MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Howard 1, Tim 0- MLT Management

  • Howard 1, Tim 0- MLT Management

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 02/11/2018 at 02:50

    There’s been a running debate between Howard and myself  over whether the Twins could possibly benefit from a record contract and outside management. I wasn’t advocating that they take the first contract they were offered or that they sign a bad deal- I was just pointing out that this was the traditional route and there were a number of potential benefits.

    Well, I’m just coming back to the board after seeing a YouTube interview I had never seen. Mona and Lisa address this very question and side 100% with Howard. They talk about it being their choice to be independent and they speak to the distinct advantages of working with family and people who “have their back” all the time.

    They talk about the industry being in transition and are completely satisfied with their management style and their “more direct” relationship with their fans. This interview took place before the release of Orange- by their decision to create this club they’ve demonstrated an even greater commitment to the ideas expressed in the interview.

    That Mona and Lisa believe this is the better route convinces me. Here’s a public acknowledgement that I got this one wrong.

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Max House

    02/11/2018 at 04:40

    Hi Tim Im Max.  I agree with you and Howard about not being obligated to any other outside interest including record labels .  Far be it for me to  understand how any of that works so please bear with me on some of my concerns .  After 10 years of making videos  and putting them on YouTube for free has not been beneficial ….  actually it has but I don’t think monetarily .And I understand it was probably necessary for the exposure.  I love their two original CDs  because  I’m  a  throw back from the 60s and 70s .  And bottom line it’s Great music.  But it seems that the reason for the startup of the MLT club  even from an independent standpoint  it must be expensive to do what they do .  If I’m not mistaken they had given a breakdown roughly as to how much it takes to do an original YouTube video and a cover video .  And God only knows how much more it cost for the simple fact they do everything from changing guitar strings to writing music .  I know I sound like I’m just rambling on but believe me I will support the MLT club as much as I can for as long as I can .  Bottom line Tim…  I would like for them to visit the USA periodically where we can witness their talents live .  And I don’t know how that would be possible .

  • Jung Roe

    02/11/2018 at 04:41

    Hi Tim,

    If you have time, have a look at this discussion about modern record labels and why modern music industry is in the sad state that it is today.

    It makes me appreciate the route MLT have decided to go.

  • Jung Roe

    02/11/2018 at 05:46

    As for increasing exposure in the USA, imagine if the current MLT Jukebox (which has tracks from the new albums streaming by the way) found it’s way on the US airwaves, or XM Radio.  They would get a whole whack of new followers who love great music.  What would it take for MLT to have their own radio streaming station of all their music on XM?  MLT Jukebox 24 X 7 on XM and Internet streaming radio?  Just a bunch of thoughts.

  • Timothy Connelly

    02/11/2018 at 11:06

    MaxHouse- Welcome to the Forum!

    I think you’re making the same mistake I was making. I was thinking that good management and the right record company would give the Twins a kind of exposure they’re not getting now. They would get played on the radio, go on world tours and be interviewed on Jimmy Fallon. I was thinking a record deal could do for them what it did for The Beatles or at the very least, what it did for The Zombies.
    In the interview I saw, Mona said they had chosen not to go that route. Lisa talked about the importance of trust and someone having your back. They felt like the chances were roughly the same as winning the lottery as having the industry get excited about what they were doing with their 60’s style music. To get signed, to get financial backing, to move toward the goal of “making it” in the traditional way would mean a series of compromises they simply aren’t willing to make.
    As to your concern about the finances: they know but we don’t. They know how many CDs they’re selling. They know whether their bottom line is being met. They know if they’re doing well enough financially to keep doing this.
    Most popular musicians lose their popularity after about a 4 year run. The Mamas and the Papas were yesterday’s news after their 4 year run. The Zombies- The Kinks- the same thing, though The Kinks were able to keep resurfacing. . The real successful acts are able to milk 10 years out of their talent.
    The MonaLisa Twins have recorded more than 90 songs and although only about 24 of those are original, they’ve already got a 10 year history with no sign of slowing down.
    They have chosen this path and if it doesn’t make them the kind of money all of us would like to see them make, just remember that multitudes of pop/rock musicians wind up with financial difficulties. From Willie Nelson to Leon Russell- there are countless stories of musicians who wound up with tax miseries and huge debts.
    I have no doubt that when this part of their life ends- they will be able to look back on what they accomplished with pride, satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. And if anybody can land on their feet, it’s those 2 ladies!

  • Timothy Connelly

    02/11/2018 at 11:20


    That was a great YouTube video. I do think it’s important to note that an incredible amount of 60’s music was garbage. Have you ever listened to a Gerry and the Pacemakers album? Herman’s Hermits? Gary Lewis and the Playboys? The Seekers? Peter and Gordon? The British Invasion bands put out a number of very catchy singles but by and large, these were not great bands who made exceptional albums.
    If the MonaLisa Twins have one weakness it’s that they’ve yet to record an original as good as the great songs they cover. With that said, they have made 2 albums that are better than any of the albums by The Kinks, The Zombies, Donovan or Peter and Gordon. They aren’t a singles band as much as they are an album band. Of course, these are just my opinions and they’re no better than anybody else’s.

    With all that said, I agree with about 98% of the video- great find!

  • Jung Roe

    03/11/2018 at 07:54

    What makes MonaLisa Twins unique among modern bands today, is they are more interested in the art of music, creating what they believe to be great music in the tradition and inspiration of Beatles like approach to song writing originality and creativity, over quick commercial and monetary success.  So I think for them, there is nothing worse than a record label trying to influence their artistic independence and freedom, or what their music should sound like.

    Something that really stood out and impressed me is in one of MLT’s early radio interviews on the BBC, where Billy Butler asked the girls jokingly what would happen if Tim (their partial manager at the time) shot down in flames one of their ideas, and Lisa piped up very strongly and firmly that “that would never happen!!!”.  Wow, what conviction!.  Mona and Lisa can not tolerate anyone telling them what they can or can’t do when it comes to their music creativity.  MonaLisa Twins are a Mustang breed of horse, wild and free, never to be tamed.  So I think the choke hold of a major record label influencing what they can or can’t do goes against every grain of their soul.  They are true artists first in every aspect of that word period.

    One unique strength the MLT has is their wonderful dad, Rudolph Wagner, and his incredible music industry insight and musical talent that, along with their step mom Michaela, has been a shining beacon for Mona and Lisa in their musical career.  The MLT is indeed a self sufficient family team, that have the talent and desire to succeed on their own without the help of a major music label.


  • Timothy Connelly

    03/11/2018 at 08:34

    Great insights, Jung! It took me a while to come around on all this but I agree completely.

  • Howard

    03/11/2018 at 13:09

    Nice one Jung. Although MLT are only a fairly recent discovery for me, I did some rapid research, tracking their musical life narrative from their first public concert in Vienna (and earlier via their many YouTube videos). I very quickly came to the conclusion that they weren’t your typical wannabe pop stars and that they had a true passion for sixties style music and wanted to share this passion with everyone. This also led to them recording their own compositions to complement their covers.

    I have never doubted that they had a particular vision in mind from the start and supported by their father and step mother have fortunately been able to follow that vision without wavering. Hopefully, with the financial support of their many fans across the world they will be able to remain true to their creative instincts, free from the excesses and exploitation of the commercial music industry.

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/11/2018 at 18:43

    I believe  Team MLT have chosen the route that they are comfortable in and works for them. I like the fact they are doing  it for themselves rather than under some ol record company whee they have to surrender somewhat of their creative freedom, how they market themselves, etc… I’d rather , if I were in the music  thing, to go my own way as I  would want to maintain full control over all the aspects and yes, trusting is a huge factor , and more reason to go it  on the independent route.  MLT’s music and the path they have chosen to follow is the right one for them. It works for them. Yes, it would also be nice to see more radio stations be open to playing their music but there some radio stations, that follow a certain play style format to which may/may not be open to playing. Perhaps , oldies style stations or independent ones that would have open mind to all music genres.   These are just my thoughts on this and to each their own on their thoughts 😉

  • Jung Roe

    04/11/2018 at 00:41

    Agree with everything you said Jacki.

    As for Radio station airplay, I wonder what it would take for MLT to have their own independent Internet Radio station.  I have no idea what costs are and how one would go about setting up their own internet radio station, but given MLT do everything themselves from the studio recording to their own independent record label, why not this too, if it’s feasible.  Technically I don’t think it would be hard to just stream their Jukebox into the world wide web, but there must be licensing and other things involved to setup an official internet radio station.

  • Claude Biarritz

    04/11/2018 at 01:00

    I won’t ever tell someone how to manage their business, they already have advisors for that.

    Just like Tim and Jung, I wish them the best, success and happiness . I hope as well one day when I played “Club 27” at work, my coworkers will no longer need to ask “Who’s singing?”

  • Robert Blume

    04/11/2018 at 01:46

    Wow. Jung, that video was an eye opener. Now that I know who Dr. Luke and Max Martin are, I can continue to not listen to their music.

    Many things impress me about MLT, especially the approach they’ve take to their careers. I assume artists still sign with labels and have management companies handle their business, promotion and bookings, etc; I only know MLT from watching You Tube and reading the conversations on this blog. But don’t y’all get the impression that after 10+ years they appear to be having a total blast without all that. Consider, they live in a vibrant musical city. They have total freedom in their creative output. They control their own business affairs and own their record label. They enjoy an ideal musical partnership. And their audience is finding them in ever growing numbers. Life is good. The traditional road to success might offer some possible shortcuts, but I doubt it would be as much fun as the road they’ve made for themselves.

  • Max House

    04/11/2018 at 03:29

    Tim ..Jung.. Jacki  it does seem like that that’s the obvious.  Or could it be the obvious may actually be financial .  I listened to a podcast last week the girls have done with Robert Rodriguez.  And basically in the hour and 20 minute conversation covered it  covered  10 years of the Mona Lisa twins .  And I’m thinking how cool would that be if Mona and Lisa have a Podcasts On a weekly/month basis.  I don’t know but it seems to me being able to talk to the girls would really be cool .  But hear again guys…. I may be talking out of turn cause I don’t know how difficult something like that can be.  I agree that being self-sufficient gives you 100% control of what  you do.  And sometimes I wonder if it  constricts how much you can do .  I really need help MLT  members  trying to figure out quite simply  how to see MLT start performing again .  And furthermore performing in the USA .  I know I’ve mentioned this in the past it Has to be  A financial strain .  I think I had mentioned earlier the reason for the MLT club  that it wasn’t needed just so they can continue doing what they were doing with YouTube videos …  and they even went so far as to letting us know doing an original song the cost could be a little more .  So please can somebody give me a direction how this plays out for future  directions .

  • Jung Roe

    04/11/2018 at 07:08

    Max.  I know Mona and Lisa are on a temporary self-imposed break from performing at the moment to focus on writing original music and new albums/projects.  In that interview they indicated if they continued just performing at the Cavern and did all the other live venues, they were going down the path of being a tribute band.  I think they wisely came to the decision to focus on getting more original music under their belts as they see that’s where their future is, and when they do return to performing again when the time is right, and come out to the USA as well, they will have a bigger repertoire of their own music to offer their fans.

    The MLT Club is a new platform for their fan’s, who are inclined, to be able to support Mona and Lisa more directly on their journey as they focus on writing new music, videos, and other new projects, and most importantly so MLT can continue to spread their great music and passion with the rest of the world.

    In addition to buying their music, and referring their music to others, supporting them here at the MLT Club right now is the best thing we as fans can do to help them with their current creative efforts/projects and pave their future.  It is also a great platform to share our suggestions and ideas with Mona and Lisa.   I have faith in their great musical talent, and judgement on how they will further their musical careers, and I have no doubt great things will unfold for them.

  • Howard

    04/11/2018 at 07:24

    Hi Max, Robert and Claude.  There has already been much debate on this topic since the Club first opened. You can use the Search option to explore the history. This way we are not just regurgitating or rehashing what has already been discussed.

    As Mona and Lisa originally stated, one of the reasons they set up the club was so that all those same or similar questions they received by email could be addressed more economically in a web site like this. For example, you could try the topic: “Indigo Girls vs. MonaLisa Twins”.

    The Club has already developed quite a considerable database of shared information.

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