MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Those beautiful Mona and Lisa voices and harmonies

  • Howard

    01/12/2018 at 16:02

    Well you’ve done well with those three Jung. I’d also like to make room for ‘If I Fell’, but what to leave out??

  • Jung Roe

    03/12/2018 at 03:47

    Howard, “If I Fell” is a great one too.  On the Radio interviews there are some great harmonies as well like “Help”, and “She’s Leaving Home”.  Mona and Lisa are really masters of harmony as they can sound so good with just their voices in “Little Drummer Boy”.

  • Jung Roe

    05/12/2018 at 06:06

    From Janis Joplins Mercedes Benz to the latest angelic Little Drummer Boy highs, Lisa’s singing depth and range is spectacular, and Mona’s singing range from a raspy John Lennon’s Revolution to breathtaking depths in Steve Harley’s Best Days of our Lives is incredible.  Individually as singers they are both as good as the best of the best in the music world ever.   Karen Carpenter, Whitney Houston, Barbra Streisand, the list goes on for some of the greatest rock/pop female singers each with their own strengths (I bet none of them can do Hey Bull Dog as good as Mona and Lisa).  Mona and Lisa I think would fit right in that company of greats easily based on the broad singing range they are capable of.   While the Beach Boys and Beatles did awesome harmonies, for the Master of Harmony title the star shines brighter with Mona and Lisa in their sheer harmonic beauty in my opinion.   This is why Mona and Lisa  can do the variety of covers they do so spectacularly staying true to the essence of the originals while giving the listener a truly unique refreshing experience with these classic songs.  As a result they have created some magnificent sounds in their originals like The Wide Wide Land, I Don’t Know Birds that Well, Waiting for the Waiter, Club 27, Sweet Lorraine, Count on Me, and Still a Friend of Mine, and the future glitters ever so bright for them with their new creations with this kind of remarkable talent.

    On another thread I argued Lisa belongs in the company of some of the greatest guitarist that ever walked the earth.  I extend that to singing as well along with Mona.

    For the doubters here if there are any at all, just put your head phones on and listen closely to San Francisco, Best Years of our Lives, and most definitely Little Drummer Boy.  Also If I Fell, This Boy, God Only Knows, You’re Going to Lose that Girl, You Really Got Me, White Room, Time of the Season, Morning has Broken, Yesterday…the list goes on.

  • Howard

    05/12/2018 at 06:42

    Nicely put Jung. I’m listening to all those songs right now on headphones. What a treat! But as you know, I’m not a doubter, I’m a believer! Now on that subject, what’s Lisa’s joke with the punch line, ‘then I saw her face’? I haven’t quite been able to make out the rest of the joke due to my hearing issues and their accent with some words. Can someone enlighten me please?

    Maybe I need to put the question to the Topic: Ask The MonaLisa Twins

  • Jung Roe

    05/12/2018 at 07:23

    Hi Howard.  Yes it was on that Q and A video, and I could not quite make out the rest of Lisa’s joke either.  Maybe a good question to ask.  Always love hearing back from them.

  • Howard

    05/12/2018 at 07:27

    Never mind Jung. I just watched the video again and this time (with the assistance of my headphones), I got it. For anyone interested, you can find the joke in Q&A 2, but it’s Mona’s joke, as told by Lisa!

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