• Howard

    04/11/2018 at 04:30

    Wow Greg, pardon me for butting in here but I just can’t see Mona and Lisa doing anything else. I know one thing for sure, if they weren’t musicians, songwriters and actors they certainly wouldn’t be the MonaLisa Twins!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    06/11/2018 at 20:17

    Good question, Greg.
    There are tons of things that have interested us over the years that we could potentially see ourselves doing in some other lifetime. The great thing about working and creating “MonaLisa Twins” is that for us this whole project (aka our lives 😉 ) is more of a manifestation of an overall “direction” we have chosen to follow that leaves so many opportunities and things to learn.
    It allows (and demands) us to incorporate many “professions” and interests into this journey. So whether that’s photography, writing, screenplay, design, website programming, painting, social media etc., it all has its much needed place in MLT 🙂
    A different early childhood fantasy about becoming a Zookeeper, horseback rider, vet or basically anything that has to do with animals has to wait for a different lifetime 😉

  • Gregory Alberts

    07/11/2018 at 00:28

    Thank you Lisa for describing so beautifully what you and Mona have done, and will continuing doing, in order to be such wonderful artists.  It would seem that being artists have opened up a unlimited supply of inspiration and inventiveness to describe this world in many ways. Wow.  I’m even more in awe of you  now than I was when  I  first heard your recordings on Youtube weeks ago.         Thank you.

    There’s another lifetime for me out there I’m sure.

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