• James Cummings

    21/07/2023 at 16:44

    Hello Marc. Remind me what the word’ sunny’ means. It certainly not like that in Ireland.

    • Marc Kristel

      23/07/2023 at 03:07

      Hi James sending some sun ☀️ your way

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/07/2023 at 17:09

    Hiya Marc and a #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Welcome to here , happy to meet you, enjoy the MLT Club offerings here, and I’m from Canada, Bern an MLT fan going on 15-16 yrs now, look forward to postings on here from you …. 🤘🏻☮️

    • Marc Kristel

      23/07/2023 at 03:06

      Thanks Jacki

    • Jacki Hopper

      24/07/2023 at 00:21

      You’re #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Welcome 🤘🏻🇨🇦🍁

  • Tim Arnold

    21/07/2023 at 19:19

    Hi Marc, welcome to the club. I’m in Wisconsin where it is a beautiful sunny day. Hope you enjoy the club.

  • Marc Kristel

    23/07/2023 at 03:05

    Thanks Tim

  • Jung Roe

    31/07/2023 at 02:24

    Greetings Marc, welcome to the MLT Club!

  • Phil Whitley

    01/08/2023 at 17:28

    Hi Marc,

    Welcome from Sweet Home Alabama. You will love it here in the MLT Club. Enjoy all of the perks the twins provide!

  • Marc Kristel

    02/08/2023 at 14:06

    Thanks Phil

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