• A short story

    Posted by Peter White on 23/12/2023 at 21:28

    (Begun while the Twins sing of times past) = The Twins were in Australia, age 14. They were sad, clinging to their Host parents and each other, they were weeping, lonely and homesick. The Hosts called their parents: “They won’t stop crying, don’t know what to do!” “Give ’em ice cream. Always works for us.” The Twins were now at the table, looking at pictures of home and softly crying. Their Host appeared and placed two heaping dishes of ice cream before them. Still weeping softly they suddenly eye the ice cream. The weeping cut off like a knife. “Ooh”. “Ooh.” They start to dig in. “Hmmm.” “Hmmm.” They finished their treat in record time. There might have been a good-sized burp from one of them. All smiley now they hugged their Host and started singing ‘Edelweiss’ together. “No, no. remember?” “Oh yes. <Waltzing Matilda…>”

    • This discussion was modified 9 months ago by  Peter White.
    Peter White replied 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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