• RIP Jimmy Buffet

    Posted by Tom Fones on 09/09/2023 at 03:59

    <div>Will everyone please have a margarita as soon as they can and toast the President of Margaritaville one last time. There won’t be another like him.</div><div>

    He and Willie Nelson thought of you as a friend before they met you.

    I wish i could be more like them.

    The Son of a Son of a Sailor will be missed. I think i am going to cry.




    Tom Fones replied 1 year ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    09/09/2023 at 04:37

    I don’t drink Margaritas or any alcoholic beverages….only tea and water, juice, 7-UP and Canada Dry Gingerale , but I did toast to Jimmy on day of his passing….sad indeed 🫖☕️🍹🥤🧃🧊

    • Tom Fones

      09/09/2023 at 15:49


      thanks for writing.

      Try to find an alcohol-free margarita. If not have a cheeseburger.

  • Phil Whitley

    09/09/2023 at 23:40

    I just drink water or coffee but I loved J.B. He was from down here in the South where most of the good musicians are from. lol
    Mona and Lisa are the best!🎸🎤⭐

  • Chris Weber

    10/09/2023 at 23:45


  • Thomas Randall

    16/09/2023 at 01:22

    Sad to see Jimmy leave us. Always liked some of his songs, especially ‘Fins” and “Cheeseburgers in paradise”. Thanks Jimmy for everything….

  • Daryl Jones

    20/09/2023 at 16:57

    Over the Labor Day weekend, we have an annual dual birthday bash (my wife and her brother share the same date September 1, but 4 years apart) and this year the family coerced me into playing and singing Saturday evening before the birthday fireworks show. As most know Jimmy passed the day before. Of course I had to play Margaritaville and mention his passing prior to playing it in case there were some that hadn’t heard the sad news. Surprisingly (or not?) my voice broke with the emotion as I spoke of him, and it took me a few breaths to collect myself before hitting the intro chords.
    I have always enjoyed Jimmy’s music, and his dedicated way of doing his own thing was so refreshing in a world where corporate pressure seems to dictate to so many artists and formulate them according to the corporate ideal. I never had the chance to see him live, but some of my friends did, and they raved about the atmosphere of his performances. Nothing but good vibes and a sharing of positive energy. Of course, now I have more songs of his to learn and put into my slowly growing repertoire. 2023 was a tough year on musicians it seems, we lost some great ones, Jimmy not being the least of any of them.

    • Tom Fones

      20/09/2023 at 17:44

      Thanks Daryl.

      May your repertoire be filled with joy.


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