MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Indigo Girls vs. MonaLisa Twins

  • Indigo Girls vs. MonaLisa Twins

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 19/10/2018 at 05:03

    Before I jump into this topic I want to clarify that I love both the Indigo Girls and the MonaLisa Twins. My comparisons are a way of looking at some of the similarities and differences- it’s not ever to put anybody down. I had a musician friend get upset with me over my tendency to compare and analyze.

    She  told me that music is an art, not a competition. I would disagree- music is an art and a competition. I have an extra $40 a month in disposable income and Mona and Lisa are getting it instead of Taylor Swift. They won that competition with me, unfortunately, Taylor’s winning it with the rest of the world. Decca decided to sign one band in 1962 and the Beatles got passed over. The Beatles decided to go with Ringo and let go of Pete. Within the art- there are all kinds of competitions taking place. I try to look at and understand it.

    The Indigo Girls have been doing the same thing as the Twins for decades now. They make excellent music with terrific lyrics. They have a much more limited sound than the Twins as they don’t have the ability to rock out in the same way.

    Their song Closer to Fine is fabulous in a way the Twins are still reaching for in their original songs. Other than that one song- the two duos are almost identical with plenty of and I mean plenty of excellent songs. Their harmonies have an edgier sound and are perhaps more powerful without quite as much beauty.

    There are bigger differences between the two women (Amy and Emily) in both their songwriting, singing and the way they carry themselves than between Lisa and Mona. That’s to be expected because Mona and Lisa may be identical twins. They list their songwriting as separate and seem to intentionally cultivate fans who like one more than the other. They  have strong ties to liberal political causes and have been outstanding proponents of gay and lesbian rights and have both come out as lesbians. The Twins have shown no particular interest in promoting their political positions.

    I wish for the Twins all the success the Indigo Girls have had and I sincerely hope they do this for as long and for as many loyal fans!

    Timothy Connelly replied 5 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 07:04

    Hi Tim.

    I think MLT have taken the very courageous and risky route they have for a reason. Total control over their art and music, free from the abuse of the corporate world (Badfinger just one of many examples) and the divisive nature of politics and religion.

    There are plenty of forums out there where we can discuss religion or politics or both. However, this forum is for MLT supporters who like Beatlesque music or MLT originals, or people like you and me who are here for both. I know you feel the same. Mona, Lisa and Rudolf’s music take us through a range of emotions, the good, the bad and the ugly, but always in a positive, enjoyable and in the end, groovy way!

    The following is a quote from their biography:

    “That doesn’t mean at all that they don’t want or need the help of other people, but it means they’re willing to work twice or thrice as hard so they don’t have to give away their creative freedom or values for any short-term success. They created their own label and took DIY to a whole new level.”

    Now I for one don’t want this club to be for MLT the unfortunate Janis Joplin’s experience of ‘I worked hard all of my lifetime, no help from my friends’ but rather the positive Beatles’ experience of ‘I get by with a little help my friends’. I know we are on the same page here Tim!

  • Timothy Connelly

    19/10/2018 at 13:29

    Of course we are.

    But I also think it’s possible. even probable, that someday the Twins will make major changes and slide off into a different direction and I’m fine with that, too. These are two very young women who are still exploring, discovering and finding their place in the world. If perhaps they want to one day emphasize peace and have bed-ins to promote it , I’m on board for at least being open. If they write a great song that includes the Maha Mantra, even if I’m not Hindu or a Hare Krishna- well it never stopped me from loving George.

    If they get an offer from a record label that they can live with- I can live with it, too. We live in a world that has more than its share of problems and I am fine when artists express their opinions and share their passions. Yes, it’s divisive but it’s also honest- and I think honesty is the single most important thing in art. Well, aside from beautiful harmonies!

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 14:19

    It would be a real pity if after all their hard work in getting to the place they are now, they’d be tempted by a record label deal. They already have their own record label and a more satisfying route for them to take artistically and maybe even financially, would probably be to nurture new talent in the music industry so they too have an alternative to the current corporate business model.

    I have no doubt that when Mona and Lisa have satisfied their current passion for music, they may well explore other passions. In the meantime, I’m content to enjoy the product of their current passion without placing any unnecessary expectations on them.

    I believe their honesty and integrity is bound up in the unique route they have chosen to bring their passion for music to those of us who share that passion. I think with the support of their many supporters they will be able to continue to grow their talent in this unique way without being corrupted or compromised by the commercial world. More power to Rudolf and Michaela for allowing this to happen!

    I’m looking forward to their next major project announcement!

  • Timothy Connelly

    19/10/2018 at 14:46

    Thanks for sharing!

    Like you, I am very impressed by the independence of the Twins and how they do almost everything within their team. Unlike you, I see nothing particularly more noble or honest about taking that route. Yes, Badfinger got screwed but yes, Paul McCartney is a billionaire. The industry isn’t nearly as able to make or break somebody today- other options exist as the Twins are showing and I am strongly on board with that.

    One really fabulous thing about where they go from here- the changes they do or don’t make- they get to decide. I trust them. I believe in them. If they keep doing exactly what they’re doing for 15 more years, I’m okay with that. If they make some radical changes and go off in directions that I don’t particularly care for- I’m okay with that.

    We forget that the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show and John and Yoko on Two Virgins were only separated by 4 years. We forget that the single most influential album in rock history came only 3 years before massive litigation. Things change quickly for thousands of reasons. Some of the decisions the Twins make will work out; others not so much. As fans- if we trust them enough to make the choices that are right for them, I’m certain we’ll be rewarded in the end!




  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 15:19

    I didn’t know McCartney was a billionaire. Most of his money has been made from his solo career, as was John’s and George’s.  They made more money for other people, such as record companies, managers, accounts and especially ‘Her Majesty’.

    With the current internet and illegal downloads etcetera, it’s not easy for recording artists to make the kind of money that groups like the Rolling Stones etcetera did in the sixties and seventies.

    The Ed Sullivan Show in February 1964 to the issue of ‘Two Virgins’ in November 1968 is closer to five years but I take your point about how much happened in such a short period of time. Times are different now and MLT are not a group of individuals who met in their teens and decided to form a band. They have grown and developed together since birth as Papa Rudi’s videos show. That’s what is unique about them, plus their decision to drop out of school at 15 and pursue their dream, supported by family, independent of the mainstream industry.

    What they are doing was impossible in the sixties so comparisons are difficult. I don’t think it is a stretch to see them continuing what they are doing ‘when they’re 64’.

    Just look at the ‘Strolling Bones’ Tim!


  • Timothy Connelly

    19/10/2018 at 16:45

    Well said  Howard. I’ll let you have the last word and completely agree that I hope to still be enjoying the MonaLisa Twins when they are 64, I hope to share the Joy’s of being their fan with other 102 year olds like yourself!

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