• Posted by Ian Boggs on 24/07/2023 at 16:33

    On the melody and harmony front, 10CC had some interesting tunes.

    One that comes to mind as potential MLT material is “Things We Do For Love”. It’s kinda bouncy with some interesting imagery in the lyrics. The Guitar solo sounds very “Lisa” to me and was even played on a Rickenbacker.


    This has an Eaglesesque wall of harmonies (as does, “I’m Not In Love”).

    I’m hearing in my head both a full band with overdubs arrangement and a Duo Session.

    Ian Boggs replied 1 year, 1 month ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Ian Boggs

    24/07/2023 at 16:38

    Oops! Guitar solo on a Les Paul. The Bass is a Rick.

  • David Herrick

    24/07/2023 at 21:00

    I heard this song on the radio when I was a kid and rather liked it, but I was too young to know or care about the name of the group. 10cc has been mentioned in this club before in connection with the 60’s hits that Graham Gouldman wrote. I guess I’ve got a couple of reasons to explore their catalog now!

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2023 at 03:47

    Well now, a song from my 1970s Childhood Music Past ….. Always Loved this one whenever I heard it on radio and sing along….most likely sang wrong/misheard lyrics while at it, given my hearing issues I have now, in hindsight ….lol 🙃🙂😉

    • Bill Isenberg

      27/07/2023 at 02:22

      such a great song from 1975. I remember it like it was yesterday and I believe it was during the summer months I heard this song.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    26/07/2023 at 03:12

    I’ve always liked I’m Not In Love. You reminded me of a documentary I saw a while ago. It’s really amazing what lengths they went to for that backing vocal. I love seeing how things were accomplished back in the day with old school analog compared to how it’s done now with a couple of clicks. And there are some fun facts at the end.

    Be quiet. Big boys don’t cry, big boys don’t cry


    • Chris Weber

      26/07/2023 at 07:17

      Always liked “I’m not in Love”. Of course, I wasn’t in love with it…

      Interesting how they tell you how they split the atom to produce it. And show this pic of a Moog that’s looking a bit different from the ones I remember in the ’70s. I recall Minimoogs from that era. This is serious patch cords, what I think of as more like ’60s stuff. Idk, I didn’t own either one at the time, but friends of mine did.

      The keyboard I bought 10 years ago came with a patch that sounds an awful lot like that wall of sound mix of vocals that they used. I guess that’s paying homage to what they did.

      So props to them for finding a way to do what they needed for the song in the mid ’70s.

    • Ian Boggs

      27/07/2023 at 15:03

      It seems that when anyone thinks of 10CC, they think of “I’m Not In Love”.

      For me, this technological approach to music is kinda the opposite of what MLT do and the opposite of why I enjoy their work so much. How do you feel about this?

      I was looking at 10CC from the melody and harmony and staying groovy standpoint.

      Howzabout everybudgie checking the back catalogue for groovy stuff our favourite flamingos might make their own????????

      I have my own opinions on that. Things We Do For Love is one and only one.

      What else? Your thoughts, please?

  • Bill Isenberg

    27/07/2023 at 17:04

    Great Point Ian, I have always said Mona and Lisa do the best covers and make it their own becasuse they never take the essance of the song away. Too many people cover songs and put such a twist to it that it never makes sense to me. Yes Mona and Lisa do it a few octives higher and use a capo etc….but the essance and harmony of the song is still there. Look at Sounds of Silence, my goodness what a great cover, look at Till there was you? Guitar riffs etc…voices….perfect so I agree with you Ian 100%

    • Ian Boggs

      28/07/2023 at 09:47

      Thanks for your comment, Bill.

      I wonder if you have any suggestions?

      As I said, I have my own ideas but I’m curious to see what other people think.

      If everyone puts their minds to it, some kind of pattern might emerge. If Mona and Lisa see it and like it, who knows what the result might be………

      Okay; I’ll try again to get the ball rolling.

      Use imagination here……. How would it be if the ever lovely and proper ladies were to put their sweet spin on ‘Good Morning Judge’? Would it be an image destroyer or would it be hilarious?

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