• We lost another one

    Posted by Daryl Jones on 11/12/2023 at 17:53

    Sadly, a couple weeks ago, we lost a Canadian Rock Star and icon: April Wine’s lead guitarist and frontman Myles Goodwyn. Myles had a very difficult form of diabetes and he had stepped away from the band a couple years ago since his affliction was too hard to manage on the road anymore.
    So he embarked on a solo acoustic project early in 2022. I heard the interview and was quite happy to hear he was still going to be recording and playing/singing even at an advanced age (he was 75 when he passed). Last Saturday night, an Edmonton FM station broadcast a tribute to April Wine and Myles and I heard this song from his latest efforts. The host of the show (Scottish from his accent) said it choked him up to the point of tears when he first heard it, and I can certainly say that it had the same effect on me as I listened. Myles never laid claim to being a great singer, but the emotion and feeling in this song belies that opinion of himself.
    Myles had the reputation of being hard-nosed with his bandmates, to the point that he lost favor with them and many were sent packing when they couldn’t follow his stubborn leadership. Imagine that, a rock band with a tyrannical leader… who ever thought? But in his interviews after leaving the group, he mentioned that he did stay in touch after leaving, and they did remain friends. I met him in the mid 2000’s at a local gig and he was gracious, polite and even friendly to speak with. Not at all the ogre he was reputed to be, but then I wasn’t part of the band either so. Didn’t hurt that we were seated 10 feet in front of him all night either.
    We all know that as our heroes and superstars get older, we are bound to lose them to the ravages of the road and age. But when it’s someone you actually met, it hurts even more. I hope you enjoy this touching song, and I even hope you shed a tear or two. Not from sadness, but from the joy of a beautiful song. R.I. P. Myles Goodwyn…

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    Daryl Jones replied 9 months, 1 week ago 7 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    11/12/2023 at 18:42

    Wow. I didn’t even know he was still making music that recently or hear that he passed. Thanks for sharing that. I think I’ll go put on some April Wine. Think I’ll start with “Harder…Faster”

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/12/2023 at 23:07

    Yeppers…read that the other day…. our world slowly eradicating of the best …. RIP Myles …. 🤘🏻☮️😞🇨🇦🍁🎼🎵🎶🔊📻

  • Tim Arnold

    12/12/2023 at 01:01

    Daryl, I remember that band name April Wine. I remember they had a big hit in the States called Just Between You And Me. It’s worth sharing if you don’t mind. Really nice song, beautiful vocals and a great guitar solo. RIP Myles.


    • Tom Fones

      16/12/2023 at 21:23

      <div>I never heard of these guys.</div><div>

      Have they been hiding up in Canada?

      Very nice song.


    • Daryl Jones

      17/12/2023 at 14:51

      I love rockin’ out to this song. Myles and crew did such a great job on this when I saw them live here in town. The rhythm part is pretty straight forward unless you fill in the combo riffs and then it can get pretty neat and exciting. I never have learned the lead part, but one of my buddies is an old rock vocalist and he keeps threatening/promising to sing this at one of our party nights so I might have to do that. Could get by with just the rhythm but he’ll have a bird if I don’t do the lead/solo break. Be a good one to work on with my new axe.
      And no, we didn’t “hide” them up here. The last 20-25 years they did do mostly small venue gigs in the US and Canada. But they could still kick it like they did in their popular days in the 70’s and 80’s.
      April Wine – You Could Have Been a Lady (youtube.com)

  • Jung Roe

    12/12/2023 at 06:25

    Hi Daryl

    That song is beautiful and moving. Thanks for sharing it. I heard on the radio a few days ago of Myles Goodwyn of April Wine’s death, sad to hear. I did have an April Wine album in high school, and remember a number of their hits, especially Just Between You and Me.

    • Daryl Jones

      13/12/2023 at 17:42

      That is one of their great releases to be sure. If I need a bit of an uplift, I’ll sit down and jam with Coulda Been A Lady. Always gets my blood pumping.
      I don’t know how many times in my younger days we’d be sitting in the local bar and Ooh Whatta Night would get played multiple times. People really liked that one too. Wasn’t my favorite but so what.

  • Thomas Randall

    13/12/2023 at 23:15

    Wow I had not heard of this. Recently we lost Denny Laine and George Brown, drummer from from Kool and the gang as well. So many musicians leaving us. RIP….

    • Tim Arnold

      14/12/2023 at 15:14

      Another one that passed in the last few weeks was Chad Allan. One of the founding members of the band that would become The Guess Who. I read his memorial on Randy Bachman’s Facebook page.

    • Daryl Jones

      14/12/2023 at 16:01

      Yeah, saw that a couple days ago too. But I don’t remember him from the days when the band first came out. Mostly it was Burton, not even Randy got much limelight or mention at the start. A few mentions of him being lead guitar (but not writing) here and there. Until the BTO days he was sort of silent. Kind of weird given Burton was/is such an introvert. And Randy being a Mormon he didn’t like/fit the R&R lifestyle either.

    • Tim Arnold

      14/12/2023 at 21:56

      Daryl, I’m not sure if Chad had left the band or not before it was called The Guess Who. I think it was originally called Chad Allen and the Expressions before Burton showed up. Mona and Lisa talk about it on their WOTT video about American Woman. I remember The Guess Who mainly with Burton Cummings and Randy Bachman. Sounds like, according to Randy, they were all still friends, they just had different beliefs and couldn’t agree on the rock n roll lifestyle. Even Randy’s brother Tim left the original BTO line up because him and Randy couldn’t agree. I guess Tim liked to party a little. My niece met Tim Bachman once at Daytona Bike Week.

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