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  • Are You Identical Twins?

    Posted by Steve on 19/10/2018 at 02:29

    I read somewhere that Lisa is ten minutes older than Mona but are you considered identical twins?  I ask this because I usually have trouble distinguishing between identical twins but going back to your early videos when you still had your natural hair color, I could always tell you two apart.  To me I think it’s your mouths but I also see subtle differences in your faces.  But anyhow, just curious.

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 12 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Michael Triba

    19/10/2018 at 04:12

    Like you I would love to see the reply from Mona and Lisa.  But this subject was often discussed in the Intergalactic Fan Club in Facebook which I belonged to for a while.  MLT has also discussed this in videos and on their last website I recall.  Lisa is 5 minutes older and a bit shorter.  I can tell a lot of differences in the two, even if they had the same hair color, cut, and length.  My mom was an identical twin and they often fooled even friends when they were younger.  MLT said they do not really know for certain, something about right after their birth was not done that could have helped.  I suggest they have their DNA tested although that is not foolproof.  Identical twins would have much closer DNA % of ancestor regions than would non-identical or regular siblings.  Google the Harp Twins as they are clearly identical without question.  I am no expert, but my conclusion is the Lisa and Mona are not identical.  Again, I’d love to see their reply, sir!  Nice to “meet” you here, Mr. Crider!

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 05:44

    Hi Michael. I tend to agree with you. Although there are many similarities, there are also significant differences, as you have pointed out. I have also noticed that over the years, Mona seems to have developed more of a fuller, rounder face and her gorgeous smile appears to be much wider, extending almost from ear to ear sometimes. Not that Lisa doesn’t also have a gorgeous smile. They looks so beautiful ‘when we’re together’!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/10/2018 at 20:47

    Simple answer: We have no idea and neither do our parents!

    The doctors usually tell you when twins get born by looking at the placenta but in our case the doctor threw it away before he remembered to look – true story! (and sorry for the squeamish reading this!)

    We could get it checked now by doing a DNA lab test for about £1000 but to be honest, even if it was cheaper I’m not sure we’d want to know. It’s not something that keeps us up at night and we like the mystery.

    If we’d had to guess? That’s a tough one because we used to look much more alike than we do now. I’m pretty 50/50 on our chances but I’d bet a penny or two on us being identical.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      08/11/2018 at 04:34

      twins born

      And who really knows who the older twin is if this scenario was in play.  😉

  • Steve

    19/10/2018 at 20:53

    Well it certainly isn’t worth spending  £1000 to find out.  Sometimes it’s good to have a little mystery in our lives.

  • Rick Ross

    20/10/2018 at 00:49

    I would bet a couple of pennies myself Mona. Nut I tend to agree that you are not.

  • Timothy Connelly

    20/10/2018 at 01:13

    It’s a great question but I’m fine that it has been settled with “unknown.”   If they aren’t identical genetically they are certainly identical  in that both ladies have dazzling talent and good looks, both ladies have an incredible work ethic and a genuine care for their fans, both ladies have an excellent sense of humor and a well placed gratitude for the good fortune they’ve had. They both have the ability to work together, to work with others with a strong sense of independence and an amazing capacity for teamwork. They both are gifted with humility, intelligence, insight, charisma and both are beloved by those of us here. How much more identical can they be!

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 04:15

    Good answer Mona.
    And as you’d probably expect Tim. You’ve pretty well written what I would have if not delayed by our time zones.

    I think they share qualities that run in the family and allow them to run such an efficient, well coordinated family business.

    Yes, a ‘well placed gratitude’ and a ‘humility’ and groundedness that allows us to complement them withou fearing any negative repercussions. Let’s hope they never lose their beautiful, self deprecating humour that is so enchanting!

  • Thomas Randall

    20/10/2018 at 13:24

    My guess is their not identical but really close to it. But it really doesn’t matter does it ? They’re both gorgeous young ladies and you can always see the love they have for each other in their videos and photos.  It’s undeniable! They have the same musical tastes it seems and both are so super talented.

    They sure do make my day!




    • Michael Rife

      20/10/2018 at 14:37

      I would agree that they are probably not identical.  When I look at their faces and try to exclude the hair color, I do see slight differences in their faces.  But, it is true that when I look at their younger pics (around age 14) it is impossible to tell.  So, I would fall on the side of being close to identical but not exact.  Mike.

  • Michael Triba

    20/10/2018 at 13:51

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful answer, Mona!  I love knowing if it is you or your twin that we are taking with!  This has been a pretty stimulating and respectful discussion, and I appreciate everyone’s comments.  The Ancestry DNA test my wife and I took is the one costing about $69 where one spits into a test tube and mixes up the saliva with a blue chemical in the test tube, and mails it in.  The % of geographical regions will be closer in any type of twins than regular siblings.  However even triplets have been shown to have slight variances in DNA distributions.  That would not solve the identical vs. non-identical question.  Mona, I am still curious about your ancestry, unless you and Lisa and your parents feel that info is too private to discuss in a public forum.  If so, then I will consider the case closed.  Regarding twins; I know they all have a very, very special bond, having spent 9 months in the womb together, and then being constant companions throughout their youth and beyond.  I personally viewed this up close and personal with my mother and my aunt.  With you and Lisa, Mona, it is so evident how you connect and feed off each other while you are performing and the intense love that you have for one another.  Have a great weekend everyone!  LOVE this MLT CLUB and this forum!!!

  • Christomir Rackov

    23/10/2018 at 05:27

    Mike, identical twins would not just have much closer DNA % of ancestor regions – they would have exactly the same DNA % of ancestor regions, because identical (monozygotic) twins always have exactly the same DNA – they are basically natural clones. 😉


    Also, guys – those of you, who say “not ideantical, but very close” – that’s not a thing either. 😛 As a twin, you are either monozygotic, or you are not. If you aren’t, then you can’t really be “closer” to identical than other pairs of twins – In terms of genetics, dizygotic (fraternal) twins are like any other regular pair of siblings, except they happened to be in the womb together (though the latter could be significant in some respects, as Mike suggested in his last comment; but still, even if they have a tighter bond because of that, they are still basically like regular siblings, genetically).


    But Mona and Lisa seem to have a much tighter bond that most regular siblings, so if we are guessing, then my guess would be like Mona’s (and unlike those of most of you guys), i.e. – that they are identical (monozygotic). Yes, I know that they don’t look as much alike as most identical twins, but that’s possible in identical twins sometimes, and they did look almost indistinguishable, when they were small children, didn’t they? So, yeah, like Mona, I too would bet a few $ on them being identical.

  • Jung Roe

    23/10/2018 at 06:16

    In certain video scenes when they were younger it is hard to tell them apart sometimes.  In California Dreaming, in a few scenes I am not quite sure which is Mona and Lisa (the boat scene).   In the video Black Bird, where they sing lying on the floor, head to head, if it wasn’t for Lisa’s longer hair, I would be challenged to tell Mona and Lisa apart upon quick glance there.


    • Michael Triba

      23/10/2018 at 07:38

      Itso, as always, you make some great points here!  You are making me re-think my stance on whether or not Mona and Lisa really ARE identical twins.  It is high time I research this subject closer.  So, are you suggesting that if Mona and Lisa have a simple DNA saliva test like Lenore and I had in 2016, it would shed much light on the subject?  I think I will call my Ancestry DNA people in Utah and talk more with them about twins.  The Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) are the world’s foremost collectors of genealogy (as you are well aware) and that includes family trees, and DNA sampling and testing.  If there is still a definitive way to prove identical twins or not, that is REALLY GROOVY!  It does not make perfect sense to me that the one and only chance to find out was with the placenta right after birth.  I really do not understand that anyway.  With technology and advancements in science, there must be other ways that are not very costly.

      (See my offer to Lisa in my question that she responded to: “How far back has your ancestry been traced?”  I made the same offer the last time I wrote them a snail mail “Please Mr. Postman” letter.)

      Sleepy now; goodnight all!  What a wonderful place this MLT CLUB is!  Please don’t change the name of it, ladies!  MLT CLUB is concise, meaningful, and PERFECT!  And THAT is a reflection of everything that you and your parents, as TEAM MLT do!  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Christomir Rackov

    23/10/2018 at 08:13

    Yes, Mike, a DNA test would show with 100% certainty what kind of twins they are – if it indicates that they have identical DNA, then they are identical twins; if it indicates that their DNA is different (though related, to the same level as the DNA of any regular pair of siblings), then they are fraternal – as simple as that.

    But, as Mona said, they might not want to know, and they might like the mystery, so I suggest we don’t push this question any further. 🙂

  • Michael Triba

    23/10/2018 at 15:02

    Ha ha; no worries Captain Itso!  You know me; if nothing else I am enthusiastic, but not pushy.  Lisa and Mona are well aware of my standing DNA offer to them and that it has no expiration date.  I don’t need to keep re-offering it to them.  The best point you made last night is that identical twins do not have to LOOK identical to BE identical.  I guess I always thought they had to be the same height, etc.  I really want to research that some more.  LOL; last night reminded me of my old IFC days, as I stayed up until 2:00 am here.  I told Lisa that I was not getting the e-mail notifications of follow-up replies.  I checked and un-checked the box below, and that must have re-booted it or something.  This morning I woke up to 19 e-mail notifications!  Pretty cool I could read them all without opening every thread here.  Now I just have to resist the urge to reply to or make a follow-up comment on every single one of them.  If I do, then I am back to square one, sitting at my PC day and night and getting little else done; yikes!!!  Really groovy that I am seeing more MLT fans that are as passionate as you and me, buddy!  Have a great day!!!

    P.S. This MLT CLUB is the coolest and GROOVIEST place on the Web, IMHO!!!

  • Christomir Rackov

    23/10/2018 at 15:56

    Yup, identical twins don’t have to be the same height – they are usually of very similar height, and sometimes exactly the same, but not necessarily.

    Here is an example – NBA players Marcus and Markieff Morris are identical twin brothers, yet they have a 1-inch difference in height – 6 ft 9 in vs 6 ft 10 in. And, as you know, in basketball height is important, so 1 inch is a lot. Those two look identical in every other possible way – they even made sure they got exactly the same tattoos (and they do have a lot of tattoos LOL)

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/11/2018 at 18:49

    It doesn’t matter whether or not if identical or not..????…Both Mona and Lisa do share some similarities but its their own individualisms that  matter but when inter TWINed…well that’s making it even more unique …Twins are interesting…✌☺????????

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