• Revival & New Songs!

    Posted by Marcio Arroyo on 10/11/2018 at 02:28

    Hello brothers
    We have the same last name:
    From the very beginning, BEATLES attracted us all together, enchanting us with unforgettable songs, always present in our lives.
    Wonderful times!
    We all miss this time and we really didn’t know how to take it back.
    But fortunately there came an alternative with great talent, grace, sympathy and beauty!
    MonaLisa Twins
    A great revival!
    Tks Mona & Lisa
    Let’s spread to all over, not only the BEATLES back, but also the Original and enjoyable MonaLisa Twins songs, much more then groovy.

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Timothy Connelly

    12/11/2018 at 01:23

    Thanks for your words! So very well put.

  • Howard

    12/11/2018 at 03:22

    Yes Marcio, we have a lot to thank the MonaLisa Twins for. Nice to see millennials getting the same enjoyment from the music we did so many years ago and bringing it back in such a passionate way and sharing that passion with all of us in such a refreshingly Fab and Groovy way! I feel 50 years younger!

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