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  • live / concert or stream/

    Posted by Pavel on 19/10/2018 at 18:28

    Only one Question  – wen ?

    Sorry , ich habe probleme mit english, also ich moechte nur wissen, ob sie irgendetwas bereiten vor ? Wen nicht das koncert , waere ein music live stream super. So z.b. Kina Grannis manchmal tut. Was sie, denken sie darůber nach ?

    Pavel replied 5 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    22/10/2018 at 00:44

    Einstweilen haben wir keine Live Auftritte geplant (wir konzentrieren uns immer noch mehr auf Studio und Videoprojekte), aber wir haben schon öfter über Live-Streams nachgedacht. Das steht also sicher irgendwann auf dem Plan 🙂 Wir werden dich auf dem Laufenden halten!

    • Pavel

      26/10/2018 at 16:38

      Thank you Lisa , and your double LP is very fine. And danke dir auch fůr deutsche antwort. Zwar kann ich english gut lesen, aber ausdrůcken mit wort ist fast unmoglich. Und deutsch ist auch keine meine muttersprache. Wichtig ist aber das ergebniss – ihre antwort und das ist super, ich / sicher sind uns mehr / freue mich schon darauf.

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 10:49

    Hi Lisa. Any chance of a translation of this for us unfortunate monolingual non Europeans please?

    ‘You’re Going To Lose That Girl’ is probably my favourite all time early Beatles number and MLTs live Cavern version is just sublime. Always wondered why Mona doesn’t continue the backing vocals while Lisa is off on that magical guitar solo, brilliantly filmed by I’m guessing Papa Rudi.

    Maybe she’s just too out of it doing her usual live dance thing while bruising poor Lisa’s right arm! Maybe Lisa needs to get Mona to switch to the Ukulele, or better still, the ‘nose flute’. Now how hilarious would that be …. and safe!

  • Michael Rife

    22/10/2018 at 14:00

    I apologize if this is over stepping boundaries but he said:

    Sorry, I have problems with English, so I just want to know if you are preparing anything before? Who is not the Koncert, would be a music live stream super. So for example Kina Grannis sometimes does. What do you think darůber after?

    And she said:

    For the time being we have not planned live performances (we are still concentrating more on studio and video projects), but we have been thinking about live streams more often. So this is definitely on the plan sometime we will keep you informed!

    Again I apologize if I over-stepped boundaries, but I saw the title and guessed it was something I have been thinking about and wanting as well.  That is, a live stream concert from MLT to their fans.  There could be one charge for Club members and a higher charge for others.  It could be interactive with us communicating with whoever the engineer/soundboard person is.  The only possible problem would be timing.  If it happened in the evening in Liverpool, it would be afternoon on the east coast of US and early afternoon/late morning on the west coast of US.  In Japan and Australia it could be very early in the morning the next day.  So, the time of the show could be a problem.

    Anyway, I would vote for this to occur, too.  Mike


    • Pavel

      26/10/2018 at 16:45

      danke Michael

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 14:08

    Thanks for that Mike. I’ll have to educate myself on using the internet for translations. I know the Twins don’t mind members helping each other out. Leaves them more time to get on with the stuff we love them doing. Creating new masterpieces!


    • Christomir Rackov

      24/10/2018 at 15:58

      Howard, translating text on the internet is very easy:


      Just open a new tab or window with this site – – then go back to the tab with the text you were looking at, copy the text, then go to the new tab, paste the text into the left text field of the Bing translator and it will immediately show you a translation in English in the right field. All of this takes just seconds. 🙂 Automated translations like this are not very good, as you can see from what Mike posted, but are usually still usable.

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 16:01

    Maybe ‘Groovy’ has become a German word. Would that be correct M&L? Alternatively we could try, ‘modish und aufregend’.

  • Rick Ross

    24/10/2018 at 15:07

    This would be a Great idea. I have asked the question before. But with Team MLT being so busy. You don’t always get and answer. But I would pay to watch. That would be Fantastic.

  • Christomir Rackov

    24/10/2018 at 15:47

    Yeah, many of us would pay to watch. ^_^ It was around 3 or 4 years ago, when I first suggested the idea of a live webcast concert (with viewers paying virtual tickets and possibly being able to tip extra money/tokens during the concert too). I had watched online gigs like that by two other favorite indie artists of mine – Mike Masse (who did it in his basement, with bassist/backing vocalist Jeff Hall) and Juliana Daily (who did it in her living room, with just her guitar and her great voice) – and they both worked out great. MLT haven’t gotten to to doing one since, but that’s understandable, considering all they have had going on.

    But if they can eventually do it, that would be awesome, as it would make many of their fans happy… especially those living in countries too far away, who won’t have the chance of seeing them live in person any time soon; seeing them in a live webcast would be the next best thing for such fans (especially since such webscasts allow for some interaction with the audience) 😀 It would also bring some much needed revenue for the MLT project, which is important too. For a great platform for such webcasts, I would suggest, where I attended Mike Masse’s webcast – it has tips during the show, and allows paying with PayPal.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/10/2018 at 17:57

    Thanks for translating Lisa’s reply Michael!

    We want to keep this forum primarily English so in the future we’ll add a translation ourselves in cases like this one. It’s more fun for all that way 🙂

    As mentioned, Blau Himmel (Blue Sky) basically asked if we would ever considering doing live concert streams and we said that it’s something we’ve thought about a lot and is definitely a possibility.

    More updates on that when we’ve finished some of the more pressing projects and deadlines! We’ll definitely look into

    Groovy doesn’t really have its own word in German but most people would get what you mean if you used the English version. We use “that grooves” ( = das groovt) a lot amongst German musicians, which would be used instead of “that’s groovy”. 🙂

  • Pavel

    26/10/2018 at 16:57

    Thank you too Mona / and Christomir /, looks as good idea.

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