• Rudolf and Michaela

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 15/10/2018 at 10:15

    I wanted to give everyone a chance to open up about the extraordinary management team of Rudolf and Michaela Wagner.

    Now let me make it clear that I have no special insights into their exact work with the Twins but we know enough from what Mona and Lisa have said that they are involved in everything from the engineering of their music to the production, from the songwriting to the making of videos, from fixing up things on this website (so far we’re talking about Rudolf) to a billion and one things involving customer relations (Michaela). And obviously, they are superstars at their jobs because look what we’ve gotten!

    I would compare Rudolf to George Martin except his role seems to be much bigger. George Martin produced the Beatles but he was surrounded by world class engineers like Geoff Emerick. Martin didn’t co-write with the Beatles though he did play some beautiful piano similar to Rudolf (In My Life vs. Still a Friend of Mine) But all the wonderful bass that Rudolf plays sends him over the top!

    I have had the pleasure of talking with Michaela through email and she is beyond wonderful. I can’t tell you how impressed I was by her and every transaction I’ve had with the Twins went off like clockwork- (at least their portion of it) oops, it went off like Orange!

    Thanks so much you guys for all the support you give Mona and Lisa!!

    Howard replied 5 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Howard

    15/10/2018 at 12:19

    You seem to have things covered pretty well there Tim. I figure Michaela would be putting her business/marketing degree skills to good use with customer relations as you suggest. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was also very involved in website management as well as assisting in video staging and production and being a competent musician herself, would probably be handy in the studio when needed. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she helps keep the twins focused, especially that mischievous one!

    As for Rudolf, well he is certainly the ultimate superstar. We are fortunate the two of them are managing to create an environment where the twins can shine. And that’s just what they’re doing.

    Thanks also from me Michaela and Rudolf for all your efforts in keeping the MonaLisa Twins’ dream alive!

  • Michael Rife

    15/10/2018 at 15:47

    I’ve been fortunate enough to have some email exchanges with Michaela and she is a real professional in the marketing area. She has a way of expressing herself that makes the other person feel so appreciated. Mike.

  • Rick Ross

    23/10/2018 at 18:20

    Michaela is the epitome of graciousness and class. She is one of the main creators of the website, though she says Lampi Bampi is the brainstorm. Lampi Bampi, for those of you that don’t know is Lisa’s oldest toy. Lampi Bampi is featured in the Video Dreams.

    Rudi is a most Phenomenal recording Engineer. He is one of the best in the business and also helps Mona and Lisa write their songs or helps with ideas.


    In short without Michaela and Rudi, there would be no team MLT

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/10/2018 at 18:57

    And I echo in Rick’s sentiments  here…Groovy Great….????????????????❤️????????✌️????????????????☝️????☮️

  • Howard

    24/10/2018 at 08:46

    More power to ‘Lampi Bampi’ I say. If ‘Lampi Bampi’ has been a support and inspiration to Lisa over the years, he/she deserves some recognition for this wonderful club web site that has emerged. It was so nice to see Lampi Bampi featured in the ‘Dream’ video. Can’t believe Mona and Lisa caught a train and walked around town in their PJs. But then again this is the MonaLisa Twins and they can get away with anything as far as I’m concerned!

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