MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Let it Be — All-Star Edition

  • Jung Roe

    20/08/2023 at 05:47

    David, what an All-Star cast of talent coming together to do a wonderful rendition of Let It Be. With Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr playing on it with Dolly Parton, that is quite the endorsement.

    Let It Be is my favourite Beatles song, first heard it in elementary school sang by a couple of the older girls in grade 6 or 7 with an acoustic guitar. It felt like church music, from 200 years ago, so amazingly beautiful and divine. I later learned this was the Beatles. Everything good and amazing song that instantly made me love it was the Beatles. More recently when I learned how Paul McCartney was inspired through a dream to write this song, solidified my belief Paul is the greatest songwriter/composer of the 20th Century and takes his place amongst the greatest composers of al time.

  • Jürgen

    20/08/2023 at 07:17

    Hi David and Jung,

    there are certain songs that are forever associated with a special sound or a characteristic voice for me. “Let it be” is such a song. Without Paul’s vocals, “Let it be” is simply: …let it be… 😀. When I first heard “Let it be” as a kid or teenager, I didn’t know it was by The Beatles. But even then it gave me goosebumps. I just happened to come across “Let it be…naked”. The album was released a few years ago, but somehow I didn’t notice it and ordered it right away. It has been remixed and the musical gimmicks of Phil Spector have been removed. Some songs sound a bit different now; e.g. “The Long and Winding Road” now benefits from the piano and less of the strings and the orchestral part that has been added by Spector. But as so often in life: purely a matter of taste. The Beatles were apparently never really satisfied with the version released in 1970. Maybe it was because they already broke up as a band. Paul didn’t particularly like Phil Spector’s mastering. The other three probably liked it better. So here is a version of “Let it be” as Paul may would have liked.

  • Fred van der Wees

    20/08/2023 at 09:31

    Great song, I always remember this version from Live Aid 1985 (getting old)

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/08/2023 at 04:05

    Hi David ….Lol….I just discovered this on YT today, was going share link here…but ya beat me to it….it’s beautifully done with Dolly’s vocals 🕊🤘🏻🦋☮️

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