MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Exactly which Gretsch “jet” does Lisa play in the Cavern videos?

  • Exactly which Gretsch “jet” does Lisa play in the Cavern videos?

    Posted by Russ Herrell on 28/12/2023 at 03:53

    I’m really impressed by the tone of the Gretsch that Lisa plays in most of the Cavern videos. However, I cannot visually identify which Gretsch that is. The tailpiece/whammy bar doesn’t appear to match any of the Bigsby units I find on any of the 6128 images I pull up. I found the story of the Twins’ trip to Germany to test out the various guitars they ended up with (Gretsch and Ricky post in FAQs forum), but it didn’t list the actual model of the Gretsch. Anyone know the answer?

    Jung Roe replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    28/12/2023 at 04:15

    Hi Russ

    Lisa uses the Gretsch Duo Jet (G6128T-DSV) with the white pick guard installed. She mentioned that in one of the Ask the MLT forum replies. I thought she started using a different Duo Jet after the Cavern performances, but it turned out she just took the white pick guard off for the all black look.

    I found the link to that post:

  • Russ Herrell

    28/12/2023 at 15:21

    Jung Roe, thanks for the details and the pointer. Exactly what I needed.

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2023 at 16:47

      Hi Russ, glad to help. Was nice to revisit that guitar post.

  • Daryl Jones

    28/12/2023 at 16:24

    Jung is once again the “go-to” guy around here. He has a mind and memory of a steel trap! The post Lisa answered was before my time in the club so I really appreciate the info Lisa provided and Jung called up. I was pretty sure that wasn’t the original bridge because of the trem, but I didn’t know it was a Dusenberg. Floating bridges are notorious for tuning instability on just about any make of guitar, and some makes are just awful that way by design. I have two guitars with floating bridges and my old Yamaha is a bit fussy, the PRS will go out of tune with excessive bombing, but it’s usually the nut hanging up that is responsible for the most part. As long as the groves in the nut are properly sized and the nut is lubed with graphite or similar dressing most guitars are much more stable. Bone nuts are often difficult that way.

  • Jung Roe

    29/12/2023 at 16:05

    Thanks for the kind words Daryl!

    I’ve learned so much about guitars at the MLT Club, and I love following all the guitar shop talk and customizations Lisa talks about. After all, Lisa is one of the greatest guitarists that ever walked the earth along with Mona. It’s in how expressive she is on the guitar, able to pull our heartstrings and make us feel the emotions and the magic in the music. She is brilliant. I think that is what a great musician is, and Lisa’s prowess on the guitar makes her one of the best guitarists in rock and roll right up there in the top echelon of the great guitar legends.

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