MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself G’day from Adelaide South Australia

  • Rudolf Wagner

    12/10/2018 at 05:51

    G’day right back atcha and thanks for joining!
    We hope the Rundle pigs are still doing well …

    MonaLisa Twins with Rundle Pigs - Adelaide, 2009

    Groovy greetings to Adelaide 🙂

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 18:52

    HI Darryl

    I’ve only ever spent an afternoon in Adelaide, while on my way to Perth. However, I have two brothers who both spent a couple of years there when they were young and only ever speak positively of their time there.

    Just wondering if you’d like to share the following with us?

    How did you come across the MonaLisa Twins?

    What’s your favourite MLT song?

    What other music do you listen to?

    Tell us one interesting fact or story about you!

  • Darryl Boyd

    17/10/2018 at 08:37

    Howdy Howard.

    Actually unlike most people who come across MLT via YouTube, I saw the “When I’m 64” clip on a Community TV station (channel 44). It was on a show called the Tribute show, they play videos of cover songs, and from there checked them out on YouTube.

    It’s on right after the Guitar Show 🙂

    Fave song, hmmmm probably don’t have a fave as such. There’s a handful that get played more than others – Bus Stop, When I’m 64, the last one on Orange (probably have my membership revoked for not remembering the name of it) and a few others.

    Other music I listen to is many and varied, but generally if it contains an overdriven guitar then I’m happy!

    I play guitar in your typical Aussie pub rock covers band and get great enjoyment out of both playing and listening to music.

    Cheers, Darryl.

  • Howard

    17/10/2018 at 09:06

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Ah! Now that would be ‘Still a Friend of Mine’, the first single from the album, accompanied by a lovely video! Great number. I also love their ‘Bus Stop’ cover and am old enough to remember the first time I heard the Hollies original in 1966!</p>


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