• Rudolf Wagner

    14/10/2018 at 20:45

    Hi Paul, I mainly play a Gretsch Duo Jet (with DynaSonic pickups). I’d rather try to avoid effects pedals, because most of the time I like the raw, unmodified sound of my guitars better. For most live situations I just use a Vox Tonelab ST effects pedal for nothing more than a little compression, reverb and volume control and then go straight into a Vox AC30. That’s proven to be a simple yet effective set-up for most of our live shows 🙂

  • Paul Wright

    15/10/2018 at 21:59

    Thank you Lisa .Personally I think the Vox AC30 takes some beating.

  • Rick Ross

    29/10/2018 at 01:43

    Hi Lisa,

    Don’t you use a Düsenberg Tremolo?

    • Rudolf Wagner

      31/10/2018 at 02:16

      Hi Rick, yes, you’re right. I changed the original Bigsby to a Düsenberg tremolo. I love how they feel and the tuning stability is much better too. Plus it makes changing my guitar strings a whole lot easier 😉

  • Rick Ross

    02/11/2018 at 15:37


    If I remember right you also changed your bridge to a Compton.

    I don’t know much about guitars, bit hownoftwn do you have to change the Strings? Do they frey, or stretch?

    Mona, is there anything you can tell us about your Rickenbacker? Also do you still have the Red one you played in This Boy? I don’t see it much so I’m curious.

    Thanks for your answer ladies.

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