• Jacki Hopper

    13/10/2018 at 02:48

    Hey Itso????….Cool…great to see you here !

  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/10/2018 at 04:41

    Itso … Sounds familiar, if only I could put my finger on it! 😉
    HELLO and WELCOME! We’re glad you joined us here, please make yourself at home …

  • Richard Knights

    13/10/2018 at 06:43

    Hey, Itso! Great to see you’ve made it!

  • Jung Roe

    13/10/2018 at 22:08

    Hey, great to see you here Christomir, or Itso!

  • Michael Triba

    23/10/2018 at 05:35

    Hey Itso (or Itzo as Gert calls you, or Itso-Bitso as that girl once said)!  Mona cracks me up, but ITSO RIGHT and ITSO KAY, because she is getting a bit older by now; LOL!  Glad you are here buddy!  You are still (a friend of mine) and the biggest and most knowledgeable MLT fan/historian I know.  Maybe Michaela will put you on the MLT payroll as “Chief Foreign Correspondent!”

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 08:31

    Hi Itso. Welcome to the club. I hear on the MLT Club grapevine that you are the go to man for all things archival. Good to hear.

    Michael thinks you are a great guy. Seems there’s a lot of great people in this club. A real testament and credit to the whole MLT family. Michael also informs me that you are very knowledgeable about European bands. That’s good news for me as that is where my musical knowledge is most deficient.

    I consider myself extremely knowledgeable about British, American and Australian rock/pop/blues music, but not so much non English language European bands. I’m just so grateful that Mona and Lisa made that epic journey to Adelaide Downunder at the age of 15, to brush up on their English speaking skills and get some public busking experience in.

    However, I hope they never lose that cute German accent of theirs. Adds another unique and endearing quality to their persona. Totally impressed with their perfect diction when singing too. You’d need to look really hard to find any faults. I guess Rudolf’s production skills are a bonus here too.

    Nice to know you.



  • Saba Arif

    23/10/2018 at 08:43

    Hi Itso!

    Great to have you and your incredible musical expertise on board!


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