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  • MLT Version versus Original

    Posted by Steve on 03/11/2018 at 19:27

    Be prepared to be impressed.  Today I decided to play the MLT Glass Onion version back to back with the Beatles version as well as Hey Bulldog.  In other words, I played MLT’s version immediately followed by the Beatles.  It’s pretty remarkable how spot on MLT is right down to the song length.  Try it sometime.  It’s an interesting exercise.  I might even make a play list for my iPod like this.

    Michael Triba replied 5 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Timothy Connelly

    03/11/2018 at 22:04

    And yet their versions have their own feel- a sense of not simply trying to duplicate the Beatles version note for note. Lennon can have a nastiness (a roughness that rips into the song) to his voice that neither Twin can usually match- but aside from that- The Twins vocals stand up very well with the Beatles. In fact, Mona sings Revolution even better than John does (in my opinion) and I like their vocal harmonies better on If I Fell. If you haven’t noticed, I think these ladies rule!

  • Steve

    03/11/2018 at 22:56

    They’re just staying true to the originals which I like.  I hate when some of these “artists” take a great song and then inject so much garbage into it that you barely recognize the song.  I think the Twins really study the songs they cover to stay true but their own talent and personalities make these songs many times more enjoyable to listen to than the originals.  I have yet to be disappointed with any of their work. In fact on Thursday I had volume 3 in the CD player when I picked up my 6 year old grandson from school and he says “They’re good” and wanted to see the case.  Then yesterday when I picked him up I didn’t have a CD with me and he goes “Where’s the music at?” like he was looking forward to more.  I got my daughter hooked on the Beatles at an early age (she’s a big Lennon fan) and now maybe I can turn my boy into an MLT fan.  Time will tell.

  • Jung Roe

    04/11/2018 at 01:08

    Hi Steve.  I think children, with their honest and innocent perspective on things, have a knack at seeing things as they really are uncovering truths.  And so when your 6 years old grandson hears MLT and says “they’re good”, what better validation is there.  The MonaLisa Twins are indeed great!!!

    • Michael Triba

      04/11/2018 at 03:05

      Very cool and groovy grandson Steve!  What a bright young man!  I look forward to him saying words like awesome, magnificent, terrific, and unparalleled!  Maybe he already does?

  • Howard

    04/11/2018 at 03:55

    Mike, you forgot ‘groovy’ for Jung’s grandson. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has him using it!

    • Michael Triba

      06/11/2018 at 04:27

      Ha ha, no I didn’t Howard; I didn’t even see Jung’s comment.  Trying to be here, there, and everywhere was one of the mistakes I made at IFC.  I constantly lost my way in the numerous rabbit holes there.  I’m not even gonna try to keep track over here or give a shout out to everyone’s grandkid.  Ask Itso or CPH or Jacki; lol!!!

  • Steve

    05/11/2018 at 17:48

    Well today before we left to take him to school he says to me, “Do you have the CD?”  So I grabbed volume 3 and off we went.  And yesterday my wife and I were out an about so I took volume 2 and 3 with me and we got all the way through 2 and half way through 3.  On the way home we stopped at the American Legion for a drink and I said, “So the girls are pretty good, aren’t they?” She agreed.  A few weeks back we went out and I took Orange with us and played it.  I saw her tapping her foot to In It For Love.  She’s not an easy one to convert to my kind of music but I think she’s digging the Twins.  There is a gap between us, she was starting high school when the 60’s ended and I was graduating.  Her family was more into country which I’ve never been, and I was into the San Francisco scene and British Invasion.

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