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  • When did you know that what you were doing was pretty special?

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 14/10/2018 at 03:56

    Obviously you guys have been doing this for a long time. Was there one particular song that you recorded where you said- “Oh my gosh, we really are GOOD?” (My guess would be California Dreamin’)

    Do you guys (I had a close friend who absolutely hated to be referred to as a girl so I’m hesitant to call you girls. Both ladies and women don’t seem quite right so I’m left with guys- if you have a preference, please let me know!) have a favorite solo Beatle?

    All Things Must Pass, Plastic Ono Band or McCartney?

    Was the switch in hair color more of a way to help us fans distinguish who was Mona and who was Lisa or were there other reasons? Do you remember when you first thought of it- and did you take any time in choosing who would be the blonde and who be the redhead?

    In putting the two names together- MonaLisa- does that signify an inter-connectedness between you- that you’re sort of the anti-Everly Brothers who fought all the time?

    Thanks- and I promise to cut back on my questions as the Forum populates!


    Howard replied 5 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Howard

    14/10/2018 at 09:10

    Good questions Tim. If I may be permitted to jump in here I’d say Lisa is a John Lennon fan (and Paul McCartney and Paul Simon I think) and consequently would prefer Plastic Ono Band. They also have a cat called Yoko. This information comes from watching their Q&A videos. I’m looking forward to their next one!

    I’m not sure about Mona though as she seems a bit more reluctant to come forward but I get the impression she may be a closet Elvis Presley fan as she does an excellent impersonation. Then again, this may just be Mona practising her acting skills for a future video (playing the dumb blonde perhaps)! Just joking Mona. Nothing wrong with being an Elvis fan, even if he doesn’t match your 60s Mersey sound!

    The Twins remind me of John and Paul when singing Beatles’ songs as Lisa tends to go low when John does while Mona goes high like Paul. As for the wow moment with one particular song, it would have to be their 2007 concert for me! As for hair colour, well teenage girls, experimenting with hair colours and styles is what they do. They’ve made it easy to pick them on stage as Mona is always on the audiences left – hence MonaLisa!

    Fortunately for us they are the antihesis of the Everly Brothers. Also, at present their hearts are in their music. However, realistically I know this journey can’t last forever and I’m dreading the day they have their Beatles’ moment and we lose them. Who is going to be their Yoko? – Oh No!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    16/10/2018 at 03:16

    Hi Tim,

    Hard to pick a favourite Beatle. For me it was the combination of 4 so distinct, yet close personalities that made the Beatles so insanely likable. None of their solo careers captured my interest anywhere close to how they did as a group. I find that quite fascinating.

    The hair colours sort of … happened. We always played around with different hair styles and at some point I dyed my fringe red and Mona made hers blonde. Then over the years it sort of escalated 😉

    And we definitely have our differences and argue from time to time but as we all know … life is very short and there’s not time, for fussing and fighting my friend 🙂 We both feel very lucky to have each other as friend, sister AND musical partners!

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/10/2018 at 04:07

    Love your answer Lisa ✌️????????☮️????❤️

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 05:31

    Yes, great answer Lisa. There seems to be a ready made answer for everything in the music back catalogue. Especially with the Beatles. ‘Try to see things my way’ and ‘we can work it out’. Still, I just can’t see you two fussing and fighting too long about anything really! And you always seem to come up with the right answer if your recording and video productions are anything to go by.

    I note that Tim’s initial question was regarding any particular moment when you realised that what you were doing was pretty special. I imagine it may have kind of just sneaked up on you over time, but I’m intrigued as to whether there was a particular moment in time that stands out. I believe it was as a nine year old that you had your first public performance and that it was a very emotional experience for you. Is there a video of the performance available by any chance?

    Please feel free to totally ignore me if I’m being too intrusive here!

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