• Hotel California

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 18/10/2018 at 01:17

    The Twins version of Hotel California is one of the most surprising recordings of their career. Is that Lisa on lead vocals- they are exceptional! It’s easier to understand the lyrics than with Henley’s vocals- I’ve never been completely satisfied with the vocal mix in the Eagles version. Also, Henley, who is both an adult and the primary author of the lyrics- doesn’t sing them with the same feeling that I get from the Twins version.

    The lyrics to the song speak of being trapped by the decisions we’ve made and being unable to escape them. These aren’t lyrics that a 14 year old should be able to relate to but…

    The guitar solo at the end of the song is amazing. With the Eagles, you have two of the most celebrated guitarists in rock and roll history in Don Felder, who wrote the music and Joe Walsh. The Twins guitars- assuming Lisa on lead, keep up note for note.

    I’m not saying I like the Twins version quite as much (I’m also not saying I don’t like it better!) but when we bear in mind this was a fantastic band, doing their biggest song, with oodles of engineers, a celebrated producer and the best recording studio money could buy- their version is unbelievable.

    Oh, wait a minute: they’ve covered fantastic bands before, haven’t they?

    Steve replied 5 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Steve

    18/10/2018 at 03:01

    I prefer MLT’s version of HC over the Eagles.  I think it’s because they were so young and nailed it perfectly.  Don Felder would have to impressed.

  • Timothy Connelly

    18/10/2018 at 03:11

    Welcome Steve! It’s so interesting that you and i mentioned Hotel California at just about the same time as you asked several questions to the Twins about it. I love both versions- I give the Eagles extra credit for writing it and the Twins extra credit for nailing it so perfectly. I’ve stopped listening to the Eagles version so at this moment in time, I’m in agreement with you.

  • Howard

    18/10/2018 at 04:07

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I could never listen to the Eagles version. Probably because it was flogged so much on the radio they killed it for me. However, I love MLTs version. Yes Tim, that’s Lisa on lead vocals and guitar with some lead guitar help from Mona. Check out the video. Awesome!</p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>They actually met a Mexican who lent them his pick up truck and took them to the ‘dark desert highway’ they sought for the video.</p>

  • William Huff

    19/10/2018 at 01:22

    I like the MLT version of HC, but if you have not heard it, seek out Swedish guitarist Gabriella Quevedo’s fingerstyle version.

  • Steve

    19/10/2018 at 13:25

    Gabriella Quevedo is an amazing guitarist.  I love her rendition of Billie Jean.

    • Daniel Smith

      21/10/2018 at 20:56

      Given the guidelines, I wonder if we should be discussing other artists.  I  like other YouTube artists too, including one I like even more than MLT (believe it or not!), but this isn’t the place to talk about her.

  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 21:27

    Hi Daniel. Technically you are correct and I’m personally not interested in talking about  my favourite non MLT artists within this club, just like you. However, I’m sure that Mona and Lisa don’t mind their supporters sharing their divergent interests in music, literature and movies as an introduction. As long as we’re not unduly promoting other artists, I think it’s harmless. Anyway, we can easily seek clarification from the Twins. They are very approachable.

    I know Tim likes to discuss his favourite non MLT artists, but he’s mainly on about provoking a bit of comparison for the sake of keeping the site interesting for people. Occasionally he may overstep the mark a bit. He’s a very sensitive man but also very understanding so don’t be afraid to have a go at him if you disagree with any of his posts, as I’ve just done over his second post about one of his favourites.

    This can easily be done in a friendly manner.


  • Steve

    21/10/2018 at 21:50

    I don’t see anything wrong with mentioning other artists that we like as long as we’re not posting links to these other artists pages or promoting them.  I personally am not about to start comparing the Twins to other artists.  I’m a member of this club because I admire the Twins and how their music makes me feel. They are my favorites and are about all I listen to anymore.  I am a victim of a permanent MLT ear worm of their different songs all the time.  Now should they say they’d rather we not mention other artists here, I will certainly respect their wishes but I seriously doubt they would do that.

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