• I have a dream

    Posted by Jota Hermógenes on 29/01/2019 at 12:03

    Hello Friends of MLT Club!:

    I have a dream. Yesterday, a good friend of mine called me by video conference from The Cavern while he was listening to Jay Murray live. It was a surprise to me because my dream is to be able to go, someday, to The Cavern to listen to a good concert of MonaLisa-even by videoconferencing, too-. My friend knows my love for the Beatles and knows my love for the music of Mona and Lisa and he knew that I could not be there physically (my kidney transplant disease prevents me) but he wanted me to be in spirit with them in the cavern. Friendship, Faith, magic moves mountains and the love of music-which also give off Mona and Lisa with their songs-make it possible for many to feel better. That’s why a thousand thanks. I have a dream: that everyone who is sick can be cured, that my family is healthy and one day (perhaps) to go listen to Mona and Lisa to The Cavern.
    I ask forgiveness if this is not the place to write what I think but I wanted to tell you that the music of Mona and Lisa is much more than art: it is feeling!.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thank you

    Thomas Randall replied 5 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Stephen Krogh

    29/01/2019 at 17:17

    Yes Jota. Thank you for sharing some of your dreams and best wishes for better health and attaining them. For me, Mona and Lisa certainly are a joyous and heartfelt feeling.  Music is how they convey it. But somehow I think that even if they had chosen another medium -such as writing, theater or even sports, the beauty of their souls would most certainly emerge through their work. I am just so happy they chose music and that I can get to experience them in my life.

  • Jota Hermógenes

    29/01/2019 at 18:34

    Yes, it is true, Stephen: they would have had their own light in any discipline! 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    30/01/2019 at 06:42

    Hi Jota.  Thanks for sharing that.  Mona, Lisa and their music is very special indeed.  I believe  dreams do come true, just never stop dreaming.  All the best.


  • Thomas Randall

    30/01/2019 at 17:32

    Jota, what a great friend to do that for you! I’m currently going through gallbladder issues (surgery set for 2/19 unless I can get in sooner).  Always dream! I’d love to see MLT in person, it would be so much fun and they’re such lovely girls as well of coarse. And their music DOES indeed help me through a few health issues since last July. Hang in there!

  • Jota Hermógenes

    30/01/2019 at 17:50

    Thanks Tommy and we’ll keep in touch. Please tell us what the surgery was like. Yes, it’s a dream to be able to see MLT live, one day, maybe even you and I will agree and see them together. Meanwhile: we have dreams and rock and roll!

  • Jota Hermógenes

    30/01/2019 at 17:53

    Thank you Jung Roe. Yes, we’ll keep dreaming!

  • Jota Hermógenes

    30/01/2019 at 18:20

    Thank you all for your good wishes to me… but let’s talk about them, Mona and Lisa, which are the ones that matter…. I just wanted to share with you what they, MLT, get with their music for me. Music is the best medicine in life.
    Thanks to Mona and Lisa always!

  • Thomas Randall

    18/02/2019 at 19:11


    Had the surgery last Thursday (5 days earlier than planned), I’m told it went well. BUT, they fill your abdomen area with Carbon Dioxide in order to work in there. That gas is supposed to be worked back out before closing you up, I had a lot still in me and it was VERY PAINFUL for about 2 days. Today (Monday) I am a bit sore but doing better. Can’t really do much physically yet but as usual Mona and Lisa’s music and videos are helping me through it all! They came out with that “If I fell” behind the scenes video which was a nice surprise for me to find after the surgery!

    Anyways, back to recovering….

  • Jota Hermógenes

    18/02/2019 at 19:26

    Ohhhhh, dear friend.

    I’m glad to know that the surgery went well and I hope you recover very soon physically. Oh, always with Mona and Lisa’s music company, everything is more enjoyable. A big hug and my best wishes,



  • Thomas Randall

    18/02/2019 at 19:40

    Thank you Jota!

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