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  • Lisa’s first solo public performance?

    Posted by Howard on 16/10/2018 at 19:41

    We were treated to a very brief glimpse of your first public performance at the age of nine I believe. Just wondering if there is a video available of your full performance?

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    18/10/2018 at 01:17

    We have hard disks full of old stuff like that, that we’d love to do something with one day 🙂 At least the MLT Club now gives us an excuse to dig through the archives a bit more. Would be fun to find the earliest performance ever! Bear with us as we will dig out more and more fun stuff from the past to share with everyone here 🙂

  • Michael Triba

    23/10/2018 at 04:59

    Lisa, you said that you cried after you publicly sang your song “Alone” when you were 13, because you didn’t think the song was very good, right?  I hope I am remembering that correctly.  Well, Christomir and I love that song!  I have it as #18 on my MLT TOP 23 and he has it #17 on his.  Now, 11 years later, would you and Mona ever consider producing a remake of “Alone?”  That would be quite lovely and very groovy!

  • Jung Roe

    23/10/2018 at 05:31

    “Alone” could be a song that could surprise us all.  It is a really, really great song!  It was one of the songs that really stood out every time I heard it in the company of other famous/iconic songs on that 2007 Concert album.  I didn’t realize until last week it is one of your early originals.

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 06:19

    Hi Mike. Apparently there are two performances of ‘Alone’. The one they did in their 2007 concert and Lisa’s first public recital at what looks like an open mic situation at a restaurant/pub. This is the one where she cried at the end. She mentions it in one of their interview videos and I think she says she was nine at the time. I could be wrong though. That’s awfully young to be writing and performing such insightful material!

    Hopefully Lisa can dig it out of the archives for us all to enjoy. After all, it is a significant milestone in their musical journey!

  • Jung Roe

    23/10/2018 at 06:51

    Hi Howard, Michael

    My thoughts exactly.  🙂  It would be wonderful to see an early performance of that song by Lisa, and a remake by Mona and Lisa now.

  • Michael Triba

    23/10/2018 at 06:53

    Now that you mention it, you are correct, Howard!  I think the that 9-year old open mic performance may have been on their last website on a link in a tab called their “News Blog.”  It began with 2007 and went to the present day.  I got as far as 2014, and then joined the FB fan club called “Intergalactic” founded by Jacki Hopper of Canada.  That kind of blunted my research on their website as I spent all my time at IFC.  I stayed for 6 months, but then left because too many times I was up half the night.  I’ll probably do that again here; yikes!!!  One guy you’ll want to get to know is Christomir Rackov aka Itso from Ruse, Bulgaria.  He met Mona and Lisa in one of their early gigs in Vienna and is one of their biggest, earliest, and most knowledgeable fans.  He has become my best FB friend and has taught me a TON, not only about MLT, but about many European bands!  GREAT GUY, he is!!!  Itso can find about any archived performance of MLT!  By the way, I want Lisa to know that my e-mail alerts are now coming through like gang-busters, lol!!!

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 07:30

    Thanks for that Mike. The name Christomer rings a bell. He wasn’t used in one of the videos by any chance? They did import someone for their ‘All About Falling in Love’ video, but I think he went to the same school as the Twins in Vienna. One very lucky dude there!

  • Howard

    04/11/2018 at 04:24

    Mike, I just reviewed my earlier post and I think I was several years out with my nine year old suggestion. Nine was the age Lisa was when she first commenced learning guitar on a bass they borrowed from a relative. I believe the first public performance of ‘Alone’ was at an open mic opportunity at a restaurant in California on their first holiday visit when she would have been twelve years old. I believe they next performed it at their MLT and band concert in Vienna in July 2007.

    Anyway, we’ll know more when Lisa finally digs it out of the archives for us. I don’t think Mona and Lisa realise just how many of their fans are interested or why!

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