
  • Feelin' Groovy!

    Posted by Saba Arif on 19/10/2018 at 15:26

    Greetings MLT  fans!

    Yay! I’m finally in the MLT Club! And let me tell you, it’s so overwhelmingly great that I’m literally jumping for joy over here! There’s so much that I’m looking forward to learning and discussing with all of you.

    To all the new MLT fans, these are some of the most incredible and kind people you’ll ever meet on the internet (and I’m sure in real life, too), so I’m sure we’ll all have a wonderful time.

    Anyway, let me introduce myself. I’m Saba from Bangalore, India. I’ve been an MLT fan for over a year now (since July 2017 to be precise). I first discovered them while looking for videos of The 59th Street Bridge Song for my mom’s birthday, since it was her absolute favorite song as a child. Much to my amazement, there was SO much more where that came from! Being a Beatlemaniac myself, I fell in love with their covers, and once I discovered their brilliant originals, I became a fan for life.

    MLT’s exuberance and genuine love for music and their mastery of the craft literally jumped out of the screen, and all those wonderful videos are an absolute joy to watch. Not to mention how incredibly inspiring all the effort they put into making it is! As for my favorite MLT song, I probably have about 7 or 8 tied for first place. At this very moment, it’s In It For Love, but June, This Boy Is Mine, Sweet Lorraine, Count On Me, Club 27 and I Don’t Know Birds That Well have all been at the top of my list. I listen to many different genres of music in many languages, but I love 60s and 70s rock, folk and motown the most. Some people think it’s absurd that I do cause neither my parents nor my friends really listen to much of this kind of music, but I’ve always been passionate about music and movies from way before my time. I’m a HUGE classic movie buff as well so, Mona and Lisa (and everyone reading), I’d love for you to tell me what some of your favorite films are. I also try and read as much as I can, so if any of you have got any book recommendations, I’d love to hear from you.

    As always, Stay Groovy!


    Christomir Rackov replied 5 years, 10 months ago 11 Members · 26 Replies
  • 26 Replies
  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 17:03

    Welcome aboard Saba. You sound like most of the members here. We came for the covers and stayed for the originals. Not easy picking favourites but you have done well with your selection which I also happen to like very much indeed.

    You have been a fan for about a year longer than me as I only recently discovered MLT so I’ve had a lot of catching up to do. I too like to read as much as I can and would love to share recommendations with you at some point.

    Do you have one particular favourite classical movie that Stands out for you?

  • Timothy Connelly

    19/10/2018 at 17:46

    Welcome aboard!!

    As for older movies- I would recommend Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid along with The Sting. What makes these two movies so wonderful is the way Robert Redford and Paul Newman complement and bring out the very best in each other. It sort of reminds you of this blonde and redhead who do the same thing!

    As for classic books- being from North Carolina, I have to recommend Look Homeward, Angel from 1929 by Thomas Wolfe. Wolfe’s look at self-discovery, coming of age and not fitting into the world he was born into are always kind of timeless even though certain portions of the book are very dated. He has a flamboyant writing style that’s out of favor but his use of prose is amazing.


  • Saba Arif

    19/10/2018 at 18:42

    Hello, Howard and Tim!

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the lovely recommendations! I absolutely LOVE Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. Have watched it over five times! I also love the parallels between Paul Newman and Robert Redford, and Mona and Lisa, Tim! Would never have thought of that but that’s spot on. Another classic movie that I think Mona and Lisa might relate to is The Young Girls of Rochefort, with Catherine Deneuve and her real-life sister Francoise Dorleac in it.

    I will definitely check out Look Homeward, Angel. That description sounds exactly like something I’d love to read. Thomas Wolfe is an author that I’ve heard so much about and have been dying to read for the longest time.

    As for picking a classic movie that I love, I never tire of watching movies like Sunset Blvd., Roman Holiday, Bringing Up Baby, Rebecca etc. Pretty much all of Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder’s films too.

  • Jung Roe

    19/10/2018 at 20:17

    Warm welcome Saba.  Good to see you here.

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/10/2018 at 23:12

    Hiya Saba…YIPPEEGROOVYYAY…so happy to see you here…Awesome????☮️✌️????????????????????❤️

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 05:08

    I definitely share your passion for Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder’s films. Also for those early Newman/Redford movies. Some good chemistry going on there!

    I also have lots of books to recommend. I have a very diversified interest here. I know some of my tastes are not for everyone though.  More on that later.

  • Saba Arif

    20/10/2018 at 08:52

    Hi Jung and Jacki,

    So happy to be here! Thanks for the warm welcome 🙂

  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/10/2018 at 15:24

    Hello, hello, helloooo!

    So glad to see you here in the Club 🙂 We don’t hear from a lot of people that they came across our music through The 59th Street Bridge Song first, so that’s really interesting. We sure are glad you did!

    We might have told you this before, but hearing from people that went through a similar thing than us while growing up, always is oddly exciting and … reassuring maybe? Being the only ones in a circle of friends “discovering” the Beatles/60’s music, tapping into an era and world “before our time”, and so on.

    Regarding movies we have to disappoint you a litte. We’re absolutely rubbish when it comes to film knowledge. We’ve never been big movie watchers and regularly embarrass our friends by going “who?” or “I don’t get that quote …”. Yep, we’re the odd kids at the table that haven’t seen Star Wars. It’s just never something we made a whole lot of time for, and while we do appreciate the great movies out there, we still have a LONG list to catch up on. So let’s turn this question around … If you could recommend one classic movie, which one would it be? 😉 You’ve mentioned a few in your replies but which one would you start with?

    I’m pretty sure you will have seen “Across The Universe” but if you haven’t yet … check it out! If you’re into documentaries, I would recommend “Searching For Sugar Man”, I’m sure you’ll love that one!

    As for reading – I’ve only recently pushed myself to make time for that again. We both used to go through books faster than they could chop trees. But for the last ten years, again we just didn’t really take that much time for it. But I’m a big fantasy buff when it comes to reading and love long, complex stories and books so thick you could knock someone out with it. Things like “The Mists of Avalon”.

    Anyway, we’re very happy to have you here and hope you’ll have a fun time at the MLT Club! 🙂 ❤

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      23/10/2018 at 08:13

      across the universe

      Watching ‘Across The Universe’ right now and remember, it’s not what you do, but how you do it…..not the destination, but the journey.

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 20:03

    Wow Mona! Two great selections there. I have no doubt Saba would enjoy, if she has not already seen, “Across The Universe”, as any fan of Beatles music would and  quite possibly “Searching For Sugar man” also. Although not mentioned in the documentary, Rodriguez was very popular in Australia in the 1970s and toured here in 1979 and 1981. He was very ‘in’ with my crowd at uni during the 70s. Similarly to you, the likes of ‘Star Wars’ doesn’t interest me either.

    Although I’m not necessarily into fantasy (well I have read the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings I guess), “the Mists of Avalon” could certainly interest me. I have just finished reading a book by a young historian by the name of Catherine Nixey, titled “The Darkening Age – The Christian Destruction of the Classical World”. It covers the time from the death of Constantine after which Christianity eventually became the only Roman religion, by decree.

    Hence the persecution of Pagans by Christians throughout the Empire, including Arthurian times in Britain. Although not your usual genre Mona, I’m sure you’d find it a fascinating read, and quite possibly Saba too.

    An author I can recommend is Tariq Ali. He writes novels that are fiction, but set in true historical settings. As well as entertaining me, he has also educated me about a culture I was unfamiliar with. One suggestion of his is “A Sultan in Palermo”.

    By the way Mona, I believe “The Mists of Avalon” was adapted for television in a miniseries. Did you see it?


  • Jung Roe

    21/10/2018 at 07:36

    A movie recommendation I have is a really touching one called “Begin Again” (2014 movie starring Kiera Knightly and Mark Ruffalo) about musicians and challenges they face.  Will have to check out Across the Universe and Sugarman, but Netflix here in Canada has much too be desired as I can’t find those titles.

  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 07:52

    Just love Kiera Knightly. Have since I first saw her in ‘Bend it Like Beckam’, one I can recommend for Saba. I’ll have to check out “Begin Again”.

  • Jung Roe

    21/10/2018 at 08:13

    I highly recommend it.  Really gets into that thing about music that brings us all here.  Am watching it again 🙂

  • Saba Arif

    21/10/2018 at 16:31

    Thanks for all the amazing recommendations, guys! “Across the Universe” is one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve watched it. It played such an instrumental role in turning me into a full-blown Beatlemaniac, and oddly enough, it turned me on to some of the more obscure Beatles songs which I hadn’t heard back then. ‘Hold Me Tight’ for instance, was one of those songs where I heard the cover before the original. I’ve been itching to watch “Searching for Sugar Man” so will definitely give it a shot.

    Mona, that is SO cool that you like “The Mists of Avalon”. It’s been years since I last read that but now that you’ve reminded me, I’ll pick it up again 🙂 I just finished reading this book called “Birds Without Wings” by Louis de Bernieres that you might enjoy too. As for recommending just one movie for you to watch, how about a classic like “Singin in the Rain” in case you haven’t already seen it? If you’re an Audrey Hepburn fan, I bet you’d really enjoy “Roman Holiday”, “Sabrina” and “Two for the Road” too.

    Howard, “A Sultan in Palermo” sounds fantastic! Definitely picking this up ASAP. Jung, “Begin Again” is a fun movie! I loved watching that. Who knew Keira Knightley had such a lovely voice? “Bend It Like Beckham” used to play on loop at home back when I was a kid! I LOVE that movie. Pretty much know every single line by heart 🙂

  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 17:21

    You have great taste in literature, music and movies Saba. I have a challenge for you. See if you can pick the note in ‘Hold Me Tight’ where Paul sings flat. In their very early days they didn’t do many takes and their first album was recorded in one day. Compare that to the Beach Boys ‘Good Vibrations’ recorded just three and a half years later, where 90 hours of tape was consumed in the sessions, for just one song, with the total cost of production estimated to be in the tens of thousands. This was an unprecedented amount for the time.

    ‘Hold Me Tight’ was always one of my favourite early Beatles’ songs. And as for Audrey Hepburn, my beautiful and youngest niece is the spitting image of her. How good is that!


  • Michael Triba

    23/10/2018 at 05:54

    NAMASTE SABA!!!  Methinks you are about the “coolest kid” on the block here (along with Lisa and Mona, of course)!  Ricky Ross and others think the world of you and your talents.  We need millions more young people like yourself to become huge MLT fans and help them become world-famous!  (There are a few million young folks in India, right, lol?)

    This MLT CLUB is AWESOME, isn’t it?  People from all over the place.  As far as movies go, I know that Mona and Lisa love to laugh out loud.  Therefore, I would recommend “The Princess Bride!”  Have you seen it?  One of my other faves is “A Beautiful Mind” with Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly.  It is based on a true story and very, very compelling.  It is the only movie that my wife and I have paid for to see twice in the movie theater, and we did so in the same week!

    SO GLAD to see you here, SABA!!!  I wonder if Team MLT will ever announce the attendance figures here, a few months after the paid subscriptions go into effect.  You are so intelligent, you could probably come up with a logarithm to figure it out!!!


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