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  • Too much Beatles?

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 19/10/2018 at 22:08

    I know that you love the Beatles but do you ever feel a little stifled by how much your fans identify you with them? Suzanne Vega kinds of serves as an example- after two albums she had established herself as a unique recording artist. After your first two albums- which are quite a bit better than hers in my opinion- you are still very identified with the Beatles.

    As Howard pointed out in a discussion we had earlier, the challenges you have are totally different in this age of massive free downloading. She had the advantage of a record company promoting and paying her so it was easier for her to focus on her own original music. You are doing a wonderful job of doing what you have to do but if given the chance- would you prefer to focus more exclusively on your own compositions?

    I’m not sure of the answer because you do an absolutely phenomenal job with all the songs you cover so it seems to be that recording great music- original or not- is part of your DNA!
    I also wanted to tell you what a fantastic job both of you (all 4 of you!) are doing. Your fans share so many different visions of what they want this club to be and you are exceeding everyone of them!

    Howard replied 5 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Steve

    20/10/2018 at 01:21

    If I was in a band and mentioned in a positive light in the same breath as the Beatles, I would be floored and honored.  I love the Beatles covers they do every bit as much as I love their original music. They are just simply two multi-talented young ladies who I think could cover any band they’d a mind too.  And I will stack Orange up against the best of them.  The question in my mind is do they even comprehend just how great they are?

  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 04:24

    I see where you are coming from Tim and I’d also love to see more originals but I’m sure the Twins have it sorted out. They love the Beatles and want to share their passion for Beatlesque music. They have been drawing fans in with their brilliant covers and these fans are staying for the fantastic originals.

    Sounds like a great marketing plan to me and one I hope they chose to stick with!

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