MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion "Now and Then" – Mona and Lisa's version is incredible

  • "Now and Then" – Mona and Lisa's version is incredible

    Posted by Jung Roe on 10/11/2023 at 05:10

    Mona and Lisa’s incredible harmonies harness the new Beatles song and make it all their own. It is stirring and incredibly beautiful. The hauntingly beautiful harmonies is just magic and so moving. John Lennon would surely be very happy with how MLT transformed his beautiful creation, and honored it by taking it to another level. The harmonies are sublime! Absolutely love it.

    Maureen replied 10 months, 1 week ago 15 Members · 26 Replies
  • 26 Replies
  • Chris Weber

    10/11/2023 at 05:37

    This is so, so brilliant. The arrangement, the harmonies, the video, it’s all there. As great as they are at making us smile, they can just as easily tug at the heart. Having this ready to drop so soon after the original is fantastic.

    I love it.

    I can imagine John and George up in heaven, smiling. And I’m just sitting here in awe. They are doing it again. So amazing.

    • Bud Jackson

      10/11/2023 at 05:44

      Chris & Jung,

      I’m in total agreement with both of you! I just watched this & was so surprised to see Mona & Lisa do the new Beatles song so quickly! I hope this brings a lot more people into the MLT Club. Excellent ladies, with Rudi & Makaela’s support! I’ll be looking for this with some commentary probably from Lisa & Mona tomorrow!

      WOW, what a wonderful video! Thank You! — Bud J.

  • James Crowe

    10/11/2023 at 06:10

    I can’t agree more. It was an incredibly pleasant surprise to see thin in my YouTube feed tonight. Such an amazing—dare I say “ groovy”—take on the new Beatles song. So good.

  • Tim Arnold

    10/11/2023 at 06:21

    Yep, I agree with Chris, everything about it is fabulous. The music, the vocals, the guitar work, I love that slide and the video is amazing, beautiful looks and cool effects. Absolutely groovy.

    • Jung Roe

      10/11/2023 at 09:58

      Indeed Tim et all, and I love their cool sunglasses! They look so psychedelic groovy cool and gorgeous. The beautiful singing, musical arrangement is all their own and sounds so amazing, it’s all overwhelming.

  • Tim Arnold

    10/11/2023 at 06:27

    Lisa’s smile at 1:25, yep, there goes my heart again!!

  • Steve Kirk

    10/11/2023 at 12:58

    Am I missing something? I thought everything came through the MLT Club first before going to YOU TUBE?

    • Len Upton

      10/11/2023 at 21:22

      Indeed. I only received the email in the final hour of Friday GMT, although by chance I first saw the video on Facebook, in the last hour of Thursday, Mountain Standard Time

    • Jung Roe

      11/11/2023 at 01:16

      Hi Steve

      I was certainly pleasantly surprised to see this video posted out of the blue on Youtube, wasn’t expecting it. I also noticed a lot of covers of this song on youtube by a lot of artists, and I think it is a good idea for MLT to pre-empt the music landscape with their own amazing cover to ride the wave created by the first new Beatles song in decades. I think there is a timing aspect to this as a lot of artists are covering it, and MLT getting their superlative version out as quickly as possible is the right thing to to. We all want to see MLT grow their fan base big time, and this is a great opportunity to get their sound out there when ears are wide open for this amazing song. Every great version in addition to the Beatles original is welcome. So I understand MLT being more spontaneous with this one to get their take on this song out ASAP, and forgoing the usual process of posting at the MLT Club first. Given how polished and refined their cover and video is, they must have got very little sleep to do this one over the last 1 week. Kudos Mona and Lisa, and Papa Rudi and Michaela! Amazing job well done. 👍

  • Don Tracy

    10/11/2023 at 13:26

    I expected the usual response from club members and I was not disappointed: people are rushing to comment that their cover of “Now and Then” is incredible, the video is awesome, and they are beautiful. The responses are all too predictable. Mona and Lisa’s cover is good but not great. I do like their interpretation of the song but the video is annoying. I think they were trying to capture the look of videos done in the late 1960s. That said, the kaleidoscope special effects in those old videos was annoying and this video is similarly annoying. A little of those special effects goes a long way, and it’s overdone in their video. All in all, the entire effort feels rushed, and I wonder what the rush was to release a cover so soon after the original came out. It reminds me of the 1960s space race: we gotta get there first.

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/11/2023 at 15:22

    That was a Frikkin Fab surprise to see, but I knew it would be done at some point, but pleasantly surprised sooner than later, gotta love everything about it, loving the kaleidoscopic effects, totally groovy pyscadellic , works for me, complimentary to tge essence of the song, etc. I’m sorry that some folks aren’t liking the visual vibe and/or whatever it is that’s not being enjoyed, but to each of their own interpretations/take on it, and that is okay, it’s respectfully said, by those, and perhaps not everyone’s cup of MLT Tea blend that they’re used to , we all have our own tastebuds of MLT Music Tea and how we enjoy it.

    Thankyou Mona, Lisa, etc for doing up a fine rendition, John and George would be smiling and hoping that their SpiritSouls are and Ringo and Paul get to hear this version from you, and enjoy it … 😊🤘☮

  • Daryl Jones

    10/11/2023 at 16:24

    I was more than moved when I saw this last night on my FB page. The harmonies, the subtle guitar/instrumentals, and most of all the “feel” of the song. To put it plainly, I was blown away and deeply moved.
    I mentioned in the FB reply that I hadn’t heard Ringo and Paul’s version (with some of George’s pre-recorded dubs) yet, and I still haven’t. And I might not need to. This works for me as is. But in fairness to Paul and Ringo, I really should…

  • Ron Filice

    10/11/2023 at 18:09

    How quickly they produced this video is a credit to the Twins’ talent. This is not one of John Lennon’s greatest, but the ML Twins do a great job of it! I have not heard the Beatles’ version, but I may be disappointed after hearing this one…

  • Dave Johnston

    10/11/2023 at 18:09

    Fantastic cover and great video. I love the blue Lennon glasses! The slide work is sublime and Lisa’s laugh is really spot on. The song is almost as beautiful as they are!

    • Jung Roe

      10/11/2023 at 22:44

      Hi Dave,

      I thought the video was really well done too, in keeping with the title of the song, it captures the 60s feel with the psychedelic effects with Kaleidoscope of colours, ultra cool colored shades, all sets a positive groovy vibe which is what the song reminisces back to.

  • Dana Hart

    10/11/2023 at 18:10

    I enjoyed the Beatles version. The Beatles video was outstanding as it should be when thousands of dollars and weeks are spent creating it. I wholly enjoyed MLT’s version of the song just as much. It’s not a copy of the Beatles version but an interpretation that (as always done by MLT) stays true to the original. I found the MLT video a a bit too busy on the first viewing but really enjoyed it on subsequent viewing and did not feel it being too busy at all. Always amazed that the four of them can record a song, plan, film and edit ultimately producing a video in a week like they did with this video and like they did with ‘I Bought Myself a Politician’. They must be sleep deprived right now. They are just amazing- period! 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    10/11/2023 at 18:30

    I didn’t want to offend any Beatles fans as anything touted better is sacrilege for some, and so I avoided using that verbage in the social media posts, but to be honest and objective MLTs version to me is more moving, and progressive. I can understand Paul, George and Ringo not wanting to depart too much from John’s original vocals, but MLT in their usual genius and visionary interpretation has really taken this to a higher more inspired level, all while keeping true to that hauntingly beautiful cassette recording John created. Whereas the Beatles version is a tribute to John, MLTs interpretation explores the full potential of what John created adding the incomparable harmonies of Mona and Lisa. I think John would be super proud of how MLT honored his creation and made it sound so absolutely wonderful.

    As Jackie so eloquently stated, there is no right or wrong here, there is good music and bad music, and this one is soooooooooo goooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blows me away.

  • Gary Delaura

    10/11/2023 at 20:06

    Yes I totally agree. I love the Beatles song and the video that was put together bringing all four Beatles together almost brought me to tears. But there is something about the MonaLisa Twins version that seems to bring the song up to a whole other level. It’s almost as though the song was written just for them. Beautiful harmonies. So well done. That’s why I love these awesome artists.

  • Chris Weber

    11/11/2023 at 16:04

    Everybody’s been saying Now and Then is the last Beatles song. But maybe there’s an encore (or 2, or 20)?

    It looks like there’s an album called the Dakota Beatle demos? Maybe it’s time for Yoko to just empty out that sock drawer where she’s been finding these.

    Lots of them. I’m sure all of you know about these right? I’m definitely not the Beatles expert around here. What am I missing? Sounds like these have been known for years too.

    Btw, I checked, and this demo album is not on Amazon. In the comments for it, people have tried to share where a body can buy a copy of this, and YT keeps swallowing it up. I can imagine demos 2 through n are looking a bit more valuable right now than maybe they used to. This looks kind of bootleg.

    • Bud Jackson

      12/11/2023 at 03:19

      Wow Chris!

      I haven’t heard of this album before, I only read that John was busy writing songs from 1975 to 1980. This is like finding buried treasure for Beatle fans! Thank you for putting this up for everyone to hear; what a guy! — Bud

  • Jung Roe

    12/11/2023 at 19:53

    If scholars discovered a new never heard before Beethoven Symphony No 10, 200 years later, it would set the classical music world on fire and make music history. This is what is happening now in the rock/pop world with Now and Then. The Beatles “Now and Then” is a landmark music history making moment, and I’m so glad MLT is part of that moment creating a stellar superlative version of their own, honouring the Beatles.

    I always enjoy David Bennett’s perspective on music, and he offers another interesting one on “Now and Then”.

    • Jung Roe

      12/11/2023 at 20:06

      David Bennett is a big Beatles fan and has analyzed much of their music for years, and so his first expert reaction video offers some valuable insight as David offers his thoughts on the song as he listens to it for the first time.

    • Maureen

      14/11/2023 at 20:12

      Hi Jung.

      I’m not sure how to post on a discussion rather than reply (hence my sparse posts) so sorry if this is off target but does anyone know how or when we’ll be able to purchase a download of MLT’S “Now and Then”? By far the best cover I’ve listened to yet! Thanks, Maureen S.

    • Daryl Jones

      14/11/2023 at 23:08

      Maureen, you can download the YouTube version if you have a paid membership. I bought one to download backing tracks and instrumentals for use at small gigs with my tablet. That way I don’t need Wi-fi or internet service where I’m playing. I just plug my tablet into one of my amps and away I go. You can also save any YouTube song (or video) to your own list for free as long as you have service, you just can’t play it where there is none.

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by  Daryl Jones.
    • Jung Roe

      15/11/2023 at 03:42

      Hi Maureen

      Great to hear from you! If you want to create your own post/thread in the forum, from the General Discussion main page, just click on the orange “New Discussion” button on the top right hand corner. Would be awesome if you post something. 🙂

      As for downloading the song “Now and Then” from the MLT Club, if that is what you mean, it is not available to download yet. When MLT adds the song to the “Additional Recordings” Jukebox, then it will be available to download, through the “Download All Albums” button, and navigating down to the Additional Recordings “Download Songs” button. When you click the button, it will immediately download to your “Downloads” folder in your PC as a Zip file that you can extract by clicking on the zip file.

      As for how soon “Now and Then” will be posted in the Additional Recordings Jukebox and available for download, I am not sure. Hopefully soon. The Duo Sessions songs become available when they do a new Duo Sessions album that contains the song.

      I hope that answered your question.

      Daryl, I presume you are referring to a Youtube paid membership and downloading songs from there?

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