MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Q #3 Hi there, Lisa! Have you stayed in contact with Mona over the years?

  • Q #3 Hi there, Lisa! Have you stayed in contact with Mona over the years?

    Posted by Michael Triba on 01/02/2019 at 22:40

    Obviously, I am referring to the lovely and talented Austrian actress who starred in “All About Falling In Love” video on YouTube, and then DVD.  How about your friend from the school bus, Mario?  (That is his name, right?  Sorry, but your twin’s accent was thicker back then, and us old folks need English subtitles sometimes; lol!)  I adore that song and video (my fave of WWT)!

    I have another related part of this question, please.  Many fans here (in another thread) are clamoring for a video of “Sweet Lorraine” to be made.  Here is an idea I have which might be good or might be lame.  How about making a music video of “Sweet Lorraine” which is a sequel to “All About Falling In Love?”  Actress Mona could again star as sweet Lorraine, and Mario as the boy with the “pretty blue eyes.”  I don’t know who could play the “other girl” who made sweet Lorraine “sick with apprehension,” however.  Maybe one of the two anonymous busker girls who lived on the park bench, and who kept mysteriously popping up in the video?  Or maybe not?

    Anyway, if you could please do this, I would consider it to be a huge personal favour.  At the end of the AAFIL video, sweet Lenore asked me; “well, did they finally ever get together?”  I could not guarantee that was the case, and we were both left in suspense.  This sequel would give finality to the potential romance and a happy ending.

    By the way, with a couple minor variations, you were singing my courtship of my bride of 37 years.  That is why this is very, very special to me, and why I asked you to sign our poster for our 35th anniversary the way that you did.  That poster is prominently displayed over my piano.  I again thank you from the bottom of my heart, my sweet friends!

    One final thing.  If you like my idea, will you again film it in the same Austrian town, but this next time, in the springtime?  (Also, in black-and-white again, even though there is a lily-white dress that turns into red?)  I’ll ask Ricky and Jerry and all the other rich Southern boys to finance this project!  ????  Thank you!!!

    (Editor’s note:  Michael’s #4 question to Mona (the twin) on or about 1/18/19, will also involve the MLT WWT DVD.)

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    01/02/2019 at 22:41

    Hi Michael,

    Mona V2 was lovely and great to work with. We’ve not really stayed in touch with her since we moved to the UK but we’re sure we could work together again should we hit her up.
    Same with Mario. He only lives 5 mins from our Austrian home so should we for some reason spend more time back home again, we could do something together again.

    But as it doesn’t look like we’ll be spending longer periods of time in Austria any time soon though, that’s probably not a video idea we would consider doing, even though it would surely make for an entertaining video. Not so sure it would make for a “happy ending” though 😉

    So thank you for the suggestion but it’s not something we could or would want to follow up that way. We’ve got plenty of other videos in the works we want to focus on first as well as concentrate on new original songs.

    • Michael Triba

      01/02/2019 at 23:35

      Thank you so much my youthful friend.

      “Expectation postponed is making the heart sick” is a verse from scripture.  I figured there was no way you were going to ever answer me after such a long “awaiting moderation” time.  You know I am a very enthusiastic and passionate man, and now you know how emotional I can become in the middle of the night.  I have been combing through my heart and brain to try to guess what I asked that may have offended you.  You know that most of my question about the video idea was “tongue-in-cheek” and unrealistic, right?  If we were speaking in person, my tone of voice and sly grin would have been a dead give-away of that.  Sometimes I hate that aspect of social media.

      I saw that you and Mona saw my pre-apology in Facebook a couple weeks ago for anything past, present, or future that would hurt either of you.  Please let that apply now; okay?  I came very close to burning some bridges in the middle of the night.  I actually wrote something that only my new buddy Howard saw, and then before he even replied to me, I deleted it of my own volition.

      Ricky and Itso keep telling me how busy you have been, but I was not buying you were that busy.  I don’t keep tabs on you up to the minute.  That is kinda creepy anyway, IMHO.  I simply don’t have time to do so.

      Lisa, you know that I cherish you and Mona and your parents not just for your wonderful music, but as friends as well.  I don’t think I am that “special when I smile” but like all the guys here, I think that you are.

      Anyway, I do not look for you to reply to this, and I’m certain that Howard and others will.  You said you will not get involved in conversations here, and that is certainly understandable and appreciated by me.

      I don’t wish to make this bigger than it is, but I wish to discuss my future in this groovy MLT CLUB via private e-mail with you and Mona and Michaela.  There is sometimes too much noise and very little privacy here.  I love you and your sister and your parents and most of what you do.  You are still friends of mine, and I hope I am still that to you.

      Thank you for your reply to my question #3, and please tell your cute baby sister I look forward to her reply to her Q #4.

      With love, from me to you, <3 <3 🙂 🙂

      MLT2lovesMLT Michael


  • Howard

    02/02/2019 at 14:45

    Well Mike, you have certainly selected two excellent songs here, and I must say, two of my favourites. However, as for a a sequel video involving ‘Sweet Lorraine’, I must agree with the very wise Lisa – “Not so sure it would make for a ‘happy ending’ though”.

    Personally I think the ‘Mona’ and Mario from the ‘All About Falling In Love’ video deserve a better narrative than poor Lorraine was given!  Just my opinion!

    I must say I just love the lyrics that MLT come up with to enhance the beautiful music they create (or perhaps sometimes it’s the other way around). I’m fine with the ’All About Falling In Love’ narrative being left to our imaginations. I’m pretty certain I know how yours would pan out and it would be a very positive, happy result no doubt.

    However, life doesn’t always pan out that way and to be true to their convictions, artists need to be totally free and honest with their work and emotions and we are very fortunate that MLT have the creative ownership necessary for this.

    • Michael Triba

      03/02/2019 at 05:45

      Howard, I thought I could edit or even delete my own comments here.  I would severely edit my reply to Lisa after she answered my question.  Huh?

      I just edited this one.  Are these comments set in stone after 24 hours?  🙁

    • Michael Triba

      03/02/2019 at 05:51

      I’m confused Howard.  I thought the “wedding bells are ringing” for Sweet Lorraine at the end of the song.  Am I imaging things or am I hard of hearing now?

  • Jung Roe

    06/02/2019 at 04:04

    We’ve got plenty of other videos in the works we want to focus on first as well as concentrate on new original songs.

    That’s awesome Lisa!  🙂

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