MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Should we only respond to posts here after the Twins have already responded?

  • Should we only respond to posts here after the Twins have already responded?

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 24/10/2018 at 22:04

    I’m thinking that we should wait until after Mona or Lisa respond to a post before any of us respond to it. They are selling that they answer questions in trying to get membership here- it’s probably less confusing and easier to grasp for newbies if we wait until they respond before we jump in.

    I know that on a few occasions I’ve missed a post by one of the Twins because it was buried in the responses.

    Now the problem is- often the questions are so interesting that we want to participate. Why don’t we just bring the question over to the the General Discussion area when it’s something we want to discuss or answer. I know that’s a little more work- having two areas for the same question. But I think we should do everything possible to encourage the Twins to answer questions. I’ve noticed a pretty major reduction from them- probably because they are making videos but when a question is asked and it already has 5 responses- they may feel less inclined to answer it. Hey- I make no policies here; I’m just thinking out loud.

    Michael Triba replied 5 years, 8 months ago 8 Members · 37 Replies
  • 37 Replies
  • Michael Triba

    24/10/2018 at 23:17

    Omigosh, I TOTALLY agree with you Tim!!!  I was just thinking the same thing, sir!  I have been reading the responses in posts in my e-mail inbox.  One guy asked what the Twins fave Beatles album is.  I told him they have 2 tied for their fave, but that I would let them answer.  He was asking MONA and LISA, and not any of us fans!  He was not asking me!  Common sense and good manners should be the order of the day here.

    There are many MLT aficionados and historians here, and all are willing to share, myself included having “known” them for 2.5 years now.  I don’t question anyone’s motives for answering “for” the Twins.  But as you wisely have observed, this is “ASK THE MONALISA TWINS” and not “Ask Fellow Fans.”  There might be people who want to monitor this day and night, just waiting to jump in and show their MLT knowledge.  IMHO that is not fair to the questioner or the Twins.

    If we seldom hear from Mona and Lisa here, then I may as well just go back to their FB fan club, because that is what this could turn into.  None of us wants that to happen.  As their manager and step-mum, Michaela might have to step in and help make some rules for this place.  SHE can and will make policy!  This place is brand spanking new!  You did notice that there is a place for “Support & Improvement Suggestions” here in the Forum, right?  That might be a good place to post this also.

    GREAT QUESTION TIM!!!  I am with you 100% on this one, buddy!

    • Michael Triba

      24/10/2018 at 23:29

      You are right; loud and long voices can tend to dominate and the two loudest voices here should be those of Mona and Lisa Wagner!  That is why I am here and will pay $$ to stay here.  I left a FB group, and don’t want this to mirror that place.  (Not trying to diss that place; I met a lot of lovely people there with whom I have stayed in contact.)  They have become my best FB friends and the common bond is our love of the MonaLisa Twins and their music.

      I hope that no one here pretends like they are in the “MLT inner circle” when they are not.  I know of only one person not related to the Wagner family who is a dear personal friend and confidante.

      That is all from me in this thread.  My 2 comments are my 2 cents worth.  I’ll shut it and listen now; lol!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/10/2018 at 02:04

    Thanks Tim, for bringing this up and for the others to chime in! We love how much interaction is going on in the forum and how people are sharing their thoughts and opinions so eloquently and friendly 🙂 We love checking in here every evening and catching up on what’s been happening.
    Unfortunately we sometimes have days where we’re out and about working all day (like today) when it becomes physically impossible for us to get back to all the new comments straight away. Especially if they are such thoughtful, well-written questions (you guys are good at that!) we want to take our time to get back with some equally thoughtful answers!

    We’re aware that that’s certainly a good “problem” to have as we’ll probably always be baffled by the amount of support and friendly curiosity we’ve received from people like you – which makes us terribly happy.

    When opening the MLT Club and forum, we wanted to see how it all develops and how we’ll be able to keep up with it. We’re still in the testing and observing phase and will probably make some alterations as time progresses. We’ll work out the best way to run the “Ask MLT” section so that it’s easier for people to scan the answers, spot what’s already been replied to, etc.

    For now we definitely don’t mind people writing their comments underneath the “Ask MLT” posts, giving their own opinions and turning it into a discussion. Whether or not that makes it easiest for new members to spot our answers might be a different question. I’ll be discussing it further with the mighty ‘ole team if and what changes to make for the future. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, we’ll definitely keep you all in the loop 🙂 For now, we’ll try our best to answer as soon as we can so the posts don’t get buried.

    Thanks for the great participation and the great questions. Hope none of the above came across negative in any way. We LOVE getting back to you guys here and will figure out the optimal solutions for all things MLT Club 🙂 Thank you all for being here!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/10/2018 at 02:39

    Thanks for all your comments, and we agree to everything you all said here. We also appreciate you reaching an understanding without us stepping in immediately to regulate everything.

    To address the other things you brought up:

    As for policy, we do have one, with everything included that you listed, incl. keeping the language and content clean, as we have and want to have members of all age groups and backgrounds.

    We also don’t have more and less intimate fans. So if someone gives the impression he would know more than what you can read about MLT or from MLT online, you know this is wishful thinking. We do not prioritise people over others, and we are thankful for any contribution someone makes. Individuality is wonderful and encouraged, the egos can be left in the cloakroom 😉

  • Michael Triba

    25/10/2018 at 03:51

    I’ll add a quarter farthing to my 2 cents here:  I truly appreciate the guidance of Michaela and Lisa here, as well as the other two official Wagners.  This is without question the grooviest place to be in the entire world wide web, and the new main online home for me.

    This past weekend, someone stole (cloned) the name of two dear personal friends of my wife and me on Facebook.  This evil troll made two toxic and weird comments to me on my most recent posts.  Fortunately, I recognized this as a scam and alerted my friends.  A few weeks ago I was going to inactivate FB entirely, but then decided to just keeping following Mona and Lisa there.  After all, the Twins are the ones who caused me to get on FB to begin with.

    But now with this new and terrible experience on FB and all their other problems, I am not going to inactivate my account; I’m going to DELETE it once and for all!  So are my friends that were cloned.  With the dawn of this wonderful MLT CLUB, this entire website, and my e-mail notifications from MLT NEWS, I can continue to fully and safely follow these beautiful artists and their careers.

    (My editor’s note:  Michael Triba will continue to use his own name here or that of MLT2 Michael.  He will resist the temptation to change his name to the VanGogh Twins.)

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/10/2018 at 04:08

    Well…I’m still going to call you OmahaMike just because…That’s the nickname I coined you with ????????????

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/10/2018 at 05:16

    Yes…”QueenPurpleBuzz” works OmahaMike….or :

    ” PredominatelyPurplePoeticPositivityGroovyGal”….????????????✌️????????☮️


  • Jacki Hopper

    25/10/2018 at 05:23

    Whoops…couldn’t fit that all in…let me try ” ONE MORE TIME” before I’m off toZzzzland…..

    “PredominatelyPurplePoeticPositivityGroovyGal” ????????????????????☮️✌️????????????????????❤️

  • Michael Triba

    25/10/2018 at 05:44

    Alrighty then Ms. Hipster Hopper!  I’ll go with either QPB or PPPPGG!

    BTW, did you see that CPH joined here?  IMHO she is the Cat’s Meow and the Household Hippo Helper!  One might even say Carol is CPHHHH!

    Can you teach me to put emojis here?  I can’t even do a single one!  Also, how do I mount my 2015 photo of My Sweet Lenore and me?  It took me about 3 months to get it on FB; lol!

    Have a safe trip in New Zzzzland, eh?

  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 11:04

    LOkay everyone, I’m the one who answered for the MonaLisa Twins. There were several reasons for this.

    MLT advised that one of the main reasons they set up this club was the plethora of the same or similar questions they were receiving via email and how time consuming it was becoming for them to address. A club would allow those questions to be consolidated and allow members to share both their knowledge and MLTs work load.

    As my answer advised, it wasn’t a spoiler as the question had already been addressed by MLT via video. My response was saving both the questioner from the need for time consuming research and potentially allow MLT to address more questions with their valuable time.

    I don’t assume any inside knowledge or any special relationship that isn’t enjoyed equally by all other members. I am a new member (less than 3 months), but have quickly come up to speed regarding MLTs history and music catalogue. I certainly would not feel offended if other members were able to address any question I put to MLT, as is already done, as I prefer their talents to be concentrated on their creative pursuits.

    I accept that we are fortunate they share so much of their family and their lives with us and I acknowledge that they already offer us significant product for free via their many YouTube videos. As a consequence I am not precious about whether I receive a personal response or not from Mona and Lisa.

    I agree with Michaela about all of us checking our egos in at the cloakroom and will be guided by her and the Twins as to where and when my contributions may be intrusive.

    Anyway, enough of that, I’ve just received some great new MLT music to appreciate from the last two CDs. Love all of them of course, but think ‘Glass Onion’ and ‘You Really Got Me’ are rippers!

  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 11:46

    Further to my previous post, I’d like to add that I see there is merit in Tim’s suggestion that perhaps we address such questions to ‘Ask the MonaLisa Twins’ in the ‘General Discussion’ thread until Michaela has had more time to consider the issue.

    I apologise to anyone who was offended by my answering a question before MLT.  I certainly wasn’t trying to be a smart arse and spoil the party for anyone and will be far more circumspect in future.

    This is an awesome Club MLT have created for us and far be it for me to intentionally create a negative impact. As I see their fan base growing this is going to have positive and negative impacts for everyone. Negative for us as the closeness we now enjoy won’t be possible and positive in that I foresee MLT experiencing their Beatlemania moment when MonaLisa Twinsmania arrives and they take over the world!

    Finally, can I just add that this club has the best members ever!

  • Timothy Connelly

    25/10/2018 at 12:02

    Howard- I was in no way criticizing or singling you out. Many of us- myself included- have responded to posts prior to a response by the Twins. I was asking if it was a problem and my interpretation is that maybe because they won’t always be able to get back to the questions in a timely fashion- despite their best efforts- they like the lively discussions that ensue!

    I haven’t noticed a single poster who acted in a way that was detrimental to the board and that’s especially true of you. Don’t change a single thing about the way you’re posting and don’t post any less! You are one of the main reasons why I check in so regularly- to hear what you have to say and to learn from your point of view and your very obvious kindness and sensitivity!

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/10/2018 at 13:08

    And I wish to add my Applause of POSITIVITY and Kudos for the well stated sentiment  by both Howard andvTim…but in general…WE’RE ALL GROOVYGGOODGREAT here and may the MLTBUZZING EFFECT continue to POSITIVELY PRODUCE to resonate to amplify at its utmost PEAKPOSITIVE BEST….

    The MLTBUZZGROOVIES here ALL ROCK~N~ROLL EQUALLY  ????????✌️☮️????????????????????????????❤️

  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 13:31

    Thank you Tim and Jacki. Your contributions are always appreciated. More power to the awseome MLT family and their awesome fans!

    I think your suggestion Tim, of responding in ‘General Discussion’ is a well considered alternative, and one I’ll be taking on board until further notice from Michaela.

    None of us is perfect, but we can come incredibly close by remaining genuine and focused on the best interests of the club, and supportive of each other as I feel everyone has been. I have nothing but the best interests of MLT at heart as I know you, Jacki and all the other wonderful members here have. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on the latest releases.

    I’m sure we are all mature and sensitive enough to sort out any of our grievances without the lovely Michaela or those two delightful twins being unnecessarily involved.

  • Michael Triba

    25/10/2018 at 14:46

    I just want to add one more quarter farthing’s worth here, folks.  I feel a real jolt of positive energy here, and that is the way it should be in a place hosted by the lovely Wagner family, right?  Perchance we are on our best behavior because we know that Team MLT will read everything we say here, as opposed to other places online?

    My 2.5 years following them seems like a lifetime, but in reality, I still am also a newbie, seeing as how the Twins “official” public career began in 2007 with the Franzensdorf concerts, more or less.  I truly delight to see so many newer and passionate fans here!  “Birds of a feather…”

    With the algebraic progression of new fans being added daily, and themselves promoting the Twins to their family and friends, the MLT Invasion continues to march on, methinks.  I was 12 years old when Beatlemania hit the USA.  For me, my “discovery” of the MonaLisa Twins when I was a wee lad of 65 in April 2016 was way more exciting!  I feel like I have been in a dream on Cloud #9 #9 #9 since then!  If so, please don’t anyone wake me up!  Have a brilliant and groovy day, everyone!!!  MLT2Michael aka OmahaMike

  • Michael Triba

    26/12/2018 at 06:31

    Hi again Tim aka Mr. Connelly,

    With the Wisdom of Solomon, Team MLT aka the Wagner family has come up with the perfect solution, eh?  🙂  I, for one, am very satisfied with their decision!

    I read somewhere that you stay in Carolina!  Are you a  native or a Yankee import to the “Old North State?”  I love Carolina!  My bride and I stayed in Charlotte from 1986 to 1990.  We have many dear friends there still.  In the sharply divided college teams in your state, a few of my spiritual brothers influenced me to root for the Tar Heels while I was there.  It still gives me a smile when they beat Duke in hoops.  I hope you are not a Blue Devil; yikes!  If so, my apologies! 😉

    I moved her back to Nebraska with me a few months after my father passed away.  I was born in Omaha in 1950 and am back to the land of fertile black soil and the breadbasket of the nation.  My roots are deep in the heartland, and my blood runs Husker scarlet.  Nonetheless, I treasure the 4 years we spent together in Charlotte when we were newlyweds of only 5 years.

    We were there for Hurricane Hugo in ’89, the first couple years of the Charlotte Hornets, and when we left they were building the stadium for the Carolina Panthers.

    I’ll need to go to the intro section and see if you wrote an article about yourself there.  Nice to see you again, sir!

    P.S. As our buddy James Taylor sings, many times “I am going to Carolina in my mind!”

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