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  • Christmas Performances 2001

    Posted by Howard on 11/01/2019 at 10:28

    Hi Mona and Lisa. Thank you for the fabulous Advent Calendar. I hope it becomes a permanent feature in December. I particularly enjoyed your ‘Christmas Performances 2001’ video. For some reason though, I think you look much younger in the first clip where you are performing as snow flakes. Am I completely wrong here or not?

    You don’t seem to get much time for a real holiday as you always seem to be working. Have you ever considered getting away from it all with a two week holiday in January, Downunder in the sunshine?

    Howard replied 5 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    11/01/2019 at 10:29

    Hi Howard!

    We can’t promise for sure but we’d certainly love to do something similar next year! As we’ve said before, we thoroughly enjoyed putting the Christmas calendar together and reading your comments every day, and as long as we find enough things to post – we don’t see why not 🙂

    Both performances from that video (the one in the church and in school) were filmed in December 2001, just eleven days apart. Either the snowflake costumes accentuated our baby faces or we had a growth spurt in between 😉

    Flying to Downunder – as amazing as that would be – is too costly and time consuming but we will make sure to take enough “time off” in the weeks ahead to get at least most of the song writing for the new album done. For now, we just send groovy greetings to Australia!

  • Howard

    11/01/2019 at 15:31

    I wasn’t really serious about the Downunder holiday as I’m aware of the cost and time involved and your limited resources. A holiday in sunny southern Spain would be far more feasible for you, although I guess the snow of Austria must also be an attraction this time of the year. Hopefully some time in the future it may be possible for you to revisit Adelaide.

    From what Lisa has written in another post, Liverpool sounds like a very liveable place, if you avoid the the night spots with the heavy drinkers. I can say exactly the same for my home city of Brisbane, except we don’t have quite the same rich history of Liverpool and your native homeland. I’d love to visit Liverpool one day and would include a visit to Spain and hopefully Vienna too.

    I do think it must be your snowflake outfits that accentuate your baby faces, along with the tiny tot next to you! A very cute clip indeed. I’m looking forward to when you finally get to the video clip in your archives of Lisa’s first open mic performance of ‘Alone’.

    For some reason I thought you had completed the writing for your next album and were getting into the recording stage. It’s going to be a long year for me waiting for its release but I have no doubt it will be well worth it! I hope 2019 is an excellent year for you, Lisa, Michaela and Rudolf.

    Groovy greetings from BrisVegas!

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