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  • The Mona & Lisa Workout Video

    Posted by Robert Blume on 27/11/2018 at 17:01

    Jung’s food question made me think of another.

    Judging from all the family archival footage you seem very physically active. The sticky toffee pudding seems to have negligible effects on you (I gained two pounds just looking at that photo!!). Maybe you both are blessed with a blast furnace metabolism?

    We have watched you swimming, dancing, bouncing on trampolines, heading up the slopes on a ski lift, falling out of airplanes even. And we’ve even seen Lisa in some kind of muddy obstacle course thing (I’m still wondering what that was).

    With the busy work schedule what do you do these days to stay in shape? Are you runners? Do you hit the local gym? Do you play soccer or some other sport? If we watched an MLT workout video, what would we learn?

    Seattle Bob

    Robert Blume replied 5 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Timothy Connelly

    28/11/2018 at 00:28

    Great question, Robert! I look forward to hearing the response.

  • Howard

    28/11/2018 at 06:48

    Hi Seattle Bob.

    There is a post on this forum where I asked if while they were attending High School in Australia, did they have any time for sport? Mona’s response was: ‘Does carrying a guitar from and to school each day count?’ She also explained what they did on their week-ends. The Topic is: MLT Adelaide Visit Downunder 2009.

    We have also seen them riding horses in the ‘California Dreaming’ video and riding their dirt bikes in another one (if you can call that exercise).

    It will be interesting to hear what their response is to your question. I hope Lisa has managed to keep up her running sessions on those cold Liverpool winter mornings!


  • Rudolf Wagner

    04/12/2018 at 11:06

    Who would have thought that I‘d actually get excited talking about working out one day ;-D

    We didn’t use to be overly sporty people, especially during our teenage years where our physical activity was mainly constrained to “a little bit of running for 3 weeks after New Years Eve” or a week of skiing in Winter. So yes, we were definitely lucky to have had a high metabolism during those years 😉

    However, about 3 years ago when we decided to turn our lifestyle around and take more care of ourselves in that way we started eating a lot healthier and that got us started off doing yoga, then picked up running (a lot!) and eventually weight lifting and more HIIT style training.

    We decided to prioritise our health more which didn’t just have a huge physical but also SUCH a positive mental effect. It bleeds into so many aspects of life and helped me getting stronger, more confident and balanced, more creative, calmer, … Just by practicing self discipline and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable 😉

    I do a bit more strength training compared to Mona (she‘s doing more yoga and flexibility work) so I’ll give you a rough workout routine for me (given things aren’t too busy to carve out the time).

    We normally run about 4 times a week (typically a timed 5k race on Sat, a 10k race on Sun, and two more laid back runs during the week).

    Then I do a mix of weight training, HIIT and sometimes Pilates about 4 times a week as well. I normally split the lifting workouts in different muscle groups. These  session hardly last longer than an hour, normally less, and we always work out at home (with dumbbells, bands, pull up bar, etc.) so there isn’t really much excuse not to do it and I always feel amazing afterwards. No gym fees and travels and more flexible with time are some more pluspoints.

    It is so much fun seeing yourself improve, building muscle and getting faster and stronger.
    I cut my 5k time by nearly ten minutes over the last 2 years 🙂
    All that makes me ridiculously happy. Dad is running and working out too and is now in the best shape of his life.

    I used to not really „get“ people that were active. I saw myself as only the „musician“ who didn’t really care about something seemingly rather „primal“ as working out. I think I was very wrong about that. Our bodies are meant to move, it‘s part of the „design“. Plus it can be really fun 🙂 And all the better if it gets you outside, if it connects you more to your body and maybe to other people that you’re running or working out with.

    Thanks for the question 🙂

  • Howard

    04/12/2018 at 11:56

    Wow Lisa. It’s great to hear you are both looking after yourselves so well and enjoying the benefits. That’s a fairly extensive exercise regime of yours but I don’t think there’s anything you can’t achieve once you’ve set your mind on it.

  • Jung Roe

    04/12/2018 at 15:03

    Wow that is inspiring Lisa.  I got to get out there running more.

  • Robert Blume

    04/12/2018 at 16:52

    Thank you Lisa,

    Now we know why that sticky toffee pudding doesn’t stick to you!

    Seriously, I think we all marvel at how creative and productive the Wagner family is. This enlightened approach to fitness goes a long way to explaining why you have these seismic energy levels.  And the pleasure you take in it is not only impressive, but very inspiring.

    So please excuse me while I grab my jacket and head out for a nice long walk.

    Seattle Bob

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