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  • The wonderful videos…

    Posted by Alan Smith on 27/10/2018 at 08:45

    I have been doing videography work off an on for a few decades and I have to say that I am impressed with not only the quality of the videos but also the creative content. A couple  questions here… Who usually comes up with the ideas for the videos, and what is the process to take that idea and make it something before you step in front of the cameras? I just think the videos have gotten, well, groovier (if that’s a word). It has definitely grown in depth like your own great songs. While watching you perform live is always a treat; your video for “Nothing is in Vain” as an example relays something beyond what you get in a live performance. It is really fine film-making in my humble opinion. I just think it’s brilliant. Also, “Waiting on the Waiter” and “That’s Life”… fantastic work! So, could you lay out some of the great creative process that goes on before the cameras come out? Thanks!

    Steve replied 5 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Robert Blume

    28/10/2018 at 00:19

    That’s a great question Alan. I’ve wondered the same thing myself. My background is in advertising. I’ve been in on a lot of video and film sessions. And I am as impressed as you are with the quality of these videos. I wonder if they storyboard everything? Well, whatever they do, the end product is amazingly creative and looks terrific. I look forward to the response you get on this.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    28/10/2018 at 16:42

    Hi Alan and Robert!
    Great question and thanks for the compliments. How we come up with the initial idea for each video is a little different every time. For some videos we make whole storyboards and have each scene planned out, for others we just shoot plenty of interesting looking footage and decide on the flow and cut while editing. Sometimes it’s a combination of the two 🙂

    We normally stick to simpler ideas for our covers (like filming us in the studio or while performing the song in an otherwise fitting environment), but when it comes to our own compositions we like to think of the video as part of the overall “composition”. When we record a song there is usually some sort of imagery that pops up in our heads that goes with the overall “vibe” of the song. Often we all have slightly different ideas on how exactly a song “looks” to us but the brainstorming part before a video is one of our favourite things.
    We throw around ideas until we come up with a visual concept that we all think captures the music best. We also try not to repeat any past ideas. Then we think about what we need to do in order to realise that vision. Do we need actors, hire or buy new equipment, learn new filming techniques? What outfits, probs, venue are we looking for? Etc.

    Normally plans still change during that “developing” process as we do our research and planning. But then we get to work with filming and editing the videos until we get sick of looking at our own faces. Hopefully by then, we’re left with a finished video 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/10/2018 at 17:45

    Indeed a really good question Alan and Rob, and I too had that question floating in my mind, and now Lisa has  answered it just fabulously and with great detail, seeing  I’m a visual/image person/learner ….Kind of explains too, why I like to write my poems in the way I do, I guess I grasp best when I have a visual idea going inside and that’s how it comes out.   That’s certainly a key fact in why I resonate with MLT videos and music, their imagery speaks poetical to me 😉

  • Alan Smith

    28/10/2018 at 18:14

    Thank you for the thoughtful response. I appreciate that every one if the videos is not only fresh, but it is just a bit more creative. That is what pushed the Beatles in the studio. I heard an interview with Paul that they were always trying to push the envelope and for example if they used an “odd” instrument that it would never show up in another song. The piccolo trumpet that was in Penny Lane for example. The next thing was always something a little different.

    Of course, the answer created some follow-up questions… “Orange” you glad? (It’s amazing how you can hear everyone groan at a bad pun all at once on the internet) Is there one of you that is more likely to come up with the ideas, or is it truly a group effort? On the technical side, it sounds like you do it all yourselves; did you have someone who does the editing with you or did you just pick it up and learn as you go? Regardless, the results are inspiring! Stay Groovy! Grace, Peace, & Love!

  • Steve

    28/10/2018 at 19:47

    This is such a labor of love and what’s impressive about it is you guys do it all.  Sure maybe you get some actors to help out but all the planning, pre-production, production, and post-production work must be staggering when you consider that other acts that have videos mostly do the before the camera stuff. I am so impressed by what you guys put out.  It must take an enormous amount of energy.

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