MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Signing of Pre-sale CDs

  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/10/2018 at 04:52

    All pre-orders will get the signed postcards included in their parcel but all MLT Club members will get their actual CDs signed as well. We’ll see if we can make that a bit clearer on the website 🙂 It will be time to set up the signing station soon, we’ve already got the pens ready!

    • Richard McGlenn

      14/10/2018 at 22:29

      Thanks Mona for clearing that up for me and others.


  • Howard

    13/10/2018 at 14:39

    I’m very concerned Mona and Lisa are going to suffer RSI (repetititive strain injury). Not good when you rely on your hands for a living. I highly recommend they try some form of electronic signature!

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