MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Support & Suggestions Questions or Ideas? Read this first …

  • Questions or Ideas? Read this first …

    Posted by Rudolf Wagner on 06/10/2018 at 22:40

    This is the place where you can post any ideas or suggestions for improvements in the MLT Club and let us know about any problems you have come across in the Club or the Forum in particular. Just start a new topic and fire away!

    • How can the MLT Club improve?
    • Do you need help with something?
    • What would you like to see more of?
    • What do you like/dislike in particular?
    • Do you miss something?
    • Any good ideas for future additions to the MLT Club?
    • Have you noticed a bug or something that isn’t quite right?
    • Did you spot a typo? (it happens to the bets of us)

    Any and all feedback is appreciated and of course all of us are more than happy to help you with any problems or questions.

    To keep this section as useful as possible please bear in mind:

    Before you start a new topic please search the forum to see if someone else had the same question/suggestion and if a solution/answer has been posted. Everyone who can help with a task please contribute. Given we’re all in different time zones this might help to get questions answered more quickly.

    If you came about an issue on the website, please look out for descriptions or error messages in a form or on the page which might direct you to the solution of your problem. You can click on anything clickable without “ruining” anything, don’t worry! You can always click the back button of your browser or refresh the page to get somewhere you feel comfortable again.

    If you had a problem and someone posted a suggested solution please provide some feedback, so that others know if more help is needed or if the solution has been found.

    We’re looking forward to hearing your ideas!

    Rudolf Wagner replied 5 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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