• Christmas Is Here!

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 23/12/2018 at 02:23

    Christmas is here
    So full of cheer
    We put up the lights
    And make them shine bright

    Leave it to Lisa
    To pick out a tree
    She insists must be
    Six foot three

    Mona will hang
    The star on the tree
    Dad lends a hand
    ‘Cause he’s tall as can be

    You can’t miss the sight
    When we plug in the lights
    This has to be
    The most beautiful tree

    Another year
    Has come to an end
    We pray for our loved ones
    And those who are gone
    There’s a New Year
    Coming, ‘round the bend

    We’re all inspired
    As we light the fire
    We roast our S’mores
    We could’ve some more!

    Lampibambi is asleep
    Under the tree
    It surely seems
    He’s having a dream

    Michaela will cook
    While I’ll read a book
    And all through the day
    The twins will play

    They play Christmas songs
    And we all sing along
    Fill our home with joy
    And a few toys.

    Between pots and pans
    They remember the fans
    Writing by hand
    They send out their thanks

    Raise a glass
    We’re toasting to you
    If you remember the past
    Don’t be too blue

    Someone dear
    May no longer be here
    Though we shed a tear
    They’ll always be near

    Christmas is here
    So full of cheer
    We put up the lights,
    And make them shine bright

    Another year
    Has come to an end
    We pray for our loved ones
    And those who are gone
    There’s a New Year
    Coming, ‘round the bend.

    Frohe Weinachten
    Joyeux Noel
    Feliz Navidad
    Merry Christmas

    Christmas-Beatles-2018Oh! Who has infiltrated the sacred Beatles tree !?  ????????????

    Peace and love to all!


    Jacki Hopper replied 5 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    23/12/2018 at 04:33

    Wow Tomas… I’m impressed… That’s an awesome poem ✌️????????????… Loved that… Hope you’re going to post more of your poetry… I’ve decided that for 2019…I shall create a MLT poetry blog of all my MLT poems I’ve done online that I can still find… Though most of time I’ve never thought to save them to my phone or tablet????????… Just direct posted them fresh off my brain onto online before I’d forget  .. Don’t always think to save them for keeping elsewhere. Mind you I’ve lost many a poem for lack of nothing to jot them down on while I thought of them on a bus or wherever… Or… Library or my ancient old netbook computer thing acted up and while I was doing up a poem and poof… All was lost… Most annoying that is…. ????????????

  • Howard

    23/12/2018 at 07:17

    Yes. Most impressive Tomás. Didn’t realise you were a poet too. Does this mean Jacki now has some serious competition?

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/12/2018 at 16:51

    Lol@ Howard… I’m glad to see other poets on here… Nah.. If any anything… Only Friendly Competition … Lol… But I’m serious about in 2019 creating an MLT Poetry Blog of what all poems I’ve  remembered to have saved on  that I’ve done .. Didn’t always think to save my poems… Even with my nonMLT ones????????????????… I usually just post at the time the poem Freshly conjures up in my mind as it comes???????????? I welcome reading other MLT fan poetic gifts????????✌️????????☮️

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    28/12/2018 at 06:20

    Thank you Jacki and Howard! I’m glad you like it, and I love seeing loving creations, so I hope you keep posting Jacki!

    Hope you had a great Christmas and looking forward to a great New Year! ✌️

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/12/2018 at 22:01

    Thankyou Thomas… I will… And I do write non-MLT poetry too and indeed enjoy painting… Doodling… Sketching and Drawing????☮️✌️????????

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