds at some parts a little softer and not quite as distorted as in the original, in other places the guitar is then very reminiscent of the original again and runs like a thread through the entire piece. The female voice and the drumming part give the song some additional charm. All in all an interesting and beautiful cover version

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