• Background

    Posted by Rick Ross on 28/11/2018 at 17:43
    • Hello Ladies,
    • In the background of your video welcoming everyone to the club and again, the black and white background (which is backwards) where is this establishment and what’s its name? It sounds like a restaurant in the video, you can hear chatter in the background.
    • Thanks Ladies and hope all your projects are going very well.
    Jacki Hopper replied 5 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    10/12/2018 at 20:09

    I was thinking  the same thing Rick… Geez…are we twins too ????

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    13/12/2018 at 06:21

    This is one of the amazing things of this “mom & pop” operation called MonaLisa Twins. I use the quotes because they are more professional than the Hollywood pros.  That picture, seems to be just a picture that means something to them. They’ve made it black and white for the background and used it as the backdrop for the video. They’re not at the bar/hotel(?) (note there is some music theme art on the walls). It’s just a “green screen” video with the image replaced in editing.

    The thing with this, is that it is very difficult to do as good as the club video is done. Not every Joe Shmoe can do that, even with all the equipment. Lighting the video is very important or the “green” reflection spills onto heads and shoulders, so it takes learning and skill to do it properly. It seems they have not used green but a white/grey background which helps with the reflections but creates anther bunch of issues when keying the color out and replacing the picture. They’ve also tweaked the picture to make it look like the camera lens and added the bar/restaurant sound faintly to create the ambiance.

    I hope I haven’t spilled too many beans, but this is one of the things that amazes me about all the MLT work. It is so detailed, cared, thought through, loved, smart, professional and done by a group that are all very very talented in all aspects of the arts. Someone is an expert in lighting, someone (as Lisa showed us) is and expert graphic artist, and on and on and on.

    All I can say is chapeau, chapeau, chapeau, chapeau. ????

    Tomás ???? ????

  • Rick Ross

    14/12/2018 at 03:49

    The last time I checked this was an Ask Mona and Lisa forum. It certainly would be nice to hear their answer FIRST. I asked the question to them and no one else.  I Do Not know for sure nor Does ANYONE ELSE. That’s why I asked the question. I do not know a lot of technical stuff, but it sure sounds like things in the Background so I’m curious. If someone knows more than others good for them. But Please have respect for those that don’t and give Mona and Lisa a chance to answer their Question First.

    • Michael Triba

      15/12/2018 at 00:20

      No worries buddy; your friends will always have your back here, there, and everywhere.  I know as you know that your four best friends here will certainly do so.

      BTW, I will certainly follow your lead on your new policy towards interlopers and meddlers, wherever and whenever they may be found.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      15/12/2018 at 23:51

      Hi Rick,

      I’m sorry if I didn’t understand the protocol properly for this section. Didn’t mean to speak out of turn.



  • Howard

    14/12/2018 at 14:53

    This may be the ‘Ask the MonaLisa Twins’ section of the Forum but that doesn’t preclude other members from participating. Mona and Lisa will not always have time to address all questions immediately, or may be saving their answer for an alternative forum, as they have stated previously. They also don’t mind other members helping out when they can and will always address any information that may be incorrect or has changed. The objections you raise have already been discussed in Michael’s Topic: Lisa and Mona; are you ready for 26 questions… I can recommend the Topic if you haven’t already read it.

    The following is my reply to Michael’s Topic:

    “I understand where you are coming from Michael and would never endeavour to answer on behalf of anyone else. However, one of the stated intentions for setting up the this club by the MLT family was so that multiple questions on the same subject could be more efficiently addressed.

    I have no problems with other members answering any of my questions that  may have already been answered by MLT either in this Forum, Facebook or via any of their many YouTube videos. Likewise, I will always endeavour to point other members in the right direction for answers, in respect to their questions that may have already been addressed by MLT. Of course we can expect that the Twins will obviously still respond if they feel clarification is necessary or if they wish to express a changed or modified viewpoint, or if they just feel like it!

    I fully understand that like MLT, many club members don’t have the time to engage with this forum as often as they would prefer, unlike time rich members like myself and others.”

    I too am bit of a technological hillbilly and consequently appreciated Tomas very informative reply. Remember too that it is a very busy time of the year for MLT and they are already supplying members with daily contributions via their Advent Calendar.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    15/12/2018 at 21:04

    Hi Rick

    The image is supposed to represent what we feel like our MLT Club would look like in real life. It’s not an actual place and like Thomas explained beautifully, it’s simply a whole lot of video editing magic. Green screen and some tweaking in Adobe After Effects. Then we added a bit of background noise and voilá 🙂

    We’d love to know where the actual photo (which we edited to fit our vision even more) was taken, looks like a cozy place!

    Also about the “who answers questions first” situation. We are working on changing the “Ask MLT” section so that this will no longer be an issue and that only we will be able to answer questions here first. Unfortunately, the forum settings don’t allow us to do that at the moment but we’re on the case. Of course, that’s not because we don’t value everyone’s input but because it would keep this part of the forum a bit neater and easily scannable.

    With us concentrating more on the Advent Calendar lately we didn’t have time to get back to all the comments and forum posts yet but we promise to catch up soon and make some useful changes to this part of the forum.

    • Michael Triba

      15/12/2018 at 21:36

      Hi there Mona!  I also saw this right away in my e-mail inbox, but you were talking to Ricky and I wanted to give him the first opportunity to speak with you.  Loved both your reply and Rick’s reply!

      All of you Wagners are so tactful and gracious.  Your new strategy for the “Ask the MonaLisa Twins” is bloody brilliant.  I know it will greatly benefit me in my “26 Questions” series!  Yes, the response of you, Lisa, Michaela, and Papa Rudi should not be hidden somewhere in the middle of threads, IMHO.

      There were two “camps” or differences of opinion on this subject, and you diffused the tensions with a very real solution.  “Life is much too short for fussing and fighting my friend.”  I know you agree and hopefully that is the way with all your fans and friends.  I really appreciate you and your family, Mona.  Ya’ll are much more than great musicians.  Rick and I and everyone here truly treasure you all in our lives.

  • Rick Ross

    15/12/2018 at 21:21

    Mona thank you so much for your answer and gentle touch on the afore mentioned points. Michaela is right…. You and Lisa certainly do know how to answer questions with the best of them.. Now I understand how the background noises got in the video. (Is that where Lisa had to sit on blankets to get the “fresh air you experience) hahaha.

      I completely love the changes that are forthcoming in the forum. I also know you all are Extremly busy right now. The advent calendar is extraordinary and so much fun. (Sent you all a recipe in Brownies part 2. Great snack.)

    Thanks again Mona

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/12/2018 at 23:58

    Thankyou Mona for your reply here and I’m  as well  looking fwd to what  all exciting new changes that you all have in mind for the MLT Club in the future ????????????❤️☮️????????????

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