• Posted by Will Beard on 28/08/2023 at 00:47

    Maybe its me or maybe Mona’s boots have higher heels but seems last couple of videos Mona has been a full inch or more taller than Lisa, just a couple years ago – as adults – there was only a quarter of an inch difference. “Any Other Day” it is really noticeable. Just curious.

    Johnnypee Parker replied 1 year ago 8 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    28/08/2023 at 15:45

    Hi Will

    I believe Mona is 5′ 7″ and Lisa is about 5′ 6″ or so. So about an inch difference. People stop growing at about 18 or 19 I think. With variances in foot wear and elevation, it’s probably hard to judge height differences reliably from photos.

    Both quite tall and beautiful. 🧡

    • Phil Whitley

      28/08/2023 at 22:34

      When they are sitting next to each other, Mona looks more than 1″ taller. I do know I saw somewhere where they discussed their height, but I can’t remember where I saw it. Love them both no matter their height!😍

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/08/2023 at 07:45

    Yes….the height thing has come up often in topics, and I believe both Mona & Lisa answered in either a video Q& A and/or in a reply or somwheres….Mona is definitely taller by a tad ….but to stand next to me and anyone else as well would be a foot taller in height than me …lol… ( I go by height in feet and inches as I don’t do the metric thing ….I’m old school…. in recipes…it’s cups/tea-tablespoons, a pinch of, a dash of ….etc… )

    I was a full term baby at 3 pounds 3 ounces , and I was 4 when I got tested for possible dwarfism….which was not the case…. All normal , just compact …lol…. my late Mom was around 4 ’10- ish in height …. When she due to have me….The hospital asked her if she was really about to have a baby as she didn’t show much pregnancy with me …at 9 most, she looked about 4-5 mos carrying me … whereas with my 2 older brothers….they were more average in their birth weight , and Mom definitely looked really pregnant with each of them …. 🙃😁

  • Tim Arnold

    29/08/2023 at 17:26

    This question has been answered in a couple different Q&A’s including the recent one on August 4th. The answer I believe was Lisa at 1.76 meters or 5’6″ and Mona at 1.70 meters and 5’7″. Lisa’s explanation was that Mona ate all the food in the womb, Lol. Mona does appear quite tall in the Any Other Day video. In the scene where she is playing the flutes you can see she is wearing boots with very thick souls. Lisa actually has some heals on her shoes you can compare them on the wall scene where they are feeding the pigeons. I really enjoy doing research when it involves watching MLT videos.

    • Tim Arnold

      29/08/2023 at 18:10

      I actually just watched the Q&A again and Lisa is actually 1.66 meters which is 5’5″ and Mona 1.70 which is 5’7″ so closer to 2″ difference. Once again I love doing this type of research.

  • Chris Weber

    30/08/2023 at 02:11

    A lot of good info here, but I can tell you from experience, that height can vary.

    I used to always say I’m 6 feet tall. Unless I’m playing basketball, then I’m 6’2″.

    I saw a documentary not long ago that eating more in the womb does happen, but that was about why identical twins were different heights.

    And they have said that they’ve never been tested to see if they are identical twins.

    • Tim Arnold

      30/08/2023 at 17:49

      Hi Chris, You are probably right about one twin eating more in the womb. A litter of puppies always has a runt. I assumed it was just because it was smaller and weaker due to genetics and therefore got pushed away from the food source after birth but it probably started before hand in the womb.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    30/08/2023 at 02:28

    Judging by these replies I might not be MLT’S biggest fan. I stand 5’10”, but I’m so skinny I look 5’11”. Well at least I’m taller than Jacki and the twins.


    • Tim Arnold

      30/08/2023 at 04:54

      I’m actually shorter than I was say 10 years ago but my shoe size has increased by 1/2 a size. I’m not shrinking but I am settling. Lol

    • Chris Weber

      30/08/2023 at 13:05

      They also say people are taller in the morning than the evening, by maybe 2/3 cm.

      You’re lucky with those shoes. I need a full size larger shoe than I used to. My niece got married last June and the only pair of black dress shoes I had were the old, smaller size.

      My niece has a younger sister — I might have to do that again soon.

    • Jung Roe

      30/08/2023 at 15:19

      I heard that too, the effects of gravity have on you, by the end of the day all your cells compress and you are shorter. More more reason to get out into space like Janitor Joe so we don’t shrink every day. 😁 It looks like there was some truth to that Brady Bunch episode, where Bobby would hang from the swing set bars so he could stretch and grow taller. I tried that for a while too 😜

    • David Herrick

      30/08/2023 at 16:35

      My understanding of the height change is that your spine becomes more curved as a result of supporting the weight of your head all day. Then it straightens out while you’re sleeping (presumably horizontally). The same effect explains why astronauts orbiting the Earth for a long time get a little taller.

      You’d think Bobby would have realized that hanging from a bar wouldn’t make you any taller; it would only make your arms longer. However, that didn’t prevent me from trying it myself when I was a kid.

    • Jung Roe

      31/08/2023 at 00:49

      That sounds more plausible David, than my theory of cells compressing, unless our physiology was more like Jabba the Hutt. I think Bobby would have had more success then if he hung upside down. I do have long arms, I wonder how that happened.

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/09/2023 at 01:43

    Lol…Thanks JP for making me feel even more self conscious about my height …lol…. Knowing that I’m going to shrink , scares me even more ( All kidding aside though, In fact , my height, etc was a serious bullying target trauma when I was younger, especially in / during my school years and struggled emotionally, etc. , as a result ) though now it doesn’t quite bother me as much except when folks assume/presume /mistake me for being 20 and younger based solely on my height and looking younger….I might as well say I’m a dwarf , but then I’m not one.. I got tested for that when I was 4 ….boy do I recall that.. did not like the testing involved, but it proved I do not have dwarfism, just normal but in compact size, as in Thumbelina …. that’s a pet peeve I have of folks…. when one assumes and insults/disrespectful towards someone because of how they look, etc….. Yes, I will admit to getting away with some things when I was younger because of being young looking/smaller than average person in my age group ,example: getting into movies/fairgrounds at child prices …lol… when my friends had to pay full price )but once I hit my 20s-now ( mid 50s ) , I do get a tad annoyed still a little now/then when I get treated like a child/teen based on my looks/height … instead of just being treated respectfully as the adult that I am ….

    • Johnnypee Parker

      01/09/2023 at 11:58

      Hi Jacki, I am glad you knew I was kidding. Up until high school I was one of the small kids. I do remember the first few days of my junior year other kids commented on my growth spirt. That felt pretty kool. I also remember my father taking us to the movies when I was 13 and he paid for one adult and one child. At the time I felt belittled. I was always trying to feel older and I thought being old enough to require an adult ticket to the movies was a right of passage. Dad was like,”Hush, hush. Nobody knows.” Now Marlo is five feet tall. I don’t really notice our difference in height until I see a picture of us. It’s weird, because as soon as I see a picture of us I can’t help but comment on it. I almost feel like a giant next to her. Like I said, it’s weird. As we go about our day, I don’t notice. As soon as I see a picture of us,”Wow honey, you ARE short.” or “Look how tall I am.”

      All in fun. Happy Friday!


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