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  • Paul’s new album, Egypt Station

    Posted by John Cass on 13/10/2018 at 21:15

    Have you two had a chance to hear Paul’s new album. What did you think? It’s the first time in a long while that I got an album–and played it–and wasn’t sure. But this is definitely an album that grows on you rapidly.

    The instrumentation and composition is fascinating to take in.

    A/w I hope you two sing a song off this last Mccartney album.

    Your copy of Yesterday was brave–VERY brave–but man my fingers are still trembling.

    Big Love
    John Cass

    Howard replied 5 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    14/10/2018 at 18:02

    Thanks John! Glad you liked our version of Yesterday. We were a bit nervous about covering it 🙂

    About Paul’s new album: I’ve only listened to it once in its entirety so I can’t say very much yet. On first listen I left liking some songs but I’m not going to comment on “Fuh You” 😉

    Considering the life Paul has lived I’m always hoping for more depth lyrically but then again he has enough songs under his belt to have said and done it all before. I think the album is very well recorded and the sound is amazing. And like you said, it’s probably the kind of album that would grow on me over time.

    And it’s fascinating how he’s constantly doing, creating and involved in all sorts of projects. He just doesn’t slow down, does he? 🙂

  • Timothy Connelly

    14/10/2018 at 22:19

    Hey John and Lisa,

    I want to make a few comments on Paul as a lyricist. I completely agree with Lisa’s comment that his lyrics frequently lack depth. There are so many songs- especially as a solo artist- where his lyric writing is clearly uninspired. And McCartney lacks the poetic sensibilities that Lennon had. Eleanor Rigby stands alone as a remarkable work of poetry by Paul.
    But he had a remarkable ability to write very personal songs and camouflage them where hardly anybody had a clue. Hey Jude is a great example: we’ve all heard the story about his writing the song on his way to meet Julian Lennon but it was actually a song telling himself that he would be okay when the Beatles broke up. Yesterday is about his mom’s death. Blackbird is about his own desire to break free- possibly from the Beatles, definitely from all the pressures and expectations of the Beatles. All the songs he wrote on side 2 of Abbey Road that point towards the breakup that ultimately leads to “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make” shows how great he can be.
    Certainly Paul is no Lennon as a lyricist- “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together” is pretty much as good as it gets and if you look at his worst work, it’s pretty sad. But sometimes, he is amazing!

    • John Cass

      14/10/2018 at 23:40

      Man, Tim—maybe this should go on the ‘general discussion’ site, but I’ll be brief. Lisa is saying that Paul’s lyrics are lacking as he grows older and into his 300th song. Egypt Station surpises you with some of Pauls poetry–but I agree at 75 or 6 he lyrics are not near as good as the 60’s albums songs. You mention Eleanor Rigby like that was about it. Yes he, like John, lost his mother in his early teens,

      but yesterday came in a dream where he lived in the Asher’s home. He kept thinking it was already written by someone else–nothing to do with his mom. Yes and how many times have i read and heard him say that Julian Lennon was Jules and from his drive he came up with hey Jules because John had left his wife and Julian. Eventually Hey Jude–I’ve been in the audience where a 7 minute song becomes 8 or 9 and an arena is just repeating NA-NA’s over and over until it becomes a moment of peace and huge family just singing the NA NA’s Powerful song—I don’t compare Lennon–it’s apples and oranges.

      You are forgetting Here There and Everywhere—look at the structure of the lyrics—the title has the first word of each verse. And I could prove my point forever but wont—SHE’S LEAVING HOME—-ok ok i’ll stop.

      It would be a fun debate—but let’s just say we think differently. I’m not better than you. You don’t know how old I am. There are too many factors that went on in our heads as we listened and listened to their songs.

      No one is right or wrong–let me just say–I love so many of Mccartney’s lyrics—so very many. I heard the albums in repetition over and over—. I learned poetry through paul—

      Lets call this a draw, Tim. In this case i don’t agree with you but i am not worried that you don’t think Paul has not written beautiful poetry–or fun poetry—or little old lady poetry VERA CHECK AND DAVE
      Egypt station Composition is incredible. Some lyrics are.

  • Timothy Connelly

    14/10/2018 at 23:56

    Hey John,
    Every criticism I have of Paul McCartney begins and ends with his lyric writing- and I was trying to say that much of his lyric writing is terrific. Although John was more important to the band in terms of social conscious, Paul was the most important musically. (By the way- everything I say is obviously just my opinion- I am certainly not the last word on anything!)
    Paul’s bass playing was incredible and turned many exceptional Beatles songs into immortal. His bass line on Come Together makes an exceptional, quirky song absolutely fantastic. He does the same thing with Something, and then you add that starting with Rubber Soul, he played a great deal of the lead guitar- the guy is absolutely in a class by himself.
    So you have my full support with standing up for Paul. I don’t like a lot of his solo stuff but if you take his best 30 songs, there’s some amazing stuff there.

    • John Cass

      15/10/2018 at 01:14

      Tim–I can pretty much agree with all you are saying. I can’t tell if you are saying his lyrics are also good in his best 30 songs–but I can list over 30 songs and not really feel any better about proving to you that the lyrics are wonderful. I don’t want to change your opinion by any means. And yeah–we both have opinions.
      As for his composition and introduction of strings and brass–oh and woodwinds—–again–I agree with you. amazing on bass–yes those songs stand out.

      At the same time I’m very amused by a lot of his lyrics. “it’s a clean machine”–then penny lane breaks out with that baroque trumpet and blows the minds of even classical critics. I saw a clip of Brian Wilson say he went into a deep depression after hearing Sgt. Peppers album—-but it wasn’t that hard to blow his mind at the time.

      how about his bass that starts a split second before he starts singing penny lane

      we’re close enough not to worry about it. His solo albums–I quit buying. But then his playful pop created another band to invade america——-and on and on

  • Howard

    15/10/2018 at 01:06

    Hi Tim and John

    Just needed to put my two bobs worth in here. I’ve always been a John Lennon fan but as I get older I’ve also come to appreciate Paul’s contribution more than I did in my youth. I think you are being a bit harsh on him Tim. I never followed his solo career like I did with John’s but I can see that his Beatles work was special.

    John, you mention ‘Here, There and Everywhere’, but there is also ‘For No One’ and ‘Got to Get You Into My Life’ from Revolver that need a mention too.

    But what would a bunch of old farts like us know. It has taken the eminently sensible young Lisa to provide a difinitive and concise response to the question.

    Pardon my ignorance but I haven’t a clue what ‘Fuh You’ means! Is that some sort of musician terminology?

    • John Cass

      15/10/2018 at 05:30

      I didn’t want to keep pushing it–we’re all so close to the same page. Paul in several interviews easily admitted GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE was one of their drug songs–like–right now-that’s what he’s got to get in his life. You mention other songs I thought of Howard. And then suddenly a very touching John song IN MY LIFE.

      A favorite line of Paul’s is “changing my life with the wave of her hand” and I know ou both agrr but it’s fun to talk about.

      This string was about EGYPT STATION in comparison to the Beatles. There are a few worthwhile lyrics, but Paul can still blow me away with his of-beat chord changes–time changes–instrumentation. EGYPT STATION is a 76 year old no ego supersstar having fun with music.

      So LISA–i doubt you’ve read back this far–back to the point–FUH YOU — paul says it’s exactly what it sounds like. You won’t even believe the vevo video of that song. But we excuse that the same way we excuse WHY DON’T WE TO IT IN THE ROAD on the white album. My parents never talked about it but they never rushed to their HI Fi to stop the record before it came on.

      Right after that song is I WILL which to me is the perfect song. The lyrics aren’t heavy duty but with Paul’s unique guitar chords it’s incredibly breathtaking. It’s on my set list. It lasts something like 1 minute 45 seconds. Audiences love that song as if they’ve never heard it. Perhaps they haven’t.

      YESTERDAY clocks in at 2:05. There are no heavy duty lyrics but it would suck if it did. It’s another perfect song. What makes it perfect? I wish I knew. It’s simplicity? My gosh have you tried to play it? I think what I’m leaving out here is that it’s a Beatle song no matter who wrote it–and it’s magic. I have a 12 year old daughter who hears Pauls sing Yesterday and every time she cries. I don’t ask her why–i know why.

      I’m sorry this should have all been in the general discussion menu–but I’not sorry listening to what everyone has to say. I feel right at home.

  • Howard

    15/10/2018 at 07:54

    Not being a musician like you guys I appreciate you informing me about some of the musical intricacies. Unfortunately I have Vincent Van Gogh’s ear for music. Doesn’t stop me liking and appreciating music though.

    Maybe I should listen to Paul’s album to avoid asking dumb questions. Have you thought of starting this topic again, or something similar under the general discussion thread. There’s a lot of material here to discuss and as I’ve already stated, although I’m not a musician myself, I do find the discussion informative and stimulating. By the way, Lisa and her sister do a brilliant cover of ‘I Will’ on their 2007 Concert album. There’s also a beaut YouTube video worth checking out if you haven’t already.

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